Closed Babysitting

D'Artagnan Dupont

Patient- P.I.- Sweetheart
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 12 Inch Unyielding Cedar Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
D'Artagnan always loved watching over the twins. When he could spend time with Vader, well, that just made it better. Tag liked the other mans company. It was nice to have Ava and Vader now, they were good friends to have. He was settled on the floor, coloring with Aurora. He smiled at the girl, handing her each new color she demanded. He laid on his belly, his socked feet crossed in the air above him as he handed the girl a purple crown. She wasn't very good at staying in the lines, but that didn't bother him. He listened to Aurora babble on, assuming she was telling him about her picture. He gave reassuring noises, encouraging her to go on.
Vader had arranged to baby sit the twins with D'Artagnan, he'd spent a good amount of the day working nearby and then was coming to look after them with him. Life had settled somewhat, he was still feeling a bit bad about everything, but things were better than they had been. He missed Goku and everything that he had been with the man, but it was fine, he'd get over it soon enough, the more pressing issue was where Padme had gone, she'd just packed up and vanished one day with no word and he was worried, she was old enough that it could just be that she'd decided to leave, but he couldn't help but worry, He was an older brother after all. He had taken Nico into the other room to change him and wondered back in on socked feet. Certainly this was all aided by D'Artagnan being cute. He couldn't help but love how affectionate he was with the kids and always keen to spend more with him. "Hows Rory doing there?" Vader greeted them both as he placed Nico down, and could spot the boy immediately also grabbing crayons.
Tag looked up as Vader and Nico joined them. He smiled. "Just as bossy as her mother." He replied, handing the girl the blue crayon as she demanded it. "Just as creative too." He chuckled, comfortable. "Is Nico all freshened up?" Tag asked, reaching over and tussling the boys hair.
Vader gave a little fond smile, it was certainly interesting watching these twins grow up, they were so young and adorable, and yet like Tag, Vader could see the elements of their mother that they held, the facial features, expressions and it was both amazing and odd, he knew he never get this, it was unlikely that any child he had would be his biological, so he wouldn't experience this as much, but he didn't mind. "Yes he is," Vader plopped down on the floor next to Tag and handed Nico some paper and the crayons he was reaching for. "Can I ask you something?" Vader asked tentatively, he knew that Tag was a PI and they were friendly, so it made sense to at least ask. "You find people right?"
Tag smiled as Nico and Aurora settled in, coloring together. He looked up as Vader spoke, nodding easily. "Of course you can," he answered easily, giving the man a gentle smile. He could tell by the tone of voice that this would be something a bit more personal. Was it about Ava? He hesitated. "I do." He smiled gently. "Is everything alright?" He asked, slipping his hand automatically just a little bit closer to Vaders. Tag was a loving guy, but he understood not everyone would be open to that.
Vader nodded slightly and then nodded again. his gaze shifted to the hand that was close to his. He cleared his throat a little and felt himself blush lightly. "Yeah...I think...," he said nervously. "Ava's probably mentioned that I have two sisters, Padme and Leia," he was sure that if Tag knew Star Wars he would pick up on the naming convention he and his sister's were given. "It's just Padme, she's kinda just vanished without a word...Like she'd moved out, but she gave up her apartment and has just gone and we've no idea where or why....I just want to make sure she's okay...," he told him nervously, "She's my little sister, I can't....I just need her to not have like vanished because some kidnapped her or something."
Tag nodded at Vader's words. Ava had told him, but he'd also already known. He frowned slightly at Vader's words. "Of course. I'll look into it as soon as we're done today," he promised. "I'll have your answer as soon as possible," he smiled gently. Giving Vader a chance to change the subject, Tag offered a question of his own. "If I may ask a question of my own, why do you and Ava refer to each other by your middle names?" He asked, genuinely curious. Was it an aversion to Vader's first name?
Vader gave a nod, he was quite glad that someone was looking into it. He was relieved knowing that he might have some answers. It would be good and certainly help hjim sleep at night if he knew what was happening with Padme. Or just that she was safe. He had expect a question like it and just gave a weak smile, before thinking of how best to phrase it. "I used to get bullied a lot, before Hogwarts it was because of my name..and I just, hated my name for a very long time, and Ava just noticed and asked if she could call me by another name, so Timmy, and to counter I call her by her middle name," Vader told him with a little shrug. "But, I'm not bothered by my name anymore," Vader assured, not wanting this man to think he'd been bothered by any of the times he had used his name.
Tag smiled softly at the mans words, and couldn't help but chuckle. "She's always been so sweet," He smiled fondly. "Do you prefer Timothy to Vader?" He asked, tilting his head just a bit, his dark hair falling into his eyes. "I know I'm not Ava, but I'd like to think we've grown a bit closer since I arrived." He smiled impishly. "As friends, of course." Tag looked away, blushing. "Ava is probably the truest friend I've had. It would be nice to think I'd managed to find another."
Vader hadn't really considered it before, he didn't necessarily prefer Vader, but it was still that Timmy was only what Ava called him, but perhaps he could too. And certainly as he kept speaking, Vader got that impression too. He was pretty sure he'd turned beat red, " can call me Timmy," he told him. "Do yiu have any nicknames or preferred name?" he asked without meeting the man's gaze, just glancing away and at the ground where the two kids were. He wasn't very good at this, ad it felt a little odd because he was maybe crushing on him but absolutely didn't want to think about it.
Tag rubbed the back of his neck, staring at the twins a little harder than necessary. His voice low, he spoke again. "Maybe- er, maybe not Timmy. That feels like Ava's. I... would like... our... relationship?" He spoke slowly, carefully choosing his words. "To be... separate. Maybe... what about Vay instead? Ava usually calls me Tag... but erm... maybe just for you Dart would be alright?" He offered softly. He could feel his cheeks burning. This all felt oddly personal, in a different way than Ava usually was. He cleared his throat, shaking his head. "Only if you wanted, of course, nothing has to change..." He offered gently, not wanting to push Vader into anything he wasn't comfortable with.
Vader wasn't sure if he'd perhaps ruined it with the question. He glanced back down at the children, glad for the distraction they were able to provide. He knew that only Ava called him Timmy, but they had also somewhat fallen away as they'd grown up, but he knew too, that it was something for them. So, the solution, being called Vay and to call him Dart. He nodded slightly, still not looking at him. "No, that would be fine, I like Vay, and Dart is good for you too," He didn't glance at him, only continuing to look towards the children. He let out a little breath and then glanced at him. "Good to meet you Dart," he said smiling slightly, making a light joke at it.
D'Artagnan thought his heart might beat out of his chest as he waited for Vaders reaction. He smiled gently as the man finally glanced at him again, and automatically Tag offered out his hand. "My pleasure, Vay," he countered, the name sounding oddly nice on his tongue. He blushed lightly and looked back to the kids, offering out the green crayon Aurora was demanding.
Vader gave a little smile as Dart offered out his hand and shook it lightly, giving a little smile and almost a little laugh. It was silly but it felt good too. Like something really good. He knew he'd not sleep well tonight, but at least it would be because he was just hinking all this over. "I can go get started on some food..," he said, feeling a little like he needed a little space. "What would you want to eat?" Vader was fully aware this wasn't his house but he had to offer and it would give him something more to do.
Tag smiled, liking the way the nickname fell from the mans lips. He nodded as Vader offered to cook. He was almost sure the other man was just trying to get some space, but that was alright. Tag wasn't going to push. "Pasta is always good, if you truly don't mind," he offered. He always enjoyed having dinner here- it was a lot nicer than eating by himself.
Vader nodded, "I can cook pasta easy," he replied with a little smile, pasta was not a difficult thing for him to cook. Vader walked into the kitchen and began grabbing the bits and pieces he would need to make some pasta with a basic tomato sauce. He cooked for himself and Ava a lot, he knew his wayaround a simple meal. He used his magic to clean up after himself, creating more of a mess than he intended to. But eventually things were bubbling away with a charm to keep it warm and not still cooking. He stood in the doorway, look back in at Dart and the twins. "It'll be ready in like 10 minutes,"
Dart let Vader leave, instead letting the twins color. Soon enough they'd left the paper, and had taken over decorating his arms with marker. He held still, letting them color him and babble to each other. He kept them from drawing on each other, looking up to smile at Vader as he walked in again. "Thanks Vay," He replied with a smile, before Aurora climbed his arm to start drawing on his cheek. He held still for her, tilting his head. "Careful, Ro, watch out for my eyes," He cooed to her gently.
Vader smiled softly at the way Aurora was acting. He thought it was sweet that Dart was good with the kids, there was no real reason to be, sure he had wanted to rekindle the friendship with Ava but he hadn't needed to be involved with the kids. It was sweet. "She just really likes you," Vader said with a smile. He put the food on the table, with the little bit for the kids and then went over and picked Nico off the ground, who did also start trying to draw on Vader. "Let's get us and them fed and then I can take them home to sleep,"
D'Artagnan chuckled, carefully getting up and gathering Aurora up in his arms. "Come on, you," he murmured, blowing a raspberry on her cheek. She giggled, smacking him happily. He followed Vader into the kitchen, setting her down in her high chair. "Aw, she's just like her mother," He offered, kissing her temple and ruffling her hair. He moved to the fridge, getting everyone drinks before walking back. "I can help you get them home and tucked in," He offered. "Another set of hands always helps,"
Vader placed Nico in the high chair and then glanced towards Aurora and Dart. He smiled softly at the pair and then as he sat down at the table in nodded. "Oh sure, if you won't mind," he was easily able to do it himself but he would happily accept the help that was given to him. If some was given to him. "Thanks for all your and in general," Vader told him with a little smile. He knew that Dart would find information about his sister, would be able to help out here too. He was seemingly the best sort of guy to have in your corner.
Dart settled into his seat, smiling over at Vader. "Of course, it's no trouble," He insisted gently. "It's been my pleasure," He sipped his drink before taking a bite. "Mm, this is great, thank you," He smiled, taking another bite. He looked to the twins a moment. "To be honest... I was afraid when I came here that Ava wouldn't let me back into her life." He sighed, looking down at his plate. "I didn't have anyone- anything left, this- helping with the twins, well- it's nice to have a little bit of purpose again," He admitted gently.
Vader gave a nervous smile, keeping his eyes on the children and not meeting Dart's. He didn't think it would've been any question for Ava to not let her into his life. Ava was a forgiving person, very forgiving. So, of course she'd welcome him back. "I'm glad," he replied simply, whether it was to him being back or helping out or being given a purpose. He didn't want to pry into this man's life, and so just left it there. He was glad to have him around, knew that Ava was too, and was content to just eat this meal and say nothing more of it.
Dart smiled, but let it drop. The silence was peaceful, nice in a way, broken occasionally by the cooing and babbling of the children. The food was good, as was the company. He finished his meal and moved the dishes to the sink, stepping over to clean up Nico who had finished his meal as well.

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