Closed Big Brothers

Zerrin Fergusson

Soft- Quiet- Dorm Mom
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Straight 10 1/2 Inch Whippy Oak Wand with Demiguise Hair Core
15 (2/24/2046)
It was a small break, sure. And his parents were sitting on a bench nearby, chatting and having coffee. But he and Fraser had the girls, and they were busy playing with them. "Such a pretty girl," He cooed, helping Holly to stand in his lap. She had her little hands wrapped around his fingers, bouncing and cooing excitedly. He chuckled, looking to Fraser and Floraidh. "Having fun?" He asked, unable to quit smiling.
Having two little sisters was pretty cool. He had always been the little brother, and then had been Floraidh, and now there was little Holly too. He loved his sisters, they were such funny girls. Holly was a bit too young to be that interesting, but he was playing with Floraidh, who at a year old, was moving around, and babbling. He was playing with her and looked up at Zerrin. "Yeah, Floraidh's telling me all about how she loves quidditch," Fraser joked, and little Floraidh babbled and giggled in response.
Zerrin laughed lightly. "Just like her big brother and her daddy," He winked playfully. "They're getting so big, aren't they?" He cooed, pressing a kiss to Hollys cheek. She was babbling, though not as often or as loud as her older sister, she was mostly just bouncing and clutching tightly at his fingers. He glanced over to where their parents were sat. "Do you think we'll get more siblings?" He asked, looking back to his brother.

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