books away.

Hugo Stark-West

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Mixed Blood
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Too Young to Care
11 (12/2046)
Hugo loved the library. his sister would call him a geek for it but he had always found peace among books. maybe it was when he was little and he went to work with his mum spending days In the bookshop playing with a train set or as he got older reading books, a variety from the second hand book shelf. Or maybe when things got hard at home he often found his escape in a novel. in worlds where people had happy families, or where the drama was the end of the world which put his parents arguing in some kind of perspective. but even now at school he always found peace between the bookshelves. he had got to the library and picked up the second book from the series he had started for his book club his intention was to borrow it and then study. but unfortunately he picked it up and started to read, just a page to see how it was. as what often happened in books a page turned into a chapter which turned into two then three as the sunlight moved thought the library.
Hugo didn’t notice until he was finished. So much for a morning studying. He looked at his watch. So much for lunch and an afternoon. He headed towards one of the aisles to put the book on the shelf stopping at the cart. He was just about to put the book down when he realised that he did t really have much time to do any study before dinner so he may as well put those away too wrong as they were all from the same section. He took the cart with him as he went pausing every now and then to slip one of the books onto a shelf.
Stefan was distracting himself, letting himself get very caught up in the work he was completing for the library. The reshelving of various books, the preparation of the new books which had come in, the changing out of old, out of date versions. he was trying to ignore that his young daughters were going to be graduating. Stefan had noticed at least one who was in the library all day, and as Stefan went to go find him, to encourage him to take a break and get dinner, he realised the boy was tidying up. "You don't need to do that," Stefan said to the boy with a soft tone. "That's my job," he didn't want to scold him, just encourage him feel like he had to help out.
Hugo looked up as he heard the librarian talking to him. he didnt know the librarian well. he had been helpful when he had a problem finding a book but the hadnt really spoken much especially given how much time he spent in the library. he could feel his face heating up slightly as he was caught with a book in his hands. "1001 fungi and fun facts about them" "It's okay Proff- Sir" he said realising half way through the word that the librarian probably shouldn't be dressed as professor. "my mum owns a bookshop I often put books away when I'm on holidays. I will get them in the right places." he said. "I was just killing a bit of time before dinner. it isn't worth starting on my homework" he said.

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