Breakfast In PJ's

Andy thought fast and then realised she didn't have to, she used to be able to predict silly things like this before as if she were physchic. She had been made fun of and bullied in her last school but here she fitted right in. Here she was normal.

She tapped her head and winked her eye, "magic remember" she smiled patting the seat beside her and putting a few sausages on to her plate.
Amy just smiled at Andy and pulled a bowl of plain old cereal towards her. She glanced around the deserted hall, "Nice being the first down isn't it?! Although Im probably going to need an early lunch!" Amy said with a small laugh as she munched away on her cereal.
"I like your thinking!" Amy said happily, finishing her cereal. "Shall we do something together today?" Amy asked Andy. "No worries if you have plans or anything" Amy added hastily.
"A double 'A' day it is then" Amy said happily to Andy. She paused in thought for a moment, "Hmmm what to do, anything you don't want to do?!" she asked Andy with a grin.
Andromeda considered saying flying but knew Amy would wonder at it straight away so scratched her head as if in deep thought then smiled and said,
"well going to the forbidden forest is off the agenda".
"I would have to say I agree with you there!" Amy said with a smile. "How about flying? You could help me with my landing, which is, well rather rough at the moment!" Amy said laughing at the memories of consistently falling off when attempting to land.
Andy swallowed hard but didn't answer straight away, she figured showing Amy how to do a landing would be ok. She wouldn't have to actually get up on her broom to show her, she could talk her through it.

She turned and smiled, "sure, no problem".
Amy thought she saw Andy hesitate slightly before answering her question. However it was gone as soon as it had appeared and Amy shook her head slightly. "Oh good!! I really need to get the hang of it" she said with a slight frown on her face, twirlilng her spoon round her bowl.
"Amy you catch on real quick to everything. This will be no different I promise, ok" she smiled.
"Do you want to head now?"

She figured she might as well get it over and done with and her friend really did need her help.
Amy dropped her spoon as Andy suggested going now, a nice early morning ride, they were still the only ones in the Hall. "Ready when you are!" she said with a smile.
Andromeda stood up and smiled, race you to the commonroom to get the brooms then.

Andy stopped and grinned, "scrap that we'll walk".

[[we can go straight to the lawn like we're walking down to the pitch. will start a thread there just for the two of us.ok]]
"Yeah just walk!" she said With that she jumped up and followed Andy out of the Great Hall.

((Okay I shall await the thread))

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