Closed Cutting Corners

Professor Angel Castillo

Herbology 5-7 | American | Handsome Devil
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
5/2013 (47)
Angel had been hesitant at first to take on an assistant, he hadn't really seen the point, but over the years he'd become very grateful to have Elizabella around. She was eager to help and Angel had been relieved to pass on odd jobs and chores in exchange for offering extra herbology insight which the Hufflepuff was equally eager to take on. In fact, Elizabella had been his assistant for years now without any issue. Until now.

Elizabella missing classes, his classes, was particularly concerning, and when Josephine hadn't heard anything about her being in the Hospital Wing Angel had to sigh and admit he probably needed to look into it. Perhaps it was something he should have spoken to Landon about but he was hopeful it was a one off thing that he could resolve quickly without anyone else getting involved, he'd certainly skipped enough classes when he was her age at least.

"Elizabella, hey, there you are, come, sit down, let's chat," Angel said as Elizabella arrived in his office, motioning her to sit down.
Elizabella was inside deep down and lost a little. She was realy sad and not good looking to but she came professor and she was worried that she will be fired from greenhouse and mayby that was good think? Becouse she was missed up all things this week. Her eyes was crying and not sure why she was depresion. But relontiships with boys was not working out and she was fallen deep down cave and she needed her mom. Elizabella take her seat with cry eyes. "Hello, professor!" She smiled a little bit and try was strong.
Angel had been steeling himself for an uncomfortable conversation but it still caught him off guard when Elizabella already seemed to be crying despite her attempts to smile as she entered the office. “Oh uh. Is everything alright?” He said, trying to regain the thread of what he’d wanted to say. “I mean, I’ve noticed you weren’t in class the other day and it’s not the best look when my own assistant isn’t showing up,” he said, glancing around his desk for a tissue box. “Are you sick maybe?” He asked hopefully.
"I not sure, profesor! It's seems i have a depresion and problems in my personal life. I not sure, if tell you is right about love problems" She take deep breath and take of some tears and try be calm. "I am realy sorry progessor about leason it won't happen again. I don't wanna lost assistant and i will go next time leasone. I promise, professor" She promised herself that she will be going and he was right it was not a good idea about not comming leasons.
Angel was so used to dealing with Slytherin students that Elizabella’s honest answer caught him off guard for a moment. He’d been half hoping she'd just say she had the flu and apologize so they could move on but it seemed it was going to be more complicated than that. “Oh. Well that’s okay, we all have our bad days,” he said awkwardly, summon a tissue box and offering it to Elizabella as she tried to calm down, giving her a small smile. “Just speak up next time if you’re having trouble, the school and us professors are here to help,” he tried to assure her. “Do you have someone to uh. Talk to about your problems?"

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