Closed Falling Faster but I Still Haven't Looked Down

Harper Alston

off we go, into the wild blue yonder
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Straight 12.5'' Flexible Larch Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
Though the break had been lovely, it had made Harper quite aware of the fact that her athletic skills — her gymnastic skills to be specific — could use some work. They had been rusty at best when she had stopped by her old gym, which she supposed made sense since it had been hard to practice last semester without proper equipment. Her coach had tutted at her poor form, but Harper was more concerned about losing the ability to do all the twisting and tumbling she'd spent years learning. Even though she likely wouldn't compete again, she still wanted to be able to propel herself through the air using her own strength.

That was why she'd taken to the Great Lawn to practice a couple of her tumbling passes. The only problem was that she hadn't thoroughly checked her patch of grass for potential hazards, and an uneven bit had thrown her off-balance, sending her crashing down. Now she had a decently-sized bruise on her right knee and a smaller one on her forearm. They weren't serious, definitely nothing to bother the Hospital Wing with, but she figured getting a bit of ice on her knee wouldn't hurt. At the very least, it'd numb the ache and she could get back to practicing again sooner. So Harper had headed to the Kitchens, thinking it was the most likely place in the castle to have ice. Besides, it was cooler down in the lower levels. Normally she avoided the basement and its dark corridors, but on a sweltering summer day in a castle without air conditioning, she could tolerate a few hours without sunlight.

Harper had never actually been to the Kitchens before, so she wasn't completely sure where to start looking. She wasn't even sure if Hogwarts had any ice. After all, freezers required electricity. Maybe they had a magical device to keep food cold? Or maybe there was an icebox somewhere? What did iceboxes even look like? She started opening cabinets at random, finding nothing but cookware and bags of flour. Harper moved down the row of cabinets to continue her search.

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