Open Far Too Many People

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Yuelia Rossingol

Sixth Year | Duelling Champion
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Straight 14.5" Sturdy Walnut Wand with Boomslang Venom Core
16 (31/05/2045)
Yuelia was stressed. She liked the idea of Halloween - all the decorations were fascinating and rather delightfully horrifying. But as usual, she found that Hogwarts was filled with so many people. She wasn't at all used to it, even after a couple of months. Yuelia felt dizzy, wondering if Emrys was around so she'd have someone she could rely on. She was furious with herself for being so overwhelmed, but she supposed it fit her costume. History of Magic was proving more interesting than she thought, even if essay writing was painful. So she'd dressed as a puritan child, accused of witchcraft. Perhaps it was only amusing to her. She clasped her hands together in a solemn prayer, trying to relax a bit and find something to do.
Ethan was pleasantly surprised when he found out that Hogwarts was going to be having a Halloween feast. He hadn't been sure if Halloween was actually a think when you could do magic. He didn't think to bring a costume and didn't really have the creativity or supplies to make one but putting a sheet over your head was easy enough and hoped he wouldn't get in trouble for cutting a couple holes so he could see. Even with the holes he couldn't see very well and he found himself running right into someone. "Ow, sorry about that." he said but was sure his voice was muffled by the fabric. He recognized her from his year and tried to get a good look at her costume but couldn't figure it out. "What are you supposed to be?" Ethan asked as he tried to reposition his costume so he could see a bit better.
Yuelia had been spacing out a bit, but was brought back to earth by someone bumping in to her. She didn't know too many people yet, nor could she really see who it was given their costume. "Oh, a ghost! How fun," she said, cheerfully trying to disguise her nervousness. She was a grown up, after all. Off at boarding school by herself. It would not do to be nervous in a crowd. "I'm a witch. Or maybe just cursed by one. I hope there are no stakes here." She gave a polite curtsey, wondering if her costume was a bad choice. She'd never actually dressed up for Halloween before. Or been to a party. "Are you...having fun?" She asked, not quite sure what she was meant to say but trying her best to be friendly.
"Thank!" Ethan said, pleased that someone liked his costume. Finally he got his eye holes lined up as best he could and looked at her costume again. She did look like something right out of the Salem witch trial which was pretty impressive in comparison to his get up. "Oh cool. Looks....authentic." he said finally and considered her question. He hadn't really been to anything quite like this and hadn't done much but run into her. But he had been eyeing the snack table eagerly. "Yeah, so far it's been pretty fun. I just didn't consider how hard it would probably be to try and eat snacks with this thing on." he answered and flapped his arms covered in sheets for added effect.
Yuelia looked thoughtful for a moment, pleased she at least had something to consider to take her mind off things. She looked the ghost over, wondering exactly how he'd manage to eat through that. "Maybe you could cut a hole for your mouth?" She offered, considering. "Or perhaps you can just push it up over your arms to take food and eat under the sheet." She thought about having snacks under the blankets at home, mostly to show off that she could do the Lumos spell once she had her wand.
Ethan continued to play with the fabric but mostly for fun at this point. He considered her suggestion to cut a hole for a mouth but shook his head. "That could work but I don't think the costume would look right." he said. "But I'm pretty sure just eating under the poop " he added. He was grateful for any suggestions at this point. "Let's go try it out." he said and started to walk towards the snack table. Thankfully he managed to avoid another collision but struggled to grab one of the candies on the table.
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