Closed Full of Surprises

Cassielle Bonetti

Confident- Black Belt- Settling Down- Mama Bear
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Seven inch sturdy Acacia with Essence of Belladonna core
11/4/2014 (47)
Since the meeting with Charlie had gone so well, Cassi had to admit that things were looking up. She was hoping that maybe they could actually be a family at some point, but she was loathe to admit that thought out loud. She knew she and Celestyn had danced around the subject, and she had been afraid to bring it back up again. Deciding that she wanted to try and do more to understand Charlie and Celestyn, Cassi had picked up a translation dictionary for English to Finnish and was trying to learn. She also had a dummys guide to Finnish history that she'd been leafing through. She had a new notebook she was scribbling notes in. She had her chin resting in her hand, trying to pronounce the Finnish words badly.
Celestyn was pleased with how well it had gone between Cassi and Charlie. He knew that it would go well, but it had just been so positive and things were going so well that he felt rather pleased for himself. For all of them. He knew that it wouldn't be immediately amazing and that they were bound to have some trouble but for now it was all good. He walked into the room where Cassi was, knowing they had plan to go out. He frowned when he spotted her and then let himself smile. He watched her for a moment, "You know I can help you out with that...,"
Cassi nearly jumped out of her skin at the sudden voice, throwing the pencil at the door automatically. She looked to the man with wide eyes, her cheeks burning. She couldn't decide if it was because of how handsome he looked, how embarrassed she was he'd scared her, or how embarrassed she was he'd caught her studying Finnish. "Celestyn, what are you even doing here?" She pouted, clearing her throat and crossing her legs, trying to save some semblance of dignity.
Celestyn gave a soft smile, "well...I was here to pick you up for a date...," he told her, but then motioned to what she'd been doing, "But I can help you with Finnish, it's easier with someone," he thought it was sweet that she was interested in learning it. "But you know you don't need to, Charlie and I are both quite good at English," he knew that slipped into more Finnish around Charlie, would sometimes hold whole conversations in Finnish with him but he was still would cut down on the finnish with Cassi around to make sure she could be involved in the conversations.
Cassi blushed again at his words. "I... thought that was tomorrow," She admitted, pouting a bit. She shifted in her seat, brushing her hair back. "That... would be acceptable," She conceded, summoning her pencil back and setting it in her book. She looked up at him, her brow furrowing. "I know," She stated plainly. "That wasn't why I was learning." She looked away, feeling the blush heating her cheeks again. Was that just going to be normal now? "It... It's part of who you are. Of who you raised him to be. I just... wanted to know you better." She shifted nervously in her seat, not looking at Celestyn.
Celestyn sat down in front of her and smiled, "It's today," he spoke in slow Finnish, making sure to say each word in a manner she would perhaps understand. He did still think it was sweet if a little unnecessary but he appreciated it. "I think Charlie will really like this," Celestyn said. He was glad she was making an effort and knew he would have to do something else in kind. "What sort of progress have you made so far?" Celestyn asked, there was no judgement in his tone, a curiousity to know so he could jump in and help however he could in it.
Cassi had managed to pick up enough Finnish that she knew what he was saying. She pouted, turning her face away. "Obviously," She retorted back in accented Finnish. She smiled softly as he said Charlie would like it. "I hope so," she tucked her hair behind her ear and peeked at him again. "I.... know a little bit," She told him. "A few basic greetings, some common sayings, a few words," She sighed. "I don't know if I'm saying it right. And I was reading a bit more about Finnish cultures and history."

Cassi turned to look back up at Celestyn, almost shyly. "This... is this... okay?" She asked. "I don't want to... you know, push in on what you and Charlie have," She tried to explain. "And... I'd be lying if I said I wasn't kind of... hoping this might impress you a bit, too," She bit her lip and looked at him, a bit uncertainly.
Celestyn smiled fondly as she spoke the finnish word, even with as accented as it was. He nodded along as she explained essentially where she was in her learning of Finnish, which seemed to be quite early on, and he didn't mind at all. He was quick to shake his head, "This is sweet," he told her with a little smile. "It'll be good for Charlie and I'm certainly impressed you've stuck at it, even after seeing how long some of the finnish words can be," he was certainly impressed that she hadn't given up, since he knew if he'd had to learn finnish from scratch he would definitely give up.
Cassi smiled as Celestyn spoke. She chuckled, brushing a hand through her hair. "What can I say? I'm stubborn, and it's important to my boys," She laughed lightly. Deciding to be a bit bold, Cassi leaned forward and kissed Celestyn gently. "I'm sorry I forgot about our date," She apologized gently as she pulled away.
Celestyn gave a little smile, it was certainly sweet of her. He kissed her back and then just smiled back. "It's okay," he told her with a soft smile. "let me still take you out to dinner," he told her, holding out his hand. They would still be able to go get something to eat and spend the time together. He knew he could also perhaps speak to her in Finnish during it.
Cassi smiled, taking his hand easily. With a wave of her hand her things put themselves away. "Just give me a minute to get ready," She winked and brushed past him to her room. She tried to hurry, slipping into the dress she'd bought for the occasion and throwing on a quick bit of makeup. She actually felt pretty, even for such a rushed job, and soon enough she'd walked back out to Celestyn. "So," she smiled at him. "Where are we going?"
Celestyn really wasn't waiting long for Cassi, she left and came back prompty and he smiled at her outfit. "Beautiful as always," Celestyn had had a plan for what they might do, but that plan had changed. "Well...I had made us reservations at the local italian place, but, I think I can do us one better, since I know there's a finnish restaurant down some alley in the centre of town, I think it's probably more nordic fusion, but if you were interested, then we could go there," he suggested. She wanted to know more about the culture and the language and he thought the easier way to do it was through food.
Cassi smiled, slipping a hand in Celestyn's elbow. "Such a sweet-talker," She teased him gently. Her eyes lit up a little as he mentioned a Finnish restaurant. "Oh, that sounds wonderful," She smiled, leaning up and kissing his jaw. She smirked at the perfect kiss print it left. She motioned for him to lead the way. "After you, tesoro," Cassi didn't bother telling him about the mark she'd left, liking the little claim it gave her. She knew this was a date, but they'd never actually specified what they were. Just that they were going out to dinner. With any luck, he might man up and finally ask her out, but Cassi was patient. She could wait.

*Tesoro, Italian for treasure, a term of endearment equivalent to darling
Celestyn leaned into the kiss as she placed it on his cheek and then with a little smile, apparated them out of the apartment and a few streets over from the restaurant. He led her inside and after a brief moment when he wasn’t sure whether to go english or finnish, he went with finnish. He spoke quickly and with a familiarity. But they were sat down and he reached across the table to take Cassi’s hand. ”YOu know I haven’t even technically asked you to be my girlfriend, and i’m already forcing you to enjoy my culture,” he joked lightly with her, he had intend to ask at some point but everything else with Charlie had stopped him from moving too quickly with her.
Cassi let Celestyn lead her, taking a seat at the table. She smirked gently, letting him take her hand. "Oh, I took care of it," she teased, tapping her finger on her jaw where she'd left the kiss print on his face. "And last I checked, I was trying to find your culture first. And we're jumping around a bit. We have a son and careers and we're starting to see each other. At what point have we done any of this in the proper order?" She chuckled.
Celestyn smiled at Cassi and then laughed lightly, realising as his spare hand went to touch the lipstick stain on his cheek that he hadn't known it was there. He gave a little smile, and knew she was right. "Still....I really like you Cassi, and I like you for you and completely outside of our relationship for Charlie," he told her specifying that his interest in her was in her and them, and not just because of their son. "Can I interest you in becoming my girlfriend formally?" he asked.
Cassi laughed lightly, pleased that he didn't try to wipe away the kiss print she'd left. She picked up her wine, her heart fluttering a bit, and pretended to consider his offer. "Oh, I suppose I could be persuaded," She gave him a warm smile, squeezing his hand gently in hers. "You are rather cute."
Celestyn laughed fondly as she considered it and then complimented him. "Why thank you," he responded. He squeezed her hand back. "You are rather beautiful yourself," he countered with a little smile. "Should we tell Charlie, or wait till he's next home?" Celestyn asked, he wouldn't mind, but perhaps they could wait to give themselve the space to decide what this really was. After all, this was outside of their individual and mutual relationships with Charlie.
Cassi smiled, lacing their fingers together, and thought about his question. "Let's wait until he's home," She offered eventually with a slight nod. "Some things should really be face to face, don't you think?" She asked him with a playful wink, before turning to finally look over the menu. "So, you're the expert. What should we have for dinner?" She asked, picking up her wine glass and taking a sip while she perused the food options.
Celestyn nodded in agreement at what Cassi said, it was better to do face to face and gave them a little more time to get comfortable in being together. The man thought that it would probably go fine, there was nothing to indicate to him that Charlie wouldn't be happy with it, but he still worried sometimes. At her looking at the menu, he nodded and began going over some of the options on it, explaining what they were and their closest equvilant dish if there was one. "So I'll be having that," he finished and then pointed to one of the dishes he'd just been talking about.
Cassi listened to Celestyn explaining things, and decided to sign up for a Finnish cooking class when she had the chance. She glanced at the dish he would order and decided to go with something else, figuring if she asked nicely she might be able to get a bite of his. The server came over then and took their order, and once they'd left Cassi took Celestyn's hand again. "So," She started, a playful grin on her face. "Are you just going to leave that kiss mark there all night?"
Celestyn nodded at her choice, "That's a great choice," he complimented and then laughed lightly. "Yeah, why not," he told her with a smile. "It shows I'm yours, and lets everyone feel jealous of my beautiful girlfriend," he told her with a shrug, as if that was plainly obvious. He mostly hadn't had an opportunity to even look at it, so none to get rid of it. "But I can get rid of it, if you'd like?" he asked, pretty sure the answer would be a no.
Cassi smiled, preening a bit. "I am beautiful, aren't I?" She teased him. She pretended to pout a moment as he offered to get rid of it. She looked him over, one brow raised. "Oh, I mean, you could. If you want three more to replace it." She threatened idly. Cassi hadn't dated anyone in years, and now that she was, she was feeling a touch possessive.
Celestyn nodded in agreement, "Very beautiful," he agreed, since in his mind it was very very true, she was one of the most beautiful women he'd ever seen, it was a wonder that he'd ever had a chance in this first place. "I wouldn't mind three more kisses, but since I'm not going to wash it off, I'll just not get them," Celestyn told her with a little smile.
Cassi smirked, shifting so her chair was next to his. She reached up, pulling him down and pressing several more kiss prints over his neck. "Don't challenge me," She teased him, running a hand into his hair. "You know you'll never win," She pulled back, admiring the pattern she'd left on his skin. "It suits you."

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