Gemma Brooke Delaney

Gemma Delaney

Dramatic Fashionista with Energy to Spare
OOC First Name

Table of Contents:
Page 1- The Basics, Appearance, Style
Page 2- Personality, Impressions, Ambitions
Page 3- Family, Home Life
Page 3- Education, Years-1-7, After Hogwarts


Full Name: Gemma Brooke Delaney
Pronunciation: jemə BRUWK De-LAYN-ee
Nicknames: Gem, Gemmie
Name Meaning:
-Gemma: Gemma is a name that is from the Medieval Italian period. It was often used as a nickname meaning gem or precious stone
-Brooke: Brooke is a variant on an English name. It was often given to those who lived near a brook. It is associated with the element of water.
-Delaney: Delaney is a family surname. It is often said to be derived from Norman French word del'aunaie. It is said to mean "from the alder grove".​
Gender: Girl
Sex: Female
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Character's Birthdate: August 21, 2048

Appearance: “Beauty can only fight the truth for so long...”
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Preferred Hand: Right Hand
Facial Type: Diamond
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Blonde
Hair Style: Medium Length, Straight, but often curls it into a wavier appearance.
Height: Shorter than Average
Birthmark/Scars: A few centimeters scar on her knee due to a cheerleading mishap during a practice.
Other Distinguishing Feature: Gemma has a well maintained posture. She almost always sits up and stands straight.
Played By: Genevieve Hannelius


Overall Style: Style is a major aspect of Gemma's image and personality. She strives to be fashionable, even with a limited budget. She enjoys dressing up and would rather be over dressed than under dressed. She often stays away from darker colours, liking the fashion pallet of pinks and purples.
Grooming: Gemma style is well-maintained. She takes a lot of pride in her appearance.
Wardrobe: Gemma loves accessories. She goes to thrift stores and buys plenty of costume jewelry to work with and make her own designs. Gemma loves to create her own clothing but she also likes to fix up older clothing that she finds at a bargain, to help it be more fashionable and in style. She likes to wear a lot of pinks and purples, but she will wear anything that is girlie. She prefers wearing dresses and skirts. She absolutely hates her Slytherin uniform, green is not her colour. But she does 'spice' it up everyday with accessories.
Tattoos/Piercings: Ear Lobe Piercing (Both Ears) and Helix Ear Piercing (Both Ears)

Snippets From Photo Album

Full Photo Album Link


Link to Video

Gemma's Mood Boards for her fashion design or thrift store shopping. She loves to compile outfits from muggle magazines or even sketching her own.
Snippets of Outfits


Link to All Outfits (Occasionally Updated)

Wand: 12 inch Straight, Sturdy Vine Wand with a Core of Unicorn Hair
Wand Description: The wand is of average size in length. Its Vine wood is known for those individuals who dream of something bigger in life. This type of wood is strongly tied to the witch it chooses. The core of unicorn hair is a common wand core. This core is known for healing magic.

Zodiac Sign: Leo
Zodiac Description: The zodiac sign Leo is often associated with individuals who are bold, ambitious, and natural born leaders. Leos will strive to make a name for themselves in this world. They are sometimes known to be very sure of themselves, having a high self-esteem. They are social individuals but will ultimately look out for themselves in the end. They are passionate in all aspects of their lives, especially those parts that benefit them.
Zodiac Strengths: Leadership, Determination, Passion, Bold, Social, Creative
Zodiac Weaknesses: Live for the Limelight, Attention Seeking, Loud, Blunt, Own Harshest Critic.
Zodiac Likes: Being Admired, Arts, Expensive Things, Social Life
Zodiac Dislikes: Being Ignored, Not being treated like a queen/king, Harsh Realities
Element: Fire
Ruling Planet: Sun
Ruling House: Fifth
Spirit Colour: Gold
Lucky Gem: Carnelian
Flowers: Sunflowers and Marigolds
Birth Chart

All Quotes are taken from "School of Good and Evil" by Soman Chainani @2013
All Names and Meanings taken from Behind the Name @2022
Photo Album created using Canva
Character Video Edited by Sam. Clips from "Dog with a Blog," "Cruella," and Behind the Scenes Interviews. Music from Lady Gaga.
Designs created using Shoplook
Wand Information taken from Ollivandar's (HNZ)
Zodiac Information Taken From and Zodiac Sign
Birth Chart Taken From Astro-Charts
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Overall Personality:
Gemma is the oldest of four siblings. She has two brothers and one sister. She grew up in New Zealand with both of her parents. Her mother works as a shopkeeper, owning her own clothing store. Her father works in the Ministry of Magic. Gemma, of course, finds her mother's job a lot more exciting and rarely listens to her dad when he talks about his work. Her family doesn't have a lot of money, but Gemma makes do with what she can. She doesn't let it stop her from doing what she enjoys, just has to find ways to make it work. Gemma is a bit of a drama queen when it comes to getting her way. She often overreacts for no reason, but the reasons always seem valid to her. She enjoys fashion and is really kind of the typical girlie girl. She really loves when people compliment her. It makes her feel like her efforts are not going to waste. These compliments can be about her clothing, which is preferred, or anything really including schoolwork. Gemma often acts a little bit ditsy even if it is often times exaggerated. She enjoys the attention it brings her. Gemma loves her siblings, even if they get on her nerves a lot of the times. She loves animals more than people though especially her family cat who could not come to Hogwarts with her.
Skills/Talents: Sewing, Bargain Shopping, Cheerleading, Dance
Likes: Fashion, Animals, Cheerleading/Dance, Thift Store Shopping, Crafting
Superstitions and Beliefs: Gemma will wear some 'lucky' accessories if she wants to do well on an activity.
Traditions: None. Gemma is not the traditional sort.
Strengths: Creative, Social, Ambitious
Flaws: Attention-Seeking, Selfish, Dramatic
Lures: The Spotlight
Soft Spots: Animals, Family
Cruel Streak: Competition
Tropes: Girlie Girl, Fashionable Cheerleader
Five Words: Dramatic, Energetic, Fashionable, Attention-Seeking

MBTI Personality Type: ENTP (Debater)
MBTI Personality Type Description: Debaters are known for being able to express themselves whether the timing is good or not. They will often create arguments just to do so. They are not afraid to disagree. They are vocal and loud about their opinions, which was the right opinions of course. Debaters are also known for being quick witted and expression with words and in art. They have a creative side and a passionate stride that comes out when they are working on things they enjoy. Debaters are social individuals. They enjoy being in the spotlight. They enjoy big gatherings of friends. However, they will often look out for themselves first and foremost.
MBTI Strengths: Knowledgeable, Original, Quick Thinker, Charismatic
MBTI Weaknesses: Argumentative, Insensitive, Dislike Practical Matters, Easily Bored

Big Five Overview:

-Openness is used to describe the ability to think abstractly and in complex ways. A higher score like Gemma's indicates that she is able to think creatively and in an intellectual way. She does not focus on traditional ways or following the 'normal' path.​
-This shows an individual's ability to show discipline and control. Gemma shows a lower end of the chart indicating that she does not have self discipline when it comes to focusing on long term goals instead of immediate gratification. She is impulsive as well as easily sidetracked.​
-Extraversion is used to describe the need for stimulation and attention from the outside world. Individuals, like Gemma, with the higher rating tend to be extroverts. These individuals strive to get the attention of others. They strive to gain power, status, friendship, and admiration.​
-This describes a person's tendency to put others and their needs before their own. Gemma has an extremely low rating of Agreeableness. She does not put others in front of herself. She focuses on her needs first, no matter the cost at times. Sometimes this can mean that she lacks empathy.​
-Neuroticism is a description of a person's tendency to experience negative emotions. Gemma shows a lower score in this scale. This infers that she is more likely ignore or brush off misfortune and negative emotions. She can move on easily from these emotions.​
Temperament: Sanguine

Temperament Description: Individuals that fall in the Sanguine temperament are often spontaneous and charismatic. They are creative and make friends easily. They do no lack confidence and are shameless in the fact that they believe that they are often right. They can be sarcastic, self-absorbed, and impulsive. Gemma fell in the Sanguine category, however, she equally held a percentage in the Choleric Temperament. Those who are Choleric in temperament are ambitious and drive to success. They are extroverted and have a strong self of worth and confidence. Those with this temperament can be aggressive or impatient with a low empathy towards others.
Enneagram: The Challenger (8)
Enneagram Description: The Challenger or Enneagram 8 are individuals that are known for their desire to take control of themselves and others. They have confidence and assertive personalities. They are passionate about life, but also know how to look after themselves and find their own destiny. Sometimes the Challenger can be confrontational and intimidating. They may have some temper issues.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Eysenck Test:

Very high Extroversion indicates that Gemma is overly talkative, social, and outgoing. This can also lead to interacting too often and not having enough time for themselves and focusing on their own self outside of a group. The Neuroticism results are low which indicate that they are often relaxed and calm. The Psychoticism results indicate a high level. This suggests that Gemma is often overly selfish and difficult. She will often put others in the 'line of fire' showing that her own well-being is more important than other's well-being.

Extroversion (sociability)



Neuroticism (emotionality)



Psychoticism (rebelliousness)


DISC Test:
Overview: The DISC personality test gives insight into how an individual interacts with others in a work/school environment. Gemma falls mostly on the Drive aspect of this test. She is driven by immediate results. She likes to be challenged and likes to challenge others in the process. The Drive individuals are confident, decisive and are known to take charge of the situation.

Favourite Colours: Pink, Purple
Favourite Animals: All Animals, but if she had to choose probably a dog.
Favourite Magical Creatures: Fwooper, Puffskein
Favourite Flavours: Sweet and Salty.
Favourite Foods: Chocolate Covered Pretzels. Anything with Salted Caramel!
Favourite Drinks: Tea with Honey, Chocolate Milk
Favourite Music: Upbeat. She enjoys the music they use for cheer competitions. Something you can dance to.
Favourite Sports: Cheerleading
Favourite Muggle Subjects: Art, Science
Favourite Magical Subjects: Charms, Divination
Favourite Numbers: 7, 12
Favourite Quotations: “If I had cared about anyone or thing, I might have died like so many brilliant women with a drawer full of unseen genius.” -Baroness, Cruella 2021

First Impressions: Gemma is often seen as rather dramatic. She will overreact to things just to get attention. She can be seen as put together but also lacking in some common sense.
Stranger Impressions: Gemma can seem standoffish and also rather mean. She can be intimidating. But also she can be seen as rather ditsy at times by those who don't know her, and don't know it is all an act for attention.
Family Impressions: Her mother views Gemma as a 'mini me' while her father believes she is too concerned with material items. Her siblings all have different views of Gemma. Her closest in age brother and her get along well enough. They are not similar which often keeps them friendly but not close. Her younger sister looks up to her. Her youngest brother are like a roller-coaster. They have similar characteristics which often leads them to bumping heads, almost attempting to out-stubborn each other.
Friend Impressions: Those close to Gemma know that she is willing to stand up for what she believes. She is social and fun loving. She likes to be the leader of any friend group.
Compliments: Gemma likes to be complimented on her fashion sense or her overall being. She loves the attention. Some compliments that people have given her was on her fashion, her grades, or her confidence.
Insults: Gemma can be rather selfish. She does look out for herself above all. She can also be considered superficial, putting way too much effort into her appearance and what others think about her. She strives for compliments.

Expressiveness: Gemma is rather dramatic. She likes to 'play up' her emotions to get attention. She often will not feel as strongly as she shows outwardly. She is not afraid to show how she feels and even exaggerate these feelings.
When Happy: Gemma smiles brightly. She rarely holds back a smile if the situation needs it. She can often be seen smiling and laughing when she is happy, normally around her friend group.
When Sad: Gemma has aflare for being able to cry on the spot. It has been a skill she has used often in her life to get what she wants or make a point to someone. She is a loud crier with fewer tears than would be expected for the given situation.
When Angry: Gemma will outwardly express her anger. However, if the situation calls for it, she will make threats about getting revenge on those who made her so angry. She will openly admit that someone has crossed into her bad side.
When Excited: If Gemma is truly excited, she will jump up and town or spin around a few times. She is a hyper excited individual when the time calls for it. If she is acting overly excited for dramatic purposes, she may even 'cry' happy tears or cheer aloud.
When Anxious: Gemma doesn't seem to get anxious often. She sees no need to, believing that she has no reasons to worry about anything. She feels like they will always work out for her, no matter the situation. If she was anxious, she would probably feel this emotion for a few seconds before realizing that there is no need to be.

Language: English
Accent: New Zealand
Voice: Voice Clip
Handwriting Sample:

Main Goal: Make a name for herself and have a 'following.'
Minor Goals: Start a fashion show at Hogwarts, either discussing it with the Art Club or maybe starting her own club.
Future Goals: To become a well known fashion designer worldwide.
Current Career: Student at Hogwarts New Zealand
Desires: Fame, Wealth, Acknowledgment
Wishlist: Enough money to buy all the fabric she wants or even enough money to be able to buy name brand clothing items right from the store.
Biggest Failure: TBD (With Age)
Greatest Success: TBD (With Age)
Regrets: None as of yet. But maybe some regrets will unfold in the future.
Best Dream: Gemma often dreams that she is one a fashion runway modeling her own designs that she made and famous fashion designers are in the audience clapping for her amazing work and style.
Worst Nightmare: Gemma has a reoccurring nightmare that happens when a big event is coming up where she needs to dress up. She will dream that she entered the event and grabs something to drink when the cup spills over her whole outfit ruining it in front of everyone.
Boggart: TBD (At Hogwarts)

All Quotes are taken from "School of Good and Evil" by Soman Chainani @2013
Personality Tests Taken From Truity, 16 Personalities, Open Psychometrics, and Similar Minds
Voice Clip Taken From Interview. Voice of Thomasin Mckenzie
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Name: Mila Delaney
Maiden Name: Mila Havenson
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Profession: Shop Owner (Clothing Department)
Played By: Amanda Schull


Name: Conway Delaney
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Profession: Ministry Worker
Played By: Timothy Omundson



Name: Bellamy Delaney
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Profession: Student at Hogwarts New Zealand (Y44)
Played By: Liam James


Ever Delaney
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Hogwarts House: TBD
Profession: Student at Hogwarts New Zealand (Y45)
Played By: Taylor Momsen


Name: Kai Delaney
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Hogwarts House: TBD
Profession: Student at Hogwarts New Zealand (Y47)
Played By: Robbie Kay


Name: Hansel
Type: Dog
Breed: Border Collie Mix
More Information: Hansel is the Delaney family dog. He was three years old when Gemma went away for her first year at Hogwarts. Hansel, of course, had to stay at the family home when Gemma went off to school. She absolutely adores Hansel and so do her siblings. Hansal is named after a fairytale character from Hansel and Gretel.

Hometown: Wellington, New Zealand

Gemma lives in a three bedroom two bath house with her family. She shares a room with her younger sister. Her brothers also share a room. Her parents, of course, get the Master Bedroom. It is kind of cramped at times, but Gemma doesn't mind. She is able to set up her half of the room just as she would like it. They even have a divider in place so that Gemma can get her privacy. Of course, she would rather her own bedroom, but it did make moving into a dorm here at Hogwarts easier.
Floor Plans:

Gemma's bedroom is on the second floor of the house. Although, there is an extra room in the house, the Delaney's use this as a guest bedroom. Gemma has always thought that she should have the right to the extra room since Guests don't live there, but her parents disagreed with her claim to the extra room. Now that Gemma is living at Hogwarts in the dorms, she doesn't mind visiting for breaks and staying in her old bedroom with her younger sister as much.
Favourite Places at Home:

Bedroom: Gemma loves her bedroom even if she does have to share it with her younger sister. She had a divider curtain in the middle of the room from the ceiling that gives her own sense of privacy. She keeps her sewing machine on her side of the room and is able to decorate it however she wants. She finds it a good place to unwind and ignore the world or work on clothing designs.

Favourite Places In Hometown:

The Golden Mile: A massive shopping area filled with multiple stores and entertainment. Gemma likes to visit this place to window shop and get ideas for her own designs. It is also a great way to spend the day if she wants to get out of the house.

Te Papa Museum: Gemma enjoys the art exhibits and the social atmosphere of all the crowds. She enjoys wandering around and talking to locals or even visitors. She can often find herself in one of the art exhibits whether it focuses on colours or fashion of the past.

Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Clubs: Conglomerated Arts (Joined Second Year), Hogwarts Monthly (Joined Second Year)
Favourite Places at Hogwarts: Owlery, Slytherin Common Room
Reasoning: Gemma absolutely adores animals. She likes to spend time around them whenever she can. This is kind of like her very infrequent alone time. She loves to watch the owls sleep and interact. She also enjoys the Slytherin Common Room. Not for the decorations of course, but for the social atmosphere it gives. There is almost always someone to talk to.
Least Favourite Places: Herbology Greenhouse, Quidditch Pitch
Reasoning: Gemma hates the Herbology Greenhouse. She doesn't enjoy the planting and gardening, digging in the dirt. She is happy that it is enclosed, but still would never go there if she didn't have to. The Quidditch Pitch is another area that she dislikes. She isn't a fan of flying. It messes up her hair. The Quidditch games are great to be social but she doesn't like the spot at all. She would avoid it if Quidditch wasn't such a social event here at Hogwarts.

Year One:


Yearbook Photo Favourite Uniform Adjustments

Gemma had a relatively tame year. She got used to her classes, finding the ones that she really disliked and the ones that she enjoyed. She met some of the girls in her dorm, but no close friendships have been formed yet. She still hates wearing a uniform every day, but she has managed to 'spice' it up the best that she can. She spent most of her time either in classes or sketching fashion designs in her sketchbook. She did not create any outfits this year and is still finding herself. She did not join any clubs but is considering it next year in order to find her place here at school.

PotionsOHistory of MagicO

Favourite Class: Charms
Reasoning: This was the most useful class this year. Gemma felt like she had done well managing all the charms. She also liked that she didn't have to get a lot of notes, if any.
Least Favourite Class: Potions
Reasoning: Not only was this class extremely boring this year, but when they learned about ingredients, a lot of them were gross. Gemma doesn't even think when they move onto brewing that she will enjoy the class, but only time will tell with that.
Favourite Professor: Professor Mallory Corrins
Reasoning: The class was her favourite. The professor was to the point and did not make them take notes. He gave them interesting lessons with the charms that were being used.
Least Favourite Professor: Professor Gabrielle Moncrieffe
Reasoning: The professor gave them a lot of notes and made rather lame jokes throughout the year. Gemma was not a fan mostly due to this. It probably had a lot more to do with the subject dislike than the professor but Gemma associated the two.

Year Two:


Year Book Photo, Halloween Costume, First "Date" Outfit

Overview: Gemma tried to be more social this year. She joined the Hogwarts Monthly. She even wrote her first fashion article, in her mind inspiring the fashion-missing audience. She did well in all her classes, with her hatred of Herbology and Potions growing by the semester.
Gemma spent time working in the design Department for the Fashion Show. She continued to write her fashion articles for the second semester, hoping to make it a reoccurring thing. She enjoyed designing the outfits and trends more than the writing part though. Gemma also met a friend named Teddy. She developed her first crush, even if the feelings weren't mutual, unbeknownst to her.
TransfigurationOHistory of MagicO

Favourite Class: Astronomy
Reasoning: Gemma doesn't love the subject matter and the long lectures, but she did like learning about the planets. She developed some outfits inspired by the planets, which gave her the idea of using glitter accessories as her second trend of the year.
Least Favourite Class: Herbology
Reasoning: Gemma despises getting dirty and doing manual labor. She had to deal with disgusting plants this year, the mandrakes. She would never forget this semester and dread ever seeing a mandrake again.
Favourite Professor: Professor Mallory Corrins
Reasoning: Gemma finds Professor Corrins to be the most well-dressed professor and actually teaches them practical charms. Gemma doesn't have much more reasoning for liking the professor other than her style and the way she decorates her classroom.
Least Favourite Professor: Professor Charles Abberline
Reasoning: Gemma found that the professor was simply teaching them about Prank Like Jinxes, which seemed mean and useless. She did not enjoy his classes or his encouragement to use such jinxes in the classroom. He didn't even care that the Leg Locker Jinx made Gemma dirty her outfit when she felt to the floor during the class time.

All Quotes are taken from "School of Good and Evil" by Soman Chainani @2013
Uniform Adjustments Created using Shoplook
All House and Floor Plans taken from House Plans
Bedroom Designs Created in Room Planner (App). Photoshop Edits Made by Sam.
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