getting in way too early

Aine Thompson

Most Interesting (Head) Girl In The World
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Curly 13" Rigid Pine Wand, Meteorite Dust Core
18 (21/9/2043)
while i'm making sure my accio posts are ready i'm getting in the mood for upgrades

Name: Aine Thompson
PB: Saoirse Ronan
Text on Banner: we're either going Gang of Youths or Taylor Swift for this one, you're free to choose whether you think "I have this thing where I get older but just never wiser", "it's me, hi, I'm the problem it's me", "I will stand in the darkness and laugh with my heel on it's throat" or "if everything is temporary, I will bear the unbearable terrible triteness of being"
Colour Scheme: muted tones, greys
Image Options: once again I am giving options and being not helpful but option 1 and option 2
Additional Information: i am once again horrendously indecisive but i am really bad with visuals so i'm happy to leave it to people who aren't, you wonderfully talented lovely people! if this is all even more unhelpful than usual please let me know and i'll try and narrow things down but i'll trust you!!

Hi Camilla!!! You picked such a gorgeous photoshoot I couldn't resist :lol: hope you like this :wub:
Ahhh Claire it's beautiful I love it! :wub: it shall be equipped soon for the next IC year :lol: thank you so much!!!
Hehe you're most welcome

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