🌹 Rose Giving Handing Out Happiness

Marnie Frogg

Scrivenshaft's Asst 🐸 Craft Coordinator 🐸 6th Yr
OOC First Name
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Mixed Blood
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8/2045 (16)
Yellow rose for @Adam Maxwell-Kramer

Marnie was beyond excited to hand out roses this year; she'd even tried to knit a rose shaped hat for the occassion though she hadn't finished it in time so now it was more like a big red lump shaped hat but she was wearing it all the same. She decided to start early and easily, stopping by the Ravenclaw table and squinting until she spotted one of her classmates.

"Adam! Hi! Good morning happy Valentine's day someone sent you a rose isn't that cool you get to be my first delivery today have you ever delivered roses I guess not cause you're in my year and they didn't do it the last two years maybe I should join the wild patch club if they get to hand out flowers all the time are you in the Wild Patch Club do you know if that's true?" Marnie said, bouncing on her heels as she tried to figure out which note was meant to go with which rose.
Adam was left a pink rose just about right now and he was still confused. He wasn’t friendly and he doesn’t have that many friends ether. He was left there just sitting with the rose in his hand until he heard Marnie called to him. “Oh, Merlin.” He whispered to himself, he hoped that this was the last one. Adam doesn’t know if he was going to get annoyed or be patient with Marnie as she talks without stopping. “Marnie, calm down. Save you energy for later.” He choose to be patient as Marnie was always kind. “Is there a letter? Can you read it?” Adam didn’t like surprises any more.
Marnie bit her lip, keeping her eyes wide when Adam asked her to calm down, a comment she was more than used to by now, trying to remind herself to take a breath, especially in the mornings. "Oh don't worry about my energy I got tonnes it's usually like after lunch when I get super tired which I think means I need to eat a better breakfast or maybe it's lunch? I dunno, either way though yeah there is a letter though I thought you'd wanna read it first right or I could totally read it to you if you don't mind," Marnie offered, holding out the rose and note to Adam.

IDK if roses are cringe to you but here's one from me.


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