Holden Marshall


Name: Holden Arthur Marshall
Meaning: Holden - Hollow Valley, Arthur - Bear
Birthdate: 6/4/2047
Zodiac: Aries
Strengths: Independent - Generous - Optimistic - Enthusiastic - Courageous
Weaknesses: Moody - Short tempered - Self-involved - Impulsive - Impatient
As an Aries born on April 6th, your ambition, vigor and creativity define you. In all matters of life, you are ambitious and have a deep desire to be the best. Unlike others who claim to want success, you are willing to put in the effort to achieve your goals. Your hard work and determination has earned you many admirers through life, but it is your creativity that has earned you many friends. Your creative, active mind gives you a memorable sense of humor and a charming personality. You would be surprised to know how many friends your creativity has earned you.

Hometown: Te Whanganui-a-Tara Wellington, Aotearoa NZ
Birthplace: Sydney, Australia
Blood Status: Mixed
Wand: Knotted 10 Inch Sturdy Blackthorn Wand with Erumpent Hide Core
Length: A fairly average length for a wand, not at all uncommon or very special.
Style: The knots of this wand's original wood remain clearly visible - earthy, this style of wand is perhaps most traditional and closest to nature.
Wood: A wand best suited for a warrior-type, Blackthorn wands bond most strongly to their owners after going through adversity.
Core: Erumpent hide cores help to create unstable and unreliable wands. It tends to add quite the punch to spells, making them more powerful than they should be at the most inopportune of moments.
Flexibility: Sturdy: A solid wand for any witch or wizard - easy to use, and highly dependable.

Hogwarts House:


Hair: Holden keeps his hair fairly short, cutting it as soon as it gets long enough to get in his eyes. It's straight and a slightly dark brown.
Eyes: Holden's eyes are on the narrow side, light brown in colour.
Build: Holden is short for his age, and tends towards gangly.
Complexion: Holden is naturally pale, though he tans easily when he spends time in the sun.
Style: Holden prefers dark colours and simple clothing, practical over standing out.
Distinguishing Features: Holden tries not to stand out, but he's easiest identified by his heavy brow.
Playby: Felix Mallard


Personality: Holden is an extremely reserved person, and has not just a dislike but an outright fear of allowing others too close. He lashes out at the slightest provocation, temper on a hair-trigger, and will fight anyone over anything, any time. The loss of his mother when he was young left him with a lot of feelings he didn't know how to handle, and his preferred outlet is to take them out on others. He's not inherently a mean person despite that, and genuinely only wants the best for the people he does care for, but he doesn't know any way of dealing with his feelings other than to lash out. His impulse control isn't the best, and it often gets him in trouble. He has quite a dry sense of humour and sarcasm comes to him easily. He's quite a curious person, though he doesn't like showing it around others, and likes to keep his things organised. Holden struggles a bit with his self-worth, and finds himself insecure a lot of the time.
-Holden is very passionate about the things that matter to him, and won't hesitate to defend his people.
-Holden is a very independent person, and has never had any trouble taking care of himself when he needs to.
-Holden's temper is his biggest weakness, damaging his relationships and getting him into trouble on a regular basis.
-Holden's desire for independence can lead him to unhealthy or suboptimal ways of doing things, which he could have avoided with help.
Rugby - Holden has played rugby for as long as he can remember, and it's by far his favourite outlet for his feelings.
Dirtbiking - Holden's rugby friends introduced him to dirtbiking, and he loves to go whenever he can.
Graffiti - Holden likes leaving his mark on the world, whether caretakers/janitors approve or not.
Reading - Holden is private about his passion for reading, something he picked up from his older sister, and she tends to be the only person he's comfortable talking about books with.

Personality Type: INFJ (The Advocate)
Advocates may be the rarest personality type of all, but they certainly leave their mark on the world. Idealistic and principled, they aren’t content to coast through life – they want to stand up and make a difference. For Advocate personalities, success doesn’t come from money or status but from seeking fulfillment, helping others, and being a force for good in the world.
Strengths: Creative, Insightful, Principled, Passionate, Altruistic
Weaknesses: Sensitive to Criticism, Reluctant To Open Up, Perfectionistic, Avoiding The Ordinary, Prone To Burnout

History: Holden grew up in Australia, the youngest of two siblings. He had a fairly normal early childhood, tragically interrupted when his mother died two years before he was due to start at Hogwarts. His father had never been especially active in his upbringing, and Holden lost the majority of his support all at once. While he was still coming to terms with his grief, Holden discovered that his father had an entire other family he had never told them about, with two older sons and an ex-wife. Holden reacted to the news with extreme bitterness, and has struggled with anger issues he can't control well since his mother's passing.
Health: Holden is in decent health, though he has a few scars from old rugby injuries.


Goals: Become completely independent.
Fears: Losing people he loves.
Secrets: Holden still cries almost every night thinking about his mother.
Regrets: Not treasuring the time with his mum when he had her.
Black, orange
Food: Burgers
Smell: Mud
Music Genre: Rock, rap
Animal: Wolf

Ryan Marshall
Date of Birth: 10/2011
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Occupation: -
Heather Marshall-Jones
Date of Birth: -
Date of Death: 2056
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Occupation: N/A
Eric Holland
Date of Birth: 29/10/2036
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Occupation: Medley Bouncer
Connor Holland
Date of Birth: 26/6/2038
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Occupation: Vibez Assistant Manager
Penelope Marshall
Date of Birth: 19/9/2044
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Occupation: HNZ Student
Zodiac information from here and here. MBTI information from here.
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Family ReunitedWith Ryan Marshall, Melanie Holland, Penelope Marshall, and Eric Holland
Uncanny SimilaritiesWith Connor Holland, Eric Holland, and Ryan Marshall


Holden hadn't expected what a relief it would be to actually be at Hogwarts. The suffocating presence of his dad flailing to learn how to be a parent, and his half-brothers fighting each other at any given opportunity had made the last year beyond overwhelming without Penny to keep things cool. Finally, Holden could breathe. He wasn't looking forward to his older sister breathing down his neck at school and no doubt telling him off constantly, but anything had to be better than his dad.

Plus, the school itself was massive. Much bigger than Holden had expected. He had to pause for a moment as the group of first years entered the Great Hall, just taking in everything he was seeing. The enchanted ceiling, the floating candles, the hundreds of faces sat at tables. He caught Penny's eye at the Hufflepuff table and gave her a quick smile before looking away, not wanting her to fuss over him from a distance. As much as he loved his sister, Holden already knew he did not want to be in her House.
The ceremony itself quickly drew his attention as the Headmaster spoke and the hat began to sing. Having heard about this was one thing, but seeing it himself was another entirely. Holden couldn't help thinking this was all actually... pretty cool, even if he wouldn't admit it to anyone. His classmates began to be called one by one and Holden grew impatient, frustrated at how far down the alphabet his name fell.

"Marshall, Holden."

And there it was. Taking a breath to steel himself, Holden stalked up to the stool and sat down, gut twisting with discomfort as he saw the hundreds of faces staring. At him. It was an uncomfortable feeling, knowing there would be such a large audience to the probing of the deepest depths of his mind. But then the hat slid down far enough to cover his eyes, and he was alone with nothing but his thoughts and the hopes that this would be over quickly.

"Don't you worry, I might be probing into your mind in front of all these people, but I won't tell anyone. Better, too, as you hope this will be over quickly since, this is very clear. You could have adapted anywhere, but enjoy..... Gryffindor,"
Cast AwayBuying Wand with Emmett Lancaster
Welcome to HogwartsWith Penelope Marshall
Making The Best Of The WorstWith Santiago Torres
Bonds Old And NewWith Fraser Fergusson
Throwing RocksWith Eloise Aster
Pining PeonyWith Penelope Marshall
Holden Onto RosesReceiving Valentines Rose with Marnie Frogg
A Sibling Set-UpWith Marnie Frogg, Penelope Marshall, and Milo Frogg
Connecting The DotsWith Eric Holland
Forced FraternityWith Milo Frogg
Conglomerated...With Vanity Mettlestone

A Proper Welcome BackWith Milo Frogg & Teddy Pirrip
A Canary Yellow RoseReceiving Valentines Rose with Callie Cardoso
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