Closed Just A Bit Of Glitter

Summer Irvine

eldest of four 👑 need it all my way
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curly 11 Inch Flexible Black Walnut Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
01/2049 (12)
Summer was.. far from creative. She was terrible at most creative things, really, but that didn't stop her from trying her hand at something from time to time. Often not because she liked it but usually because she had something that needed fixing. Not fixing because it was broken, fixing because it looked utterly boring and she didn't want to look at it every single day. Today was one of those days. After some asking around she had managed to find the art room, taking a little wall mirror she had brought from home with her. It was cute, but it didn't match her dorm and it just needed that little something extra. Finding everything she needed Summer took a seat at a table with some other students and placed the mirror down, starting to apply glue all over the thin golden frame. When she was confident there was enough glue she picked up a a few bottles of different silver glitters and started sprinkling those onto the glue. The only thing left after that was to get rid of the remaining glitter. Without thinking about it Summer picked up the mirror and blew on it, making sure any loose glitter that didn't immediately fall of would fly off so she'd only be left with glitter that was nice and secure. It wasn't until she put the mirror down again that she noticed the glitter was now all over the table, reaching as far as another student's work. "Oh my gosh.." She exclaimed a little stunned by her own action. "I am so sorry! Good thing a bit of extra glitter doesn't hurt anyone, huh?"
Fiona had little side hobbies when she wasn't focused on her main one, which was sports. She had side hobbies like reading and painting. Now, Fiona wasn't the best at painting, but she had enjoyed it anyway. When her siblings had told her about the art room they had at Hogwarts, Fiona knew that it was going to be one of the first places she was going to be going to. She had sat in the art room for a bit now, focusing on the artwork she was currently working on. She was painting a random landscape, and though it wasn't the greatest, it wasn't that bad either. She had just finished a detail or two on a tree she was working on when a gust of glitter suddenly appeared on her artwork, some of the glitter getting stuck to bits of her artwork that were still wet with paint. See, Fiona hated glitter, it got everywhere, and the glitter had ruined her artwork. "Hey!" Fiona said with annoyance. She was not very pleased. "Why'd you do that for?" Fiona said with a frown, as she looked between her artwork and the culprit, which had turned out to be Summer from the park she had met before Hogwarts. Fiona was annoyed at the glitter and action that Summer had did, that she had not registered and ignored what Summer had said. "You ruined my painting"
Summer knew blowing away the glitter like that when there were others at the table as well hadn't been the smartest move but it wasn't like she had meant to do that. It was an accident. Something she might've thought through a bit better. "Geez, I said I'm sorry." She responded defensively when Fiona told her she had ruined her painting. That seemed a bit dramatic. Especially since she had already apologized. "It's not even ruined, it's just some glitter not the end of the world." Summer retorted. It wasn't like the painting had been that good to begin with, but she bit the inside of her lip rather than voicing those words.
Fiona frowned as Summer continued to speak. "But it's everywhere and it's not gonna go away now. It's ruined" Fiona argued dramatically, getting more annoyed by the minute. Even though Fiona knew she wasn't the greatest artist out there and she liked to paint and all, she had spent what felt like forever painting that painting. "Why did you even use glitter anyway? And why do you like it so much? It's annoying and it goes everywhere" Fiona said with annoyance, though she was slightly calming down a bit. She looked at her painting hopelessly. She was even going to give her painting to her dad. It was all going well until the glitter hurricane had arrived.
Summer couldn't quite believe how dramatic Fiona was being. Even if she didn't like glitter, this definitely wasn't the end of the world, was it? "Okay, fine, if you feel like it's ruined. I'm sorry." She stated. It wasn't as genuine as her first apology but then again why would she need to apologize twice? She raised her eyebrows when the girl started talking about her reasons for using the glitter. "Because I wanted to decorate the frame of this mirror and just painting it sounded boring." Summer shrugged, turning her mirror around for Fiona to see although she was fairly certain the other girl wouldn't be able to apologize it. "It's a little annoying, so what? It's also fun and pretty and makes things way more interesting." She responded. In a way, glitter was kind of like her. Minus the annoying part.
Fiona scrunched up her face as she looked at the glittery mirror. While she understood that the other girl was very much into the glitter, the mirror had too much glitter on it. Fiona wasn't going to admit it, but it didn't look that great... "Your mirror looks... nice" Fiona says, trying her best to be nice about it. But the idea of glitter on it was a bit icky for her. She'd much prefer to paint it herself. "It doesn't annoy you that it eventually gets everywhere and won't go away," Fiona asked, annoyance still laced in her voice. Fiona looked down at her painting again, still unsure of what to do. She guessed she could repaint it again, but that was too much work.
Summer snorted when Fiona tried to be nice about her mirror after she had made it abundantly clear that she did not like glitter. "It's cool, you don't need to pretend to like it." She shrugged. She liked it and that was obviously the most important thing. It was already clear she had a way better sense of what was and wasn't cute. "Not really. At home my dad just uses a spell to make sure the glitter doesn't come lose. But I don't know what it is." She explained. "If I had to chose between lose glitter and no glitter I'd chose lose glitter all the way though." Summer added with a grin.
Fiona sighed in a bit of relief when Summer called her out for pretending to like the mirror. It was very glittery for Fiona's liking and it was odd looking if she was being honest, but she didn't wanna be any more ruder than she already was. "That's good I guess. At least you have glitter to keep intact" Fiona said with a shrug when Summer had mentioned her dad keeping the glitter intact. "I'm sure it would come to mind i guess. But it's gonna take foreverrrr until we learn magic like that"
Summer.. wasn't sure what to think of Fiona. She had been reckless on her skateboard when they first met and now she had been plain rude. There was part of her that thought the girl could perhaps be fun, but that part didn't seem like it was winning when it came to her forming an opinion on the other girl. She nodded when Fiona mentioned something about keeping the glitter in tact, mentally already leaving the arts room. Her mirror was done so there wouldn't be much reason for her to keep hanging around. "Probably." She shrugged. "Lose glitter it is then." Summer added with a chuckle. "So if you happen to see a trail from here going down to the dungeons.. it wasn't me."

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