Open Lingering Curiosity

Marley Owens-Lee

adopted 👨‍👧 | wild child 🤪 creative 🎨
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 14 Inch Sturdy Maple Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
13 (05/2048)
Marley knew it was finally her turn to go to Hogwarts this year, and she couldn't wait. She was, however, definitely excited to get her wand. She had been walking up, down and around Obsidian Harbour, getting more and more excited about Hogwarts and couldn't wait to experience it all. Her eyes lit up when she noticed the wand shop ahead and ran towards Ollvander's. Marley peaked through the store's window and was amazed by the inside of the store. Seeing the store itself had made her more excited for getting her own wand.
Milo didn't really mind doing back to school shopping (or in his case, going to school shopping? What did you call that?) but he'd found that if he complained about going with Marnie enough his parents would eventually cave and ply him with extra pocket money for lollies if he behaved, something he'd never get away for other chores but since these were necessities Milo could sense the weakness and was happy to take advantage.

He'd spent some of that money on a never-ending gobstobber, content to loiter, clacking the lolly against his teeth as he waited for Marnie to finish picking up something or the other at the apothecary. He would have gone in and used the newt eyes to scare her but it smelt weird in there so outside it was.

Spotting a girl smooshed up against the glass, Milo grinned, hopping over and trying to garble out some greeting, struggling to get the words out pass the gobstopper and scrambling when he accidentally just spit it straight out at the girl's feet with a resounding clack. "Oh. Damn. Five Second rule?" He said, glancing between it and the girl. Definitely couldn't eat that anymore. Not with her right in front of him.
Marley didn't know how long she had been looking into the wand store. All the wands and the store had looked so pretty and she couldn't wait to get her hands on a wand. She didn't know how long she had been looking into the store because Marley whipped around with surprise when she heard a clack towards her feet and noticed a boy around her age.

"I mean, it is the rules, isn't it?" Marley says cheekily, only joking. She always used that rule depending on what it was and where it was dropped. "What would you do if I dared you to?" Marley says cheekily. She wasn't actually going to make him do it if he didn't want to, but she just wanted to try and pull his leg just to see where this went.
Milo squinted at the girl, trying to size her up even as he tried to count just how many seconds it'd been since he'd dropped the gobstopper. It was never-ending right, so he could just wash it off and it'd be good as new. Possibly better than new since he'd cleaned off his spit and stuff too. "What if I double-dared you back to do it," he countered after a moment, smugly folding his arms now that he'd come up with the perfect come back.
Marley didn't expect to hear what came next. She laughed a little, some disgust written on her face a little. "It's already been in your mouth though... and it has definitely been longer than five seconds" Marley says with a chuckle. She definitely wasn't going to eat that, that was for sure. "You got a different dare for me though?" Marley asked the boy. Sure she didn't know who the kid was and wasn't sure why she would take a possible dare from a kid she hardly knew, but she thought it would be fun, and she was always happy to make new friends.

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