Closed Looking Forward

Professor Kahurangi Josephs

contented | comfortable ancient runes 5-7
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Siobhan ) ( Lesbian
Straight 15 1/2 Inch Sturdy Black Walnut Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
3/2007 (54)
Kahurangi didn't take all that much time in the staff room these days. She had never been terribly good at making social time with her colleagues to begin with, but the burdens of having an entire House relying on her only took up more of the time she had failed to designate for a social life. After a few years adjusting to her role though, Kahurangi felt like she had finally balanced her schedule, and time in the staff room was something she could afford to take again. She had been finally coming more out of her shell around her colleagues, and her newly formed friendship with Elvera had been a pleasant surprise as a result. The similarity of their subject matter gave them plenty to talk about, and it was nice to have more friends around the castle. "Hey, Elvera!" She said cheerfully, spotting said colleague as she entered the staff room, crossing to the kettle. "Can I offer you a cuppa, or are you alright?"
Elvera was sitting in the professors common with a book in front of the fire. she had a couple of days after the start of the semester before her first class. the book she was reading was an old volume she had managed to secure a book about witchcraft from the 1800's it was interesting looking at how different things were.
as she looked up as the door opened and saw Kahurangi come into the room. "Hello Kahurangi, " she said as she put the bookmark in the book and put it on the table. "I will never say no to a cuppa tea" she said. she tended to be a bit of a recluse at times she made sure she had at least one meal in the great hall each day and tried to spend some time in the staff room each week not that there were often many people in there. but she preferred socialising in smaller circles too many people at once messed with her head. "did you have amenjoyable break?" she asked her friend.
"See, this is why we get along." Kahurangi chuckled in agreement to Elvera's comment about tea as she started making them each a cup. She nodded when the Divination professor asked about her break, answering as she clattered about the kitchenette making them each a cuppa. "It was great, yeah. Got back up home, saw my whānau* and all the nieces and nephews and everything, it was a great time." She finished preparing the tea and brought both cups over to the fire, handing Elvera her drink before taking a seat in a nearby armchair. "How about you? Must be nice to spend more time with your girls in the holidays."

*Whānau - Family
Elvera shifted in the seat and chuckled as her collegue said that was why they got along. "I hope that we have more in common than just that. did you need a hand" she asked as Kahutangi started making tea even though she knew that making tea was not really a job that needed to people. It would be good to catch up with her colleague. Kahurangi was a good friend and a lady she couldnt help but respect. "how many do you have" she asked as the runes professor brought the tea over. she smiled as she took a sip, it was hot but Kahurangi made a good cuppa. "it is scary how fast they are growing up. they will be seventeen at the end of the year. we spent the first two weeks back in england. then I actually had some time to update the shop and spend some time alone as Helia wanted to spend time with Morgan, and Selene spent a couple of weeks with her aunt in Salem, it is the first time they have ever been properly apart" she said even though they were in different houses here they were both in the school together. it made her wonder what would happen to them when they finished school.
Kahurangi chuckled softly as Elvera offered her a hand, shaking her head. "Nah, she'll be right." She said calmly, preparing the drinks carefully. She took a long sip of her tea once she was seated, sighing contentedly. "Oh, too many." She chuckled when Elvera asked about her family. "I'm the oldest of five, so I've got...." She paused, thinking for a long moment. "Six nieces and nephews, right now. Probably be more before long." She smiled, taking a sip of her tea. Family get-togethers were always chaos, but Kahurangi knew she wouldn't have it any other way. She listened with interest, nodding as Elvera talked about her holidays. "Sounds lovely." She said with a warm smile. "It must be scary, watching your girls grow up so fast." She added, imagining how strange it would be to be parent to a near-adult. Her oldest nephew was close to Hogwarts age, and that was bizarre enough for Kahurangi.
Elvera was a little suprised when Kahurangi said that she was the oldest of five. she hadnt thought about how large other people's familes were she had always been just her and morgause until she found morgan and it wasnt until she was graduating that the final puzzle peice fell into place and they realised that her best friend was also her sister. she wondered what it would be like to grow up in a house sorrounded by kids. would it be chaos with everyone getting in each others way or would it be fun always having friends around ot play with. it cirtainly was not going to be as quiet as her own childhood. "that is a fair amount. will they be coming to hogwarts in the next few years?" she asked.
she thought for a moment when the runes professor asked her if it was scary watching the girls grow. "It is scary, you see them grow and try and guide them not to make the same mistakes that you did. but you always worry that this is what will push them to making them." she said. sheh ad wanted to be a good mum to the girls. she just hoped that trying to change destinies hadnt bee nthe cause for them to come about in the future. "helis spoke about dropping newts and taking a traineeship with a chef. how can i tell her that she should finish her education? that the two more years here could give her so many more options in life. and how do i know that maybe it is what will be better for her in the end" she said. it was frustrating. the frustration aggravated by her abilities. being able to see things was a gift. but it had limitations. the closer someone was to her the harder it was to see them to the extent there was no point looing to her own future. the girls and her mum were lmost as hopeless but a complete stranger she would be able to tell them things down to the finest detail just from reading one item of their jewellry.
Kahurangi nodded when Elvera asked about her family, smiling. "I think the oldest is almost on his way. No doubt I'll have a bunch of letters from my sister fretting once he's actually here." She chuckled softly, thinking that she should really write and ask when Manaia would be starting school. With so many nieces and nephews, Kahurangi could never quite keep track of how old they were. She nodded, listening with interest when Elvera talked about how difficult it was watching her girls grow up. "I can't imagine." Kahurangi said with a small nod, thinking about how insistent her dad had been about her own future when she was young. She wondered what mistakes he had been hoping she would avoid, and what her stumbling blocks would be when her own turn came. She listened with interest when Elvera continued about Heliana, face falling in sympathy. "Oh, that's so tricky." She said softly. "All you can really tell her I suppose is that the apprenticeship will still be there after she's finished Hogwarts, and finishing school means more doors will be open down the line if she changes her mind. You can't... make kids listen ultimately, though..."
Elvera smiled as Kahurangi said that her oldest nephew was starting the school soon. "it would be interesting especially if he is in your house. it is hard to stay impartial when they are family" she said. she tried to have her classroom as supportive and open and safe as she could do. and to always be there for her students however she knew that not many of them ventured as high up as her tower.
she listened to Kahurangi's advise about Heli. her younger daughter was sometimes a mystery to her. she was so much like her dad. it almost scared her at times. she nodded along to what she was saying. Yes the stronger you try and force them to not do things the more likely they are to do it. I know she will do what she wants. but education it is so important. no matter what she wants to do afterwards finishing high school is important." she said. she sighed. "anyway I am sure you hear enough about student issues from the students themselves: she said. Initially she had been disappointed that Kahurangi had got the Ravenclaw head of house position over her, even though she wasn't working at the school at the time. getting to know her had caused her respect for the woman to grow. she now could concede that the house wa in the best hands possible and Kahurangi was doing a far better job than she would have ever done. as she was musing this she was drinking her tea. "I must admit you make a good cup of tea" she said smiling. it was nice and strong and not to milky. just as she liked it.
Kahurangi chuckled softly. "Oh, there's not too much chance of him winding up in Ravenclaw." She said with a smile. Kahurangi loved Manaia very much, but her nephew had certainly never been the type for books. "Some of the younger ones there's definitely a chance, but at least for this first run I'm safe." She nodded in agreement when Elvera talked about her daughter, feeling for the other woman. "Absolutely." She said softly. "I'm sure she's a smart girl, and she understands the pros and cons. Whatever she decides, at least she's got a mum who'll be behind her all the way." She said, giving Elvera a gentle smile. She chuckled softly when the other woman complimented her tea, nodding in agreement. "Gotta be strong, eh?" She lifted her own mug in a small cheers before taking a sip.
Elvera smiled as Kahurangi said that there was little chance that her older nephew would end up in Ravenclaw. "who's house do you think he will be in?" she asked curious as to if she had an idea. some children were easy to guess. others were harder. and there were some who you thought were certain for one house but ended up in another. for her she had always thought selene would end up in her old house but hello she had never been sure of. she felt like she fit Hufflepuff well but she could easily have ended up in Gryffindor or Slytherin too.
she took a deep breath and a mouthful of the brew as Kahurangi mentioned the pros and cons. she was right she was a smart girl. "you're right of course, but she is only sixteen. she has so little life experience" she said thinking out loud. She just just hoped that she wasn't too sheltered or idealistic and that the real world was not going to spoil who she was.
she took a sip of her tea as her friend continued. advising her to be strong "yes. you do but it is hard to be strong when you dont know what is going to happen. and family is always the hardest to see" she said. how did normal people do it without being able to see the future. was it easier. you didnth ave to worry about messing things up or setting things in motion that you were trying to avoid. blissful ignorance. but you also could prepare. she took a mother sip from her drink, it was the perfect temptirtre to drink as she realised what the other professor had meant "oh, you were talking about the tea. yes you have to get strength from somewhere" she said feeling a bit embarrassed.
Kahurangi smiled when Elvera asked about her nephew's possible house. "Manaia is... probably a Gryffindor, if I was gonna guess. Could be a Slytherin, though. You can never really tell when they're kids." She smiled, already excited at the thought of having her nephew at school next year. It would be great to have a piece of home with her here. She nodded when Elvera talked about her daughter, trying to figure out what to say. "She's young, but... opportunities will still be there, one way or another. Even if she does wind up going for the apprenticeship and changes her mind later, there are plenty of avenues for more education. I got my teaching degree in my thirties." She said with a warm smile, taking a sip from her tea. Kahurangi was a little taken aback, taking a moment to figure out that Elvera had misunderstood her. She chuckled softly, trying to find a way to interject, but the other teacher figured it out before she needed to. "I did mean the tea, but it's not bad advice anyway, aye?" She chuckled softly, taking a sip of her tea.

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