🌹 Rose Giving Making a Spectacle

Leah Thorne

loyal 🧨 headstrong 🧨 bossy
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Curved 12 Inch Unyielding Reed Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
08/2046 (15)
Yellow Rose for @Rion Pendleton

Leah had never doubted her strength but going up and down the stairs all day was wearing on her more than she expected. She just hoped she had enough energy to dance later tonight. But to save time and to avoid asking every Ravenclaw she saw if they were the one she was looking for, she spotted a bench and had a great idea. "Sorry, thank you." she mumbled as she gripped a student's shoulder near her to keep her balance. Once she had a better view waved her next rose in the air and cupped her hands to her mouth so her voice could travel better. "Rion Pendleton! Where are you?!"
Rion had been wearing Hugo's rose in her hair for most of the morning. She wondered if she might start a trend, but rather hoped she wouldn't; her single yellow rose would have looked a bit sad compared to some of the other girls' colourful bouquets. Still, the morning wasn't over. There was still time for a pink rose to arrive - or possibly even red...

She had just reached the bottom of the stairs when someone informed her there was a girl shouting her name in the courtyard. This was it! Rion flew across the hall and out of the doors, robes billowing. "Who's looking for me?" she asked nobody in particular. Several students wandered past without paying any attention. "Is it a rose? I'm Rion."
Leah grinned when Rion finally showed herself and she hopped down from the bench. "Well I'm Leah." she said addressing her first question. "And yes! I have a rose for you." she said brightly and handed the rose over along with the note.

Thank you for standing up for me. You're absolutely incredible.
From Georgia
Yellow. Rion's disappointment was fleeting. A rose was a rose, and not one but two people had thought to send her one. She unfolded the note right away, warming as she read it. She was so used to being the little sister who needed protecting that it had felt rather good to stand up for Georgia. "It says I'm incredible," she told Leah, grinning. "But... I forgot to send any back, so I'm not that great. Oh well. You can't argue with a note, can you?"

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