Making a wrong turn

Irene Finch

Head of the Dept of Magical Transportation
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Knotted 14 Inch Rigid Spruce Wand with Doxy Wing Core
Irene wandered down a street, unsure of exactly where she was. She had only lived in New Zealand for a few short months, and with her new job, she didn't have very much time to wander around. Lost in her thoughts, she had made a few turns and didn't think she would be able to find her way back.

As Irene reached a street sign, she looked up and saw that it said Bleak Street. Irene did not know what kind of area this was, but it seemed much darker than the place she had been and she felt slightly nervous. She began to look around to see if there was anyone around to help lead her out of this place.
Adrian stormed out of the shop, his hands hunched in his trouser pockets, his face red with rage. He moodily walked down the road, thinking, not paying attention to where he was going. Stupid Mudbloodhe cursed to himself, thinking of his encounter only minutes ago.
Irene continued to walk down the path, looking for anyone. Finally, she caught sight of a guy walking away from a shop that she had failed to notice earlier. He seemed to be in a terrible mood, but Irene decided to ask him for help anyway. She took a deep breath, walked over to him and said "Umm...excuse me sir, but can you help me out?"
Great Adrian said to himself when the woman asked for help. "No" Adrian shouted curtly, his cheeks going redder, getting more angry by the second. Can she not see I am in a bad mood, and dont want to be disturbed? Adrian thought to himself.
Irene began before he even gave his answer, "I'm try..." she was cut off, however, by his curt no response. What? Irene thought to herself, shocked that the guy had just told her no. "What's got you in a bad mood?" Irene said with a hint of iciness in her voice. She did not take well to being shouted at, especially by a stranger. All I want are some directions, is that too much to ask? Irene thought to herself angrily.
"That is none of your business" Adrian retorted, getting even more fired up. "As you can see, I am in a bad mood, so wouldnt it have been a smart move to leave me alone, and ask someone else?" Adrian asked the woman, not caring if she was getting upset. Stupid woman Adrian said to himself, even more angrier.
Irene couldn't believe this guy. "Maybe you haven't noticed..." Irene said with an eye roll, " but there isn't anyone else around to ask" She made a point to look around and see if there was anyone else-- there wasn't. She started to walk away, giving up on this guy helping her, but then turned back around, unable to restrain herself anymore. "Believe me, if there was anyone else to ask, I would so not be asking you."
"And, then suck it up and deal with it lady" Adrian fired back. "Its like trying to calm a dragon down. But it aint gonna happen, so I suggest you go and find your own way, or scout around to ask someone else for questions" Adrian answered, growing weary of her.
Irene couldn't believe that the guy basically told her to get lost. "Thanks for nothing" Irene managed from between clenched teeth as she backed away from him. Whatever had ticked this guy off, Irene would never know, and she hoped that she wouldn't be seeing him again anytime soon.

She figured that she would just continue wandering until she either found someone else or found her own way out. Irene turned away from him, and began to walk, so angry that there were tears in her eyes. She couldn't believe how mean he had been to her.
"Its always a pleasure" Adrian said with a cruel smile. Adrian turned his back to the woman, and moved on as if nothing had happened, his head held high in the air, not a care in the world.

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