Closed Making Trouble

Allison Beckett

Queen Shark
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Curly 10 1/2 Inch Sturdy Sycamore Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
3/9/2038 (22)
Allison was annoyed. They could tell her whatever, but she knew Stanis would never hurt her, no matter what form he was in. She snuck out of the common room, her bag on her shoulder. She had so far been unsuccessful in finding her best friend whenever he went out to wherever they hid him for the full moon. He was always back at some point the next day, but she hated being away. She kept a careful eye out for Professors, pulling out her map and sneaking slowly down the stairs and into the hall. The moonlight was enough to lead her as she tiptoed her way down the hall.
Thomas was just in the North Tower, where no one was seen, so he went down to the seventh floor, because some unknown force was driving him there as if he had to be there. He hadn't played guitar in the last three days so he was a little irritated. However, he hoped to play tonight as the walk slowly came to an end. Then he noticed someone on the stairs walking slowly down the stairs. Without waiting for a moment, he took steps faster, then called the offender. ''Stand! Where will you go?" he asked in a rather loud voice so that he could be heard and took a few more steps closer to the offender.
Allison froze when she heard the sudden yelling, turning quickly with her heart in her throat. Her shoulders barely relaxed when she saw Thomas. Her first thought was to lie, an excuse popping up quickly. She almost lied, but she found herself unable to lie to the boy. She sighed. "I'm looking for werewolves. Hi, Thomas." She stepped forward, holding her hands up in surrender.
Thomas waited for the offender to answer or, worse, run away and run after him. Fortunately, he didn't have to run because he was answered and he knew his voice. "Werewolves? Hi, Alli!" he smiled as the girl moved forward with her arms raised. However, on the other hand, it was not funny because the girl broke the rules and was out of the common room after a certain time.
Allie let out a small sigh, crossing her arms and shifting. "Yes, werewolves. A kid in my class is determined to find out who the werewolves in the school might be and I'm worried about his motives. If I can figure out where they hide on full moon's I can steer him away," She told Thomas, already sure she was going to lose points. Again. But it didn't matter to her. She had lost points protecting Stanis before, and she would do it again.
Thomas looked at the girl and knew she would have to score points. ''I understand you want to help, but you must not be outside the common room at this time.'' she said, although she was a little angry that the points had to be deducted for the house, which others deserved diligently, and the next morning they would notice in the big hall that the points would be less.
Allison sighed, frustrated. "Yeah, yeah, whatever," she stuck her hands in her pockets, shuffling past him without looking at him. She wasn't sure what irritated her more, the fact that he'd caught her, the fact that he was probably mad at her, or the irritation she got from feeling so useless knowing Stanislaw was out there somewhere alone again when he needed her. Even if Stanis wouldn't admit to it. Even if Stanis had been avoiding her like the plague. Her shoulders were slumped as she started back to the common room. She felt useless, and oddly lonely. Here she was, getting in trouble, and making the boy she liked mad at her, and Stanis had barely even spoken to her in months. Maybe there really is something wrong with me...
Thomas couldn't pretend it hadn't happened and just ignore the situation. ''I'll have to subtract points. However, next time, don't get out of the common room after a certain time. Promise?'' He said as the girl passed him and didn't even look at him. He went after her, then came the urge to grab the girl's hand, and he did. He grabbed her hand, making stop. Thomas was angry at the girl, but was also tempted to pull closer and shake a little so as not to do any more nonsense.
Allison almost groaned when Thomas chased after her. "Yeah, I got it," she gently pulled her hand away and kept walking, wrapping her arms around her torso. She had gotten in trouble before, sneaking off with Stanis or when she'd fought with Luxen. But for some reason this time it bothered her. Probably because she knew Thomas was upset with her. Well, it was nice while it lasted, she thought to herself, fairly sure he would decide she was too much trouble and not talk to her again.
Thomas could send Allison alone to the common room, but he wasn't sure she would leave. He also had to be taken to the tower elder. ''I won't take too many points this time. I will not be so gracious next time. We will also have to go to Professor Cyndi Kingsley.'' He said he lowered his hand to the side. Then he followed the girl and said nothing more, because she was really upset about her actions. It was easy to calm down in silence and at the moment there was no desire to talk to the girl, because we had to be careful not to disappear around the corner.
Allison almost groaned when he said they would go see Kingsley. Kingsley would probably not be surprised to see Allison again. She let her hair fall to cover her face, not looking at him. She knew already how this would end. She tried not to think of how well things had been going with Thomas before. It was just her luck that she lost him because she was trying to protect Stanis. But still, she would do anything to protect her best friend.
Thomas tried all the way to Kingsley to be as serious and firm as possible. The fact that he learned Allison was not the first time at Kingsley was very surprised. However, no matter how much he hoped that she would keep his promise, he did not have high hopes for it and Thomas did not talk to the girl the rest of the way and ignored the next few days.

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