🌹 Rose Giving Messenger of Love

Leah Thorne

loyal 🧨 headstrong 🧨 bossy
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Curved 12 Inch Unyielding Reed Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
08/2046 (15)
Pink Rose for @Akihiro Chen

Leah had been looking forward to Valentine's day ever since she heard about rose deliveries and she was able to sign up. She couldn't think of anything more fun or romantic than sending messages to friends or a special someone. The pink rose in her hand spoke of the latter kind of message and she was curious to know everything about who she was delivering it to and who had sent it in the first places. "Akihiro Chen?! Are you here?!" she called out not wanting to waste any time. She had already checked a few places and she hoped she was finally in the right spot.
Akihiro had just sat down for breakfast when he heard his name called. He looked up, drink in his hand. "Yes, right here," He called, setting his goblet down.
Leah sighed with relief when the person she was looking for answered her. Thankfully he was close by and she was able to reach him quickly. She pulled out a pink rose form her bag and handed it to him with the note that went with it. "Hope it's from someone special." she said with a grin.

You're the nicest boy I've ever known, and I love spending time with you.
Akihiro felt his heart skip a beat when the girl pulled out a pink rose. "I certainly hope so," He murmured. He peeked at the note and couldn't help the warm, silly smile on his face. "Aw, it's from someone very special," He murmured, tucking the rose into his hair and slipping the note into his pocket.
Leah beamed when the boy said it was from someone special. She had to practically keep herself from squealing with excitement. "So, are you going to the dance with them?" she asked curiously. She didn't want to pry too much. But his reaction seemed so sweet she wanted to know a little more if he'd let her.
Akihiro chuckled. She was a cute kid. "Well, I'll certainly ask," He offered easily. "Let's hope she says yes," He teased gently, though he was pretty sure it was a done deal.
"Well I'm sure she'll say yes since she sent you a rose after all." Leah pointed out optimistically. Dating still felt so foreign to her and considering she had her parents to look up to she wasn't sure she was the best person to have an opinion on love. But she felt excited to imagine it for someone else.
Akihiro chuckled. "What about you?" He asked, partly to be polite and partly out of curiosity. "Are you going to the dance with anyone?"

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