Open My Fate Is Losing Its Patience

Celia Vuong

all the world's a stage
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Curly 11.5'' Sturdy Elm Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Plot ID #113688

Up until a few weeks ago, Celia had been looking forward to the break. She was going to spend part of it touring colleges in the Northeast with her mom and the other part working an impressive internship in Boston or D.C. But then her dad had gotten arrested, and her whole life had fallen apart. Now, the last thing Celia wanted to do was spend time with her traitor of a mother. She didn't want to see her dad either, even though she knew she was running out of time to do so. As difficult as it was to spend each day not knowing what was happening with the investigation or upcoming trial, it was also easier to keep her dad 9,000 miles away, a stranger who only lived in newsprint and her imagination.

So Celia had been working on an escape plan. Finding muggle internships abroad as a high schooler was next to impossible, but things were less strict in the magical world. And when she came across a listing for a fashion designer internship at EVELYN's Paris office, Celia knew immediately she'd found her ticket out. The only problem was she didn't have any formal experience. Celia doubted most teenagers did, but she wasn't about to lose this opportunity to someone else. So she'd gotten to work crafting the perfect cover letter and putting together a few sketches. It wasn't really necessary, but she also wanted to turn one of her designs into an actual garment.

But it turned out that creating a dress from your own sewing pattern was extremely difficult, and it didn't help that she couldn't consult video tutorials or online sewing guides. After a lot of frustrated cursing and ruined fabric, Celia finally to assemble a muslin mockup of the dress she intended to create. The only problem was that it looked... wrong. Her eyes darted between the sample and her sketchbook. She needed a second opinion. Celia surveyed the room, her gaze landing on the nearest person. "Hey. You there," she said, impatiently trying to get their attention. "Does this look crooked to you?" She gestured to the sample dress, which she had put on one of the arts room mannequins.

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