Open New Friends

Noah Cosgrove

first-born • excitable • responsible • alt. beater
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 12 1/2 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
12/2048 (12)
open after Marijke

Noah was curious what his parents had planned for later that day, apparently it was going to be a surprise and Noah wasn't entirely sure how he felt about being surprised by his parents. Last time, his mother got so excited she ended up accidentally spoiling the surprise. Well, this time, he'd tried anything he could to avoid the topic, as even though he had the urge to prod her about the surprise to find out anything he possibly could, to get even the slightest sliver of a hint, he knew it would ultimately lead to her blurting it out. Eventually. The boy wondered if it had anything to do with him starting at Hogwarts in a few months' time. Or if it was the complete opposite. Maybe something to do with his birthday...except that had been two months ago. So that wouldn't make any sense. Noah scrunched up his face as he thought about what it could be, as he sat down on the swing. He couldn't, however, figure it out, no matter how hard he tried. Maybe Alana knew something. He was going to ask her later when he saw her. Whatever it was, he hoped it was something out of this world. For now though, Noah simply had to wait, and he looked around at some of the other kids, wondering if any of them were magical just like him, and if so, if any of them were going to Hogwarts too next year.
Summer spend plenty of days in the park. It helped that it was one of her parents' favourite spots. What also helped was that she was just there with her mother and her brother today, her dad staying home with her two youngest siblings. They had gone out for ice cream at the parlour and then decided to spend some time at the park. Mostly because Summer had asked for it. She was still set on getting to know as many other kids as she could before heading to Hogwarts and while the daycare was a great start, she knew there were other kids who didn't attend. Kids that she needed to meet in a different way. Skipping over to where the swings were Summer noticed a boy there. Only he wasn't swinging. He was just.. sat there. "You know these move, right?" She said jokingly as she dropped down on the swing next to him, slowly pushing herself off so her swing was moving at least a little.

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