Open Not A Great Idea

Kiara Thompson

perfectionist • growing • princess of plants 🌿
Blood Status
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Knotted 10 1/2 Inch Flexible Poplar Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
10/2043 (17)
Kiara wasn't sure how she felt about being back at school. She had liked Hogwarts but throughout the years it had started to feel like each day she spend at the castle was making her feel just the tiniest bit lonelier. Especially after being home for the break, spending time with her family. Her cousins, her dads, her brothers. Being at home was nice. It felt safe. She knew what to expect and what was expected of her. And it was nice to know how little effort it took. But at school.. At school she felt like she had to put in so much more effort with everything she did. She wasn't as outgoing or bubbly as some of the other students and while she had managed to make a few friends during her first year it felt like they were just slowly drifting away. Like she wasn't able to keep up with them and their social lives. Like everyone was always just out of her reach. If only she could be more like her brother than maybe she wouldn't feel so lonely. He had plenty of friends, had a girlfriend and was even captain of the quidditch team. He was everything he had always said he wanted to be once they'd finally get to school. They were so different that at times it served as a stark reminder thay they weren't blood related. Maybe if they were, she'd be a little bit more like him. At times, it made her wonder if Elijah felt the same and yet so far she had restrained from asking him about it. He had always seemed much more comfortable with being on his own than she was.

In an attempt to drive away the feeling of loneliness and get herself out of her comfort zone Kiara had found herself out at the cliffside. She knew the cliffs were off limits and admittedly, the thought of that of being up there had made her stomach turn on the way over, but perhaps doing something she wasn't supposed to do would help. Would make her become more confident. Get her out of her shell. And climbing up the cliffs seemed like a less scary option than heading into the forest. At least she had thought it would be. Yet here she was, sat down at the cliffs' edge still feeling the same way she had before. Perhaps a little worst now her feelings were mixed in with the idea that this might even get her into trouble. Kiara stifled a sob and roughly rubbed the tears away from her eyes as she stared at some students moving across the grounds in the distance. Maybe she should just learn to be better at being on her own. Surely that could be done.
Margo was suspicious that the sun might be scrambling her brain. That could be the only explanation for why she had thought going out to the cliffs would be a good idea to do alone. This was the kind of thing Isadora would think up and she would tag along because that was what she always did. Most of the time that wasn't a problem. Isadora was her friend and she liked spending time with her even if it involved a less than thought out plan. But sometimes she felt like she didn't have a mind of her own. Of course she knew she did. She came up with stories all the time but it was different when it came to doing things in real life.

The uneven surface of the rock kept her on her toes, literally, as Margo tried to find a good place to sit and enjoy the view. It felt like a test and she was determined to pass it even if the only one grading her was herself. She paused for a moment to catch her breath and she peered behind her to see how far she had come. She was about to keep going when she lost her balance and feel over. "Ouch!" she shouted as she caught herself with her palms against the rocks. Margo scrambled to a sitting position and took a deep breath and willed herself not to cry as she took in her red and raw palms.
Kiara was trying her best not to cry as she stared at the ripples on the lake's surface down below. There was no need to cry. She would be fine. Why wouldn't she be fine? Maybe she should just go and seek out Elijah more. Surely, he wouldn't mind hanging out with her right? He was her brother after all. They were practically twins and she always felt at home when she was around him. But she didn't want him tot think she was pitiful either. Even if she sometimes wondered how he was doing on the friend front.

At the same time, she was starting to worry about being up on the cliffs at all. What if a prefect suddenly wandered about? Or a professor had come up their to clear their head? Surely, that would get her into trouble. Kiara instinctively shuffled to the side when she heard someone call out, hiding behind a bush as she peered through it to see if it was anyone with a position of power. She realized the vague shape as another student though and carefully stood up to walk closer. "Are, uhm.. are you okay?" She asked as she stepped closer to who she now recognized to be Margo, glancing at the girls hands. "What happened?"
Margo took deep steadying breaths. She didn't want to cry. She was alone, or so she thought, and the only thing worse than falling over was crying about it. But Merlin, her hands did hurt and her throat tightened and she blinked rapidly. She might have lost her battle with her tears but she was started out of her pity party when she heard someone ask if she was ok. She looked up and tried to calm herself but now the rush of embarrassment pushed her over the edge and she wiped at her eyes with the backs of her hands. "Oh I'm fine." she told Kiara in not a very convincing voice. It was wobbly and strained and the tears did her no favors. "I just fell down." she tried to explain and shook her head. "Just my hands got a little hurt when I tried to catch myself. I'll be fine." Margo finally managed a full deep breath and held it for a moment. When she let it go she felt a little better but was now trying to think of what kind of excuse she could tell a nurse that wouldn't involve her mention this trip out to the cliffs.

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