Open Not Sure Why I'm Upset

Aurora Archer

strong-hearted | audacious | dependable | beater
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Knotted 18" Unyielding Willow Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
12/2043 (17)
Aurora had been enjoying giving out the roses with her sister, and she had enjoyed receiving roses too. But in speaking with Soren, and delivering him a rose, she had been surprised to learn that he was going to the valentines dance with Kiara. She liked Kiara, Kiara was nice and Aurora was sure the pair would have fun. However, it felt her feeling…odd…upset. She wasn't sure why. Aurora knew that she and Soren weren't a thing, he was a good friend, and she liked spending time with him, had maybe hoped to dance with him at the dance. But she was upset, or angry. She wasn't sure what it was, possibly just teen hormones, teen things that made her upset. She was actually fine. But she was sitting at the lake front and looking out at the water, feeling a bit dejected and a little upset.
Monday Weeks was glad to have only sent out a couple of roses this year, but maybe he gotten pink and yellow confused. Last thing he needed was some romance drama that was not actually there. So, in order to clear his mind, Monday made his way to the lakefront and stretched his arms as he walked along the edge of the water. He brushed his blonde hair back as he saw someone sitting by the edge. Wait, that was... That was Aurora. Even though he did not know her well, he figured that she was acting a little out of character. So, the Ravenclaw made his way over and asked, "Hey, something wrong?" Monday just assumed that there was something wrong based on her expression. There was no smile or hence of daydreaming while looking straight ahead. "Can't say that I can help in any way, but distractions are a good, within reason."
Aurora was contemplative as she watched the lakefront, trying to figure out her own emotions with it. This felt like jealousy, but she wasn't sure why she was jealous of or who. Was it Kiara or was it Soren. She liked him, but they were friends, that's what they were, and clearly he saw her and only a friend. Was she sad about that? Aurora was broken out of her thoughts as a familiar voice sounded. She glanced at him, with a slightly startled look, ”Oh Monday,” she greeted before just nodding. She could appreciate someone checking in, but she wasn't sure she could articulate what she was feeling. ”I think I could just use some company, really,” Aurora said with a slightly forced smile. . ”I'm definitely overthinking something,”
Monday had several sisters. It was all he had, so girl problems and emotions, he thought that he could read and recognize. He was the only brother in a sea of sisters. A little frustrating. But at least he was a good big brother to who he had left. "From that smile that doesn't match the rest of your expression, I would say so. At least I can comply," Monday saw that the smile was forced. He had seen her smile before and it was not like this. He smiled gently at the thought of someone overthinking something. He was good friends with Aine. He definitely knew how bad someone could overthink something (as if he was any better). "Well, what are you overthinking about? I have five sisters, so I can probably help a lot with many situations."
Aurora had never really had someone else see through her. Rosie always did, but it made sense, she was her sister, her twin sister. But, it was clear she wasn't doing a very convincing job of being okay. It was a little disappointing really, she didn't want to drag others into her mood, especially if she was just being a little silly. Aurora let out a long sigh and a weak, though more genuine smile. ”It's about a boy,” she said, ”He and I are friends, good friends and I just found out he's going to the Valentine's Day dance with someone,” she said, leaving out names for now. ”It's silly, because it's not like I expected him to ask me, but I feel like…jealous or hurt. It's silly,” she pressed the last statement, because she was overthinking it, and putting too much stock into it.
Monday thought that he knew all the girl problems, but his confidence went out the window when she said it was about a boy. Merlin, he did not want to think about his sisters having boy troubles. Or thinking about boys at all. There were none that were good enough for them in his mind. Now, Monday felt unbearably awkward standing there as she talked about going to the Valentine's Dance. "Oh. That sort of problem. Okay, my sisters have not have that issue... Damn, I hope they don't." Monday decided to point out some things that he felt would likely cheer her up. "It isn't silly. How you feel is how you feel. It isn't like you can control it. If you like him, you could always ask him out on a date after the dance." Monday was glad that he didn't like girls, or boys, as of yet. He was too busy with his studies to care.
Aurora gave a weak smile to Monday as he realised what the problem she was having was. Certainly not what he had likely been thinking and perhaps more out of his wheelhouse than he'd assumed. She gave a little sigh as he spoke, validating in a way her mixed feeling about it. "I don't want to...necessarily." she said, "He's a friend and the girl he's taking to the dance is a friend," Aurora said. "I don't want to get in the middle of it, when I'm not like even....completely sure why I'm feeling this way," She knew that didn't really help, Monday's advice had been good, and it wasn't a bad idea, if she didn't know the girl, but she did.
Monday listened to her concerns with an open mind. That was a dilemma, especially since she did not know how to feel about it. And why she was feeling this way. He thought more and more about it, and decided to try to help out in the best way he knew. "So, what you should do is perhaps write down everything you feel, and try not to worry about what they are doing until you sort out your own feelings first. Plus, people go to dances as friends all of the time. So, there is that option." Monday figured before addressing the couple, one should focus on themselves. Then Aurora could figure out her own feelings before trying to go out with one when she might have feelings for the other. "If you go to the dance, I can try to meet you there to take your mind off of things. If you haven't figured it out by then."

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