Open Object Permanence

Professor Yvonne Dubois

fortune teller | free spirit | Div 5-7
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 11 Inch Flexible Cedar Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
07/2022 (39)
Yvonne considered it some what of a minor miracle that she had made it to the great hall for breakfast and hadn't had to resort to stealing some of Elvera's pastries and tea to make it through her morning. But she had managed to keep up with her grading so far and since this was her third time teaching these lessons she didn't have nearly as much prep work so it appeared she had more time on her hands than usual, which didn't help her right now. The tower was lovely but they could be solitary at times and right now she craved the activity of the rest of the school. Yvonne swirled her tea cup casually and couldn't help but peak at where some of the leaves were settling. She had received and invitation to a friends wedding yesterday and it had left her feeling odd. She loved her friend dearly and was partially relived that they had thought of her even while she was on the other side of the globe. But she had been shocked at how little she thought of her friends back home and what they could possibly be up to. It was easy for her to feel like her life was on pause while she was in New Zealand, with everyone she loved far away it almost felt like she was outside of time. But she couldn't be more wrong and they were moving on just fine without her. She didn't want to leave or stop teaching, not when she was finally starting to get the hang of it and feel like she was finally making a difference. Yvonne just felt like she was stuck, a feeling that she always hated. Quickly she finished the rest of her tea and started to inspect the inside of her cup.
Barnaby had been heavily considering the pros and cons of drowning himself in his coffee cup as breakfast dragged on. It should be illegal to make students, let alone professors have to get up so early for classes. Barnaby was pretty sure he would have never agreed to this whole teaching thing if he'd known classes before noon would be on the table. It was somewhat reassuring to see one of the other professors, Yvette or Yvonne or something seemingly in a similar state of contemplation, though her cup was notably more empty than any sane person would have when facing the sea of under-18's before them. "Works better if there's something innit," he muttered gruffly, drawing his own cup closer to his face as a barrier against the student body still spread out and talking loudly throughout the hall.
Yvonne was staring at the leaves at the bottom of her cup and she tried to think of one thing to focus on but she was having a hard time and her mind was simply too busy for this to be an effective reading. But there was a cluster near the handle which pointed to something in her current environment which she eyed curiously. But that warning was easily cleared up when a fellow professor spoke up. She gave him an amused look in response to his comment. "Well that depends on what you're trying to do." she said diplomatically. She hadn't met his professor yet even though he wasn't quite new anymore. She was fairly certain he had taken over the lower years history courses and while she taught completely different students in the upper years she had still managed to hear he wasn't the most cheerful presence. "But I could use some more." she said with a sigh and eyed the tea pot on the table. She would probably need it. "Maybe I'll see something better the next time around." she added a bit wistfully as she poured herself another cup.
Barnaby slurped his own drink loudly in response to Yvonne's comment (he was pretty sure it was Yvonne), hoping that made his opinion clear on the matter. He'd never put much stock in Divination magic, it was all too flighty for him. You could as easily just make something up and get the same results. He didn't know how anyone could keep their facts straight like that. Or why they'd bother. "You Americans always doing things the hard way, I suppose," he said dryly, setting his cup down and wincing as some Gryffindors near the staff table started shouting to each other across the table. "Oi, you lot keep it down! Some of us didn't get any sleep last night. Use your damn legs if you wanna talk to her so badly!" He groused, settling back in his chair once the students were suitably chastised. "You hoping for something specific then?" Barnaby asked, picking his own cup back up again, deciding he was going to need more caffeine if he was being social today.
Yvonne nearly snorted out her tea at his comment and had to cover her face as she let strangled laugh. She hadn't expect that from him and she turned to face him just as he started to go off on a group of rowdy Gryffindors. "Oh yes because Brits are known for their efficiency." she teased once he was finally done and sitting back down. "Morning person are you?" she asked sarcastically and sipped at her tea. "What kept you up all night?" she asked and waited expectantly. If he was about to broadcast his sleeping habits around the castle she figured she was welcome to ask about it. Yvonne tapped her pointer finger against the tea cup and thought about how to answer him. "No." she answered simply. "That's bad luck." she said and tried to sound serious. That wasn't true exactly but she also know he wouldn't know the difference.
Barnaby turned the scowl he'd previously been directly at the students towards Yvonne, making a disagreeable noise in the back of his throat. "Being Irish, I wouldn't know," he said with a sniff, clearing his throat when the noise he'd made lodged something unpleasant in his throat and trying to wash it down with more coffee. Americans. Never knew what they were talking about he thought dryly. He hunched his shoulders at Yvonne's question, scrubbing a hand over his face tiredly. "Got caught up looking for a book. I think my office has started eating my collection. Or maybe something living it in," he said, narrowing his eyes blearily at the thought. He scoffed at Yvonne's insistence of bad luck, shaking his head in obvious skepticism. "How's that any different from just making up the answers like normal," he said, taking a bite of his toast and not bothering to cover his mouth as he sprayed a few crumbs while talking.

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