Closed Playing Smart

June Davenport

Obviously, the best ✨
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 16 Inch Swishy Ash Wand with Veela Hair Core
As June was trying to entertain herself she and her 'babysitter' went to Brightstone. Misha was at Hogwarts and June wanted to get to know the place an bit. June called the person looking out for her that way since she thought it was stupid. She tried to behave herself, because otherwise she would tell Misha but she wanted to tell her how much she hated her. Who would ever like that kind of job and how useless. The woman wasn't even good at it. And June had an hard time playing nice. But June thought she was smarter than the woman, because she had sneak into Misha's house often when she wasn't paying attention. So as she told the woman to just go and grab something to drink June found an playground. Her babysitter would show up later, and an playground was safe right? The woman agreed with it, so that was nice. To have an moment of peace.

There were more adults around and she wasn't the only one there. As she looked around, she noticed younger kids than her. Although it was ofcourse just an guess. People usually thought she was older also, and June saw herself also as an person wiser and better than people from her age. The blonde wasn't really into childish stuff but she figured since the swings were the only thing that was available she would sit on it. She had an good view over the rest and she could pretend to be an child from her age, which obviously she was. But June thought differently. Starting to swing back and forth she felt the wind through her hair.
After her last teacher had gotten fired Eloise had to admit that homeschooling had been feeling a little less terrible. Her previous teacher had been fine and she wasn't quite sure why her parents had fired the woman but the one they had hired now was a definite improvement. This new teacher was less strict, a little more.. easy going. Which was only proven by the fact that she had taken Eloise to the park for a study break. They just had to make sure her parents didn't find out. If they had fired the last teacher for not being up to their standards than certainly they wouldn't appreciate this much either. She just hoped they would let the woman stick around. Especially since she wouldn't be teaching her for long anyways, not now that she had already turned eleven and would be heading to Hogwarts the next schoolyear.

Her teacher had made herself comfortable and had let Eloise wander of to the playground with the idea that she could perhaps make some new friends. The only problem was that she didn't know how to make friends. She had spend time with other kids before but that was mostly because she didn't have another choice. They'd be kids from her parents friends or acquaintances. Ones she got along with, but didn't specifically consider friends. She wasn't even sure what it meant to be friends. As she wandered along Eloise finally found her way to the swings, a place she could be perfectly happy playing on her own. "Hello." She greeted another girl who had already claimed one of the swings politely, before taking a seat on the other. If her parents had taught her anything, it was manners. Something she had noticed a lot of kids lacked.
June watched some people walking by. And moved the swing back and forth. She was tall for her age so she could touch the ground with her feet. She wondered if people from her age actually liked this. It was comfy for now to sit on, but it wasn't like swinging around was fun. June had other idea's of fun. As she pulled some string of hair out of her face she noticed an girl greeting her and than taking the swing next to her. June watched the girl, she seemed around the same age. But perhaps she was wrong. People sometimes thought she was older too. '' Hi.'' June than greeted the girl. She was actually kind of social, but June often got bored of people easily or judged them before she knew them. But perhaps this girl was going to Hogwarts too next year. It couldn't hurt to make some conversation. If she want the girl gone, she could easily make that happen. She moved back and forth and than looked at the girl. '' Do you come here often?'' She than asked her, actually no idea what nice people from her age started of like an conversation.
Eloise hadn't fully expected the other girl to strike up a conversation after she had greeted her. She had been polite, yes, but so far she had noticed a certain difficulty in talking with other kids. At least those she came across that random. Especially since they often seemed like they felt so.. free in what they did. Whereas she mostly felt restricted. She had to keep up appearances after all. If not, her parents would certainly be disappointed. "Not particularly." Eloise responded to the girls' question. "Only occasionally when I tag along with my mom, but we never stick around for long." She added to her answer. Her parents probably didn't see much use in bringing her to the park to play either. They had swings at home so it seemed useless to put in all that extra effort to bring her to the park. Especially since they were always so busy. "Do you?"
What June did knew, what her father teached her was when you want something you have to play smart. She hated when things didn't go her way. But learned to hold her anger and emotions in when it mattered. June learned to lie to peoples face pretend to be nice, that was what he father also did when he wanted something. It were good lessons and she was gonna use them at Hogwarts to get what she wanted. This conversation with the girl seemed meaningless but perhaps it could come to use later on. She would find out soon. The girl didn't seemed very social, that was what her first impression was. She watched the girl as she spoke. She spoke of her mother and June tried to hide the thought of her own mother, who she missed dearly. June had no idea where her mother was right now but had an feeling she escaped England and went to Sweden her birthcountry. June didn't understood why she couldn't live with her mother at first. But at the trial of her parents they spoke of something that called lose parental authority. And she had found out what it ment.

As she got back to reality from her thoughts she sighted. June had already been thinking of how she wanted to adress things on Hogwarts. And agreed with herself that she would not share too much about the situation from her parents. It would perhaps not be good for her status at Hogwarts, but ofcourse people had questions if they knew she would be fostered by Misha Haden. She had to find out if he was an popular professor. She would not spill personal information to people when it wasn't needed. '' No. It's my first time here. '' The blonde than answered. '' I don't like getting dirty. But the swings seemed safe for now.'' The blonde than said and put on an smile. June moved her feet an bit on the ground. '' So how old are you?'' June than asked, wondering if the girl would be the same age as her.
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