Closed Practice Makes Just Ok

Naveen Khatri

professional worrier 🌿proceed with caution
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 13 Inch Rigid Applewood Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
10/2049 (11)
Naveen had tried a lot of musical instruments over the years but only one had stuck. His month of clarinet and violin lessons still haunted him. But the piano on the other hand had always been good to him. Meaning, it usually sounded ok even if he made a few mistakes. It also helped that it was something he could play a full song with all by himself. Unfortunately he couldn’t pack his piano from home into his trunk but he had heard there was one in the arts club room. He had no interest in the club as a whole but he did have interest in their piano. Naveen didn’t think he was all that talented musically but he didn’t want his skills to completely waste away either. Still, the idea of practicing in front of someone not blood related to him filled him with dread so he stuck off during dinner to get some time in while most people were busy. Gently he brushed his fingers across the keys and started to warm up with some scales.
When Ambrose had finally convinced his parents to let him take music lessons a couple of years ago he had taken ages trying to figure out which instrument he had wanted to try. Most of them seemed a boring to him and he had quickly crossed things like the guitar or drums off of his list. What had stuck was an instrument he knew he wasn't easy to master. Not only that, but his choice had also caused him to have to wait another year until he would be physically able to play the instrument. By now though he had been playing for a year or two and even if he could admit he was far from good, he was doing alright. Trying to get better and improving little by little. Ambrose had wondered if he would be able to practice at school though, not keen on bringing his roommates any grief by practicing in their dorm. Needless to say he had been thrilled when he found out about the arts room and had already visited it multiple times when his homework was done and he had a moment to spare. Today was one of those days. Ambrose had eaten his dinner as quickly as he could and raced towards the arts room, throwing open the door without even thinking anyone else might've had the same idea. "Woops. Sorry." He grinned sheepishly after he had barged in when the room was very much already occupied. "Guess we had the same idea."
Naveen nearly jumped out of his skin when he heard the door to the arts room slam open. At first he was convinced he was somehow in trouble for using the piano as a none club member, or it was somehow after hours and not allowed, or some other bizarre rule he hadn't heard of before. But when he turned to see who had burst in he realized it wasn't a professor or upper year student but someone his age. Thankfully before he could think of a dumb question to ask the other boy spoke and things made sense again. "Right." he said slowly. Naveen didn't want to tell the other boy to leave but he also didn't want to leave himself. "Well I just started and if you wanted to use the piano...." He let his words trail off and hoped the other boy would get the hint.
Ambrose placed his hand on the door with the intent of stepping out and closing it again, leaving the other boy to his practice, but he hesitated. Should he leave? If he was practicing he wouldn't mind anyone joining in but he knew not everyone would be so easy. Some people did mind being disturbed after all. "Oh, nah, you're good. I don't even play the piano." He shook his head before deciding on taking another step into the room and closing the door. If the boy wanted him to leave he'd tell him, right? "Are you any good? Can you play me a song?" Ambrose asked curiously while he dropped down onto a chair at one of the nearby tables.
Naveen silently hoped his response would be enough to secure him some time alone but he had misinterpreted things completely. He was momentarily stunned as he tried to figure out if he could even practice with someone else around. He did at home all the time, but playing in front of his dads and sister was different. Naveen wasn't sure how to answer the other boy's next question. He shrugged. "I'm ok." he said simply. "I haven't been playing that long." he added, and compared to an adult professional that was true. But he probably should be better than he was with his three years of lessons. "I guess...." he said in response to the request for a song. He had brought a few song books with him to school and the one he had tucked under his arm tonight was full of simple classical pieces. He flipped to a page and started tentatively. He didn't get very far until he made a mistake and then another as his confidence crumbled. He sighed. "You know I'm not really used to an audience." he blurted out not sure if he was being rude or not.
Ambrose leaned his head on his hand as he waited for his classmate to respond. Whether that was by saying something or just starting to play he didn't really mind. It would be fun to hear him play though and he would for sure need to ask him what sort of music he preferred to play. Maybe they could even play together! "Well we all need practice." Ambrose responded light heardtedly when he mentioned something about how he hadn't been playing for long, his own nature keeping him from realising that perhaps his presence made the other boy feel some sort of pressure. He smiled when the boy started playing, simultaneously trying to see if he could come up with his name but drawing a blank. Apparently some of his classmates were easier to remember than others. "Oh!" Ambrose blurted out in response although he almost hadn't noticed the mistake. "Crap, I'm sorry, do you prefer practicing alone? I mean I can leave if you'd like. Was thinking we could maybe practice together but yeah, I could totally leave you to it. Should've asked that when I came in." He rambled, already scrambling to get up from the chair he was on now that he realised he had perhaps crashed the boy's alone time.
Naveen's face felt hot with embarrassment as the other boy apologized and offered to leave. Great. not only was he horrible at making friend he was actively pushing people away. He took a deep breath and pinched the bridge of his nose to calm down. His dads and warned him about this. Even with a twin he had never been very good at sharing. "No!" he blurted out. "Or yes I prefer to practice alone but-" he cut himself off and took another deep breath. "No you don't need to leave." he said more calmly this time. "I...don't know how much music we can share." he admitted, knowing little about keys and transposition. "Maybe we can start with scales?" he offered weakly and knew it sounded more like a question.

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