pre-empting the new year

Yuelia Rossingol

Sixth Year | Duelling Champion
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Straight 14.5" Sturdy Walnut Wand with Boomslang Venom Core
16 (31/05/2045)
Wanted a change for 5th year, figured I'd actually request graphics while I remember! (Surely this will help my muse...)

Character name: Yuelia Rossingol
PB: Claire Foy
Text on banner: "If there is no destination, then how do I take the first step?" (although this is optional, just the first name works too)
Colour scheme: Dark greys/greens, get that Slytherin vibe happening
Image options: I am useless with these sorts of things so I hand you this photoshoot and my blessing to use it however you like
Additional info: uhh her closest friend is her pet raven if you're looking for anything to fill space with, otherwise once again i am not helpful with this and leave it all to your expertise! if you need more photos or further clarification let me know. thank you very much you wonderful talented people :wub:
Request Timed Out: Archived

Your Graphics Request has gone without response for at least two weeks.

We would normally mark such a request as 'failed', but that just seems so negative!

We'd hate to see your request go unfilled, so we have some consolation graphics for you:



Feel free to post another request at any time! ^_^

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