Professor Kida Frost

Kida Frost

Tuscan Charmers Captain • Animagus • Frost Academy
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight Dark Cherrywood Wand 13" Sturdy with Selkie Hair


General Information:

Name: Kida Evangeline Frost
Meaning: 'Kida' (pronounced Kee-da or Key-da), of Kiowa origin meaning 'Raising away the Darkness'.
'Evangeline', a Greek name meaning 'Bringer of Good News'
'Frost', old English surname.
Date of Birth: July 11th 2009
Place of Birth: Tuscany, Italy
Current Residence: Brightstone Village, New Zealand
Blood Status: Muggle Born
Sexuality: Straight
Education: Hogwarts New Zealand, Gryffindor.
Occupation: Quidditch Captain/Owner/Head Beater of the Tuscan Charmers & Professor of Transfiguration at Hogwarts New Zealand 5-7 Years
Star Sign: Cancer
Kida demonstrates quite a few characteristics her Star Sign encompasses, she is Tender-Hearted, Family Oriented, Home Body however she also has the Negative side like the
Fear of Rejection, unforgiving and resentful. However this gives her a very Dominant personality and makes her Brave and Strong willed.
Wand: Straight Dark Cherrywood Wand 13" Sturdy with Selkie Hair
Wood: Cherry, This very rare wand wood creates a wand of strange power.
Core: Essence of Dark Selkie Hair. A rare core type. Aligned with Water elements (Cancer) this core is for wielders who are fiery, ready-minded, wise, loyal and caring.
It is known that Witches who wield this Wand are devoted to their family's.

Flexibility: Sturdy.
Inches: 13" A rather long wand for a Witch but very well suited to Kida.
Personal Mark:
Kida does not have a Personal Mark and doesn't have any interest in learning the Marking Charm. Kida does however have a wax stamp on her Desk at home which consists of a crescent Moon. Something she familiarizes herself with as her Animagus is a Wolf which often howl at the moon but as she is Human she has a Crescent Moon.


Hair Colour:
A Vibrant Velvet Brown, Long past shoulder blades. Often changes style from straight and loose curls depending on the time in her day.
Eye Colour:
Hazel dancing between Bright green and Light Brown, it's her characteristic she continues on in her Animagus form.
Skin Colour:
Light Olive, from her Italian Heritage
Body Type:
Height and Weight:
5'9" - 150lbs
Distinguishing Marks, Piercings or Tattoos:
A Scar on the top of her left hand which has faded in time which her Cousin Sern accidentally gave her during a brawl in the forbidden forest back in first year when a Spell went wrong. It is in the shape of a crescent moon. Kida also has a Tattoo on the side of her wrist.
Depending on her location she tends to change between three styles. Muggle Clothing, Ministry/Witch Robes and Fitness/Quidditch. Most of her clothes are in Black and Purple.


Favourite Colour:
Kida loves the colour purple, she often loved red from school but once she finished she preferred purple
Favourite Food:
Due to her Heritage Italian food is her favourite, she adores meaty pasta based meals, but can never go wrong with a roast pork
Favourite Flavour:
She loves the flavour of oranges ever since she was little and would get Orange slices after doing sports, It's the flavour medicine she chooses and juice
Favourite Store:
Ollivander's or Quality Quidditch Supplies
Favourite Book:
Favourite Season:
Favourite Subject:
Favourite Animal:
Favourite Smell:
Wood Fire

A Little Deeper: ;)

Personality:(Psychoanalyze your character. How do they act? Why do they act that way?)
Dominant personality. Doesn't like being told what to do, likes to know what she is doing and why.
She grew up like this, her Italian heritage made her very confrontational as a child but she grew out of it. She learned from a very young age not to back down
when she know's she is right and it has made her into the Strong Witch she is today.
Strong, Reliable and Brave. Cunning and unyielding in the face of Danger.
After a few years in her late teens she was attacked by a few Death Eaters for being a muggleborn, due to these incidents she developed a Strong front and
knows now to get knocked down by anyone or anything. Kida has had the Cruciatus curse used on her multiple times and uses that pain as a form of Strength; Due to this event Kida is afraid of being locked into rooms, she will lock her house but refuses to lock any doors, her Cousin made the mistake of accidentally locking her in a room once and she freaked out, this was when Koaru Koshiba kidnapped her for being friends with his Daughter, he presumed that if he locked her away Eden would forget about her and he also used that time to torment her and torture her into leaving the magical world and everyone in it, he couldn't bring himself to kill her because she had a child, but he did lock her at one of the Koshiba's many residences in a dark room under the main floor which is the cause of her fear of being locked up.
Patronus: Fox - Kida's Patronus used to be a Wolf up until the point where her God Father passed away. From that point on it has always been a Fox.

Special Talents/Abilities:
Quidditch. Kida is a Natural on a Broom and used this skill to excel into a Successful Quidditch Career. Animagus. Kida is a natural at Transfiguration, she picked it up like second nature and gained the ability to change into a Wolf at will.

History:(A history of your character's life. Growing up, schooling, loves, hatreds, everything and anything leading up to their present-day 'self')
Kida's Youth was a simple one she grew up knowing the best of both worlds even though she is muggle born. Kida's parents being both muggles were together until she was seven years old when they split up, her Father took good care of her and made sure she fully experienced her Muggle upbringing. Her Aunt and Uncle helped raise her in the Magical world, her would often spend afternoons and weekends at her Cousins house due to her father working late to provide for them. This is where she was taught how to ride a broom and fell in love with Flying as well as other Magical lessons. Kida often had brawls with her Cousins and Sern was prone to having fits of rage which left her and Aeon not in the best sorts, unfortunately Sern didn't have great control of his Magic.
Attening Hogwarts New Zealand Kida got sorted with her two cousins into Gryffindor, she was so excited to learn more about Magic, but she was so curious it often lead to her getting into accidents, Kida often climbed trees in the forbidden forest and would fall from the branches hurting herself or worse, Kida also had many incidents on her Broom where she wasn't prepared for the thin air high up or the power of her Moontrimmer and would fall and again land herself in the hospital wing. Aeon discovered portrait holes and Kida and Aeon often explored them together. When Kida was in her third year Sern had another fit which had become more rare and he ended up setting fire to a bit of the Forbidden forest and attacked Kida with that fire causing her hand to be badly scarred, the scar ended up being in the pattern of a crescent moon but has faded over time.
Her Teenage years weren't very romanticized, Kida stuck to sport and transfiguration learning to become and Animagus, she often felt alone at the school but her God Father came to teach and she felt like she had some form of a friend, Cutting her hair to start a new she made some friends and dated breifly with one guy but ended up focusing on Quidditch more than romance
Young Adulthood
When Kida finished school she started working in the Ministry and playing for the Holyhead Harpies, for a few years she was content with her life but had a need to rebel, which she did and went out to Both Muggle and Magical Bars listening to music and doing a lot of drinking, that was when she met Ash, Ash and her started messing around but not dating and she ended up getting pregnant and the two started dating, after not long Ash proposed but ended up relapsing into his alcoholic past self and disappearing never meeting his daughter when he got hit by a car and got amnesia forgetting everything to do with Kida or that he had a child.
After this Kida ended up focusing on her work more, When Scarlet was one her Cousin Aeon needed assistance so she opened up her home to her Cousin to stay with her, followed by her youngest half brother being dropped on her doorstep the year after and the year after that he older half brother moved in. Kida decided that training with the Harpies wasn't for her and used her inheritance from her God Fathers death to purchase the Charmers and moved them to Tuscany.
It wasn't long after Kida had really settled into life that she met Icarus, taking it slowly to begin with she was cautious and didn't introduce her Daughter to him until she was ready. Once Kida was comfortable the two got close rather quickly, Icarus took her on a Holiday and proposed to her, she accepted and they got married at a simple family wedding later. When Kida was taken to meet the rest of Icarus' family she was planning to announce that she was pregnant, before she had the chance to Icarus' Grandmother who was a Seer approached her and put his hand on her stomach revealing that she would have a boy which caused an argument between Icarus and his father about breeding with a muggle, Kida stormed out and left not speaking to Icarus as she was frustrated with being treated in such way and not defended. Icarus ended up winning her back but disappeared just before their Son was born and didn't return until he was close to being 2 years old, he rekindled his love for Kida & his child and together the two planned to open a restaurant, Icarus went to Travel the world and discover Magical recipes from all over the world but disappeared, it was recently revealed that the family was massacred.
During this time Kida

Kida hasn't had many relationships in he life, she dated one guy in Highschool and has been engaged twice, married once and now widowed. Kida is currently withdrawn from Love.
First Crush:

First Enemy:
Death Eaters and Death Eater devil spawn.

First Kiss:
Zdravko Olaf

First Relationship:
Ash Richards. Kida never got into the Dating scene during school she was more focused on Quidditch but she fell for an English Band member named Ash which appealed to her rebellious side. This Relationship ended in her First pregnancy and her first engagement but ended when Ash disappeared off the face of the earth after relapsing and getting drunk and getting hit by a car causing to have Amnesia and forgetting all about Kida and Scarlet. Kida is currently unaware of the Status of Ash and hasn't made an attempt to Contact him as she assumes he is dead. Their child is named Scarlet Frost.

Second Relationship:
Icarus Stratis. Being careful with this relationship she took things slow with Icarus and didn't mention her daughter for a while. Once Icarus met Scarlet things got closer much faster and they were engaged. However when going to announce their engagement to his family Kida had not told him she was pregnant, she got approached by his Seer Grandmother who put her hand on her Stomach and told her it would be a boy. Kida was planning on announcing the pregnancy at Dinner but got into an Argument with his Father over Muggles since he was unaware of her blood status and left causing a tear in their relationship. Icarus was absent from her life, she wasn't sure if he would ever Return but he eventually returned when their son was one and rekindled his love with Kida and his family, together Icarus and Kida planned to open a Restaurant and Icarus left to go travel to find new recipes around the Magical world but never returned. Over year after he left Kida hadn't heard from him, a Strange man approached the house and told Kida that Icarus had been massacred along with the rest of his family. All though hard for Kida to accept at First she accepted his Death and has not persued love since. Their child is named Leonidas Seralius Frost.

Current Relationship/Partner:

Gatto a Black Cat with Bright Green eyes who spends most of her day's asleep on the window ledge
Notte a Large Black/Brown Owl with Bright Brown Eyes, Notte is normally flying around and spending time with Kida's father rather then with her.

Notable Family:


Father's Name: Leo Giovanni Frost
Blood Status: Muggle
Occupations/Affiliations: Retired.
Brief Description: Of English and Italian descent, Leo grew up in Italy, however moved to England later in life, where as his Brother moved to Australia. Leo met Loraine on one of his Visits to Australia and fell for her charms, He moved to Australia to be with her. Leo was smitten for Loraine but Loraine Divorced Leo once she discovered she had given Birth to yet another Magical Child unbeknownst to Leo. Leo currently lives in Australia near his Brother Alex. Leo has one Muggle Parent and one Squib Parent making him Muggle.

Mother's Name: Loraine Chamberlain.
Blood Status: Muggle
Occupations/Affiliations: Retired. - Has never worked in her life, lives off her Ex Husbands money she gets in Divorce.
Brief Description: Loraine was born in Australia and is pure Muggle. From a Young age Loraine wanted the "Perfect" Man but when ever she found one with the looks and the money she would give Birth to a Magical child and find out that the Man she "Loved" was Magical or of Magical decent. She has 4 Children to 4 different Men. Blake, Ashton, Kida & Perseus all of which are Magical (Kida being the only Muggleborn) Loraine excludes herself from her children's lives as soon as she knew they were Magical and only returns when it is the best monetary value for her (i.e. Quidditch Games, News Reports) Loraine is currently Married to a 100% Muggle Royal and lives in England.



Name: Blake Blackwell.
Blood Status: Half-Blood.
Occupations/Affiliations: Graduate of Muggle School. Scitorari
Brief Description: Blake was Born in America and is the First Child of Loraine Chamberlain. He was unaware of his Magical Talents until he was older but he was a quick study and picked it up in no time at all. Blake has an interest in Dark Magic and believes that Magic owes him something due to the Death of his Father and will often perform Dark Magic. Blake has only recently discovered his Half Family and has met Kida but distances himself because he isn't ready to confront his emotions. Blake has a Reverse Dalmation named Sigil. (Older Half Brother)

Name: Ashton Valley.
Blood Status: Half-Blood.
Occupations/Affiliations: Graduate of Durmstrang. Unemployed
Brief Description: Ashton was Born in England and is the Second Child of Loraine Chamberlain. His was conceived whilst Loraine was married to Leo but Leo never found out because Loraine said her mother was sick and dissapeared for 5 Months when she was showing. Ashton grew up knowing about his Magic and is talented but rarely uses it because of the effort involved. Ashton lives with Kida in her Granny Apartments at the back of her 7 Acre property.

Name: Perseus Ambrosia.
Blood Status: Half-Blood.
Occupations/Affiliations: Attends Muggle School, Attended Hogwarts New Zealand - Gryffindor.
Brief Description: Perseus was Born in Greece and is the Fourth Child of Loraine Chamberlain. Perseus has a hard time dealing with Magic due to his Mother abandoning him due to his Magical gifts and got bullied in his first few years of School. Perseus now attends an Australian Boarding School and lives with Kida on the Holidays due to his Mother refusing to take care of him and his Father being dead. Perseus spent the most time with his Mother out of all the siblings until she left him with Kida.


Name: Scarlet Frost
Blood Status: Mixed Blood.
Occupations/Affiliations: Child
Date of Birth: Janurary 17th 2030
Brief Description: Scarlet is Kida's First Born and takes on a lot of her characteristics. Scarlet has long Brown hair and very light olive skin with bright green eyes. Due to Kida having her at a young age Scarlet has picked up Kida's mannerisms and Loves Quidditch like her mother. Scarlet is a Natural Born Athlete. Scarlet doesn't know her Father but is contempt since she was surrounded by her Uncles and has always been loved. Due to Icarus' disappearance she has felt a presence missing since she saw him as a Father Figure and since none of her Uncles live at home with her, It is undecided how this will effect her later in life. Kida's Pregnancy with Scarlet didn't show until 6 months, she wasn't aware she was pregnant until about 5 months, where again she looked only slightly bloated, Kida continued to play Quidditch until her 6th month.

Name: Leonidas Frost
Blood Status: Mixed Blood.
Occupations/Affiliations: Child
Date of Birth: March 2nd 2035
Brief Description: Leonidas is Kida's Second Born, He is currently too young to know which parent he takes after. Leo has Olive skin due to his Italian and Greek heritage and has Grey eyes. Leo has never met his father and it is undecided if he ever will. Leo is a happy baby with no complications. However he is very naughty and likes to pull things off shelves when he has a chance to get his hands on them. Kida's pregnancy with Leonidas didn't show until she was around 7 and a half months, she looked only slightly bloated and then within a week she had a Baby bump. Kida knew she was pregnant at 4 and a half months and stopped playing Quidditch at 5 months and stuck to just coaching calling in her alternate beater.


Name: Aeon Summers.
Blood Status: Mixed Blood.
Occupations/Affiliations: Hogwarts New Zealand, former Gryffindor Prefect. Magical Menagerie Owner
Brief Description: Kida and Aeon had a strained relationship during their schooling life, especially as Aeon wanted to have a Perfect schooling life and wouldn't tolerate Kida's need for Adventure and Danger. However, following Graduation the two got closer and Kida took Aeon in when he was in his toughest time. She often wishes she helped him sooner but she wasn't aware of his situation. Aeon lived with Kida for a while before moving out. Kida built a Granny Apartment/Studio at the back of her 7 acre property to give the boys some space as Scarlet was growing up and pestering them.

Name: Sern Summers.
Blood Status: Mixed Blood.
Occupations/Affiliations: Graduate of Hogwarts New Zealand. Formerly in Gryffindor House.
Brief Description: Sern and Kida were closer than her and Aeon during school and they often got into Trouble together although once due to what is belived to be a behavioural disorder, Sern cast a spell which burnt Kida's hand and has left her with a crescent moon Scar. Sern has been missing from Kida's life for a long time and is to belived to be with Kida's Uncle.

Other Family Members:

Name: Elizabetta Summers
Blood Status: Squib
Occupations/Affiliations: Retired - Grandmother
Relation: Kida's grandmother, from her Father's Side the source of her Magic is from Elizabetta's family due to her Squib nature. Elizabetta did take care of Kida from time to time when she was a baby but when she moved to Australia she didn't see her as Much. Kida loves her Nonna a lot. She is the Warm and kind but will not tolerate anyone crossing her family and can be ruthless.

Name: Orlando Frost
Blood Status: Muggle
Occupations/Affiliations: Retired - Grandfather
Relation: Kida's Grandfather, from her Father's Side. Orlando is 100% Muggle Kida doesn't remember much about him just that he loves to be creative.

Name: Remus Firn
Blood Status: N/A
Occupations/Affiliations: Deceased - God Uncle
Relation: Kida's father's childhood friend. Remus knew Kida when she was a young child and taught her Transfiguration at school. They became extremely close during her schooling years only to be murdered in front of her. Kida was very fond of her God Uncle and he left her his entire estate which she has expanded and built her House on.


1st Year:
Sorted into Gryffindor House
2nd Year: Accepted onto the Gryffindor Quidditch Team as Beater and played till graduation
Out of School: Played for the Hollyhead Harpies Professionally and stopped while Pregnant. Whilst Pregnant got a Job at the Ministry of Magic in the Quidditch league Headquarters. Using her Inheritance she bought her own Quidditch Team and named them the Tuscan Charmers and currently Coaches and Plays for them Professionally.
Two Children Scarlet and Leonidas.


Kida has a few regrets which are her Achilles heel.
Not being there for some of her Family when they needed someone the most.
Being Captured and tortured by Death Eaters when she regrets getting caught in the first place.
Her Children not having their Father's in their life. Deep down it pains Kida that both Men have managed to leave her and her children's lives without a word, She has
developed trust issues due to this.


Blood Type: A+
Allergies: N/A
Conditions: N/A
Admissions to Hospital:
Kida was admitted into Hospital Wing quite a bit during her schooling year, in her First year she was admitted for a severe burn on her hand. A Majority of the other times were due to her getting Hurt by a Bludger or someone flying in front of her and falling off her broom however this stopped happening after her 3rd year when she got more experienced.
Out of School-
Kida has been in Hospital for both of her Births of her Children. other than that only Once after she was kidnapped by her Best Friend's family Koaru Koshiba and was tortured and had to have cuts healed.

To do:
History, Failures, etc.



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