Quidditch Game: Ilvermorny vs Beauxbatons

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Reeve Buchanan

Well-Known Member
Ilvermorny,BeauxbatonsReeve was happy that it was sunny this morning. The evening before it had been pouring, and the man hoped that it would stop. It was still very cold, but he could deal with that more easily, or so he thought. Pulling on a pair of gloves, Reeve prepared the pitch. When he finished, he stood with his hands on his hips, breath visible in puffs of air. Then he realized he was slowly sinking in the mud and he picked up a foot, shaking off some of the mud before mounting his broom and hovering.

Reeve had already spoken with both teams and so now he just had to wait for their line up cards.

OOCOut of Character:
Arrivals only please. At this time, every player should familiarize themselves with the rules if they have not done so already.Captains, please be sure to complete your lineups in the cp before you post them here.
Asclepius was pumped for the game, he felt like he'd had a really good set of practices lately and he had a feeling it would be one of his better games. He made his way onto the pitch where his captain and teammates had started to assemble and he waited, he expected he would start but there was always the possibility the captain would shuffle things around a little.
Zoey wasn't very pleased with her performance during practice and she didn't know what was wrong with her. She just hoped what ever was blocking her would take the day off and she'd have a clear head today. As she waited for the game to start she shivered in the cold and grew even more impatient. She thought going to France would be more exciting but it wasn't like she'd have a chance to go anywhere besides the locker room. She did a few hops in place to keep warm before the whistle blew.
Bellamy had grown quite comfortable on the bench and hoped he'd get to stay there today. It was crazy to think that next year he'd be on the starting team. By then he might be one of the most experienced players but it wasn't like he'd really tested his skills. He just hoped he wouldn't embarrass himself and let the team down. But he had to get through today first. He could only worry about one thing at a time as he blew warm air into his hand so he didn't lose feeling in his fingers.
Tullia was very excited for this game. She felt ready for it, even as a completely inexperienced player.
Pearl felt sure that they would win this. Though there was no way she'd end up playing her part. No matter how hard she tried she was never able to catch everything. She wasn't sure one could even say she'd improved much. But she was at the game and ready.
Vincent was nervous. No, he was beyond nervous. Practice had not gone well, and he was scared he would fail it for the team. He looked to his teammates and nodded. At least they were on their own turf. That might give them the advantage. And, it wasn't snowing. Still bitter cold, but Vincent could handle it.
Noah didn't have any sort of big speech planned for today's game. He was just captain for a year and while he liked the position he wasn't sure he was a very motivating person. It also helped that quidditch wasn't that hard and he was sure his team knew what to do. "Right. You all know what you've got to do, let's just take home the win, yeah?" He said with a small nod before turning his head to Dion and Flick. "And save any flirting with the French players for after the game." He joked slightly before turning around to hand his lineup to the referee.

@Nabi Mun Seeker
Pearl ParraKeeper
@Hadrian Murphy Chaser
Zoey HawkinsChaser
Noah WebbChaser (C)
@Gwydion Amos Beater
@Felicity Sweetwater Beater
Ocean KeeleyAlternate
Ava was excited for today's game, hoping to do good just so she had another game to look forward to and this wouldn't be her last.
Xenia felt the familiar nerves creep up on her with a strange sense of nostalgia. She knew there was a chance this would be her last game for Beauxbatons - although she certainly hoped it wasn't. Whatever happened next, happened. Maybe she'd get to play for her country, play in a league, or maybe she'd never play again, she didn't really know. All she could do was go out there and give it her best shot, do much better than she'd done in practice, and lead her team as well as she could. At least it was a home game, though maybe that was harder - she had to put up a good performance in front of the whole school.

"You know what to do," she simply said to the team, looking over them all with a smile. "We've got this. Let's kick some a**. Allez les bleus!" She went over to hand the team sheet over to the ref and shake hands with the other captain, pleased that it was one of the nicer looking boys since their last captain had been a real piece of work (not that Xenia had been much better herself).

Vincent PoeSeeker
Xenia NikolaidouKeeper (C)
Asclepius Kuya-JenkinsChaser
@Claire Blanchet Chaser
@Alicia Richelieu Chaser
Ava HastingsBeater
@Malik St. James Beater
Niniane Archambeau, Bellamy Parish, Tullia WhitlockAlternates
Nina knew she'd start on the bench, but she didn't mind too much. She hoped she'd get to play in time - not that she wanted Vincent to get hurt for her to take the field, of course. She was ready to go if she had to be, but stood with the others excitedly watching.
Hadrian had...not exactly done well in practice. He could feel his breakfast threatening to come back up (though at least part of that was the travel). But he was keen to get out there and do his best...and maybe ask the others about the flirting, as he thought there was possibly a story there.
Dion knew this was it - hopefully they'd win today, but if not, at least he could say Quidditch had been good fun. He was pretty relaxed as he sauntered up to the others. Quietly hoping he could maybe catch the eye of some cute French girls - but mostly just looking forward to the chance to let off some steam by hitting bludgers around. He pretended to look offended at Noah's comment but gave a smirk, shrugging mock-helplessly.
Reeve greeted the captains before he accepted their lineup cards and reviewed them. He placed them into his pocket before casting the Sonorus charm. "Both teams were given instructions in their locker room areas. I expect this will be a fun but fair match. Today. Ilvermorny, you'll guard the North hoops and Beauxbatons, you will guard the South. Let's fly!"

Reeve opened the game chest and freed the bludgers and snitch then grabbed the quaffle and mounted his broom again. He kicked off, soaring higher and higher. With a large puff of air, the man tossed the quaffle as high as he could. "Game on!"

OOCOut of Character:
Game Notes - please read
1. Be sure to review the rules. Any questions regarding the rules should be sent to your captain(s). If they cannot answer, they can PM me.
2. If you have any issues seeing the score on the referee's first post or with your access to the quidditch system, please send a PM including both me and your captain(s). It may be that they've forgotten to add you to the system or may be a bigger issue.
3. Dont forget to refresh the page before you post! Someone might sneak in a post while you are working on yours and first post counts.
4. You should always be pressing a button, whichever is appropriate for your game play during your post. Doing so boosts your success rate as well as allows the timer to kick in appropriately for your teammates and opponents.
5. The game is meant to be interactive, so read your fellow players posts before posting! Stick with the game from beginning to end, from kicking off the ground to touching back down! Have fun!
6. As you are all in the same group and color, it would be most helpful for me if you consider including your school in your profile and/or utilizing the buttons with your school name.
Vincent mounted his broom and soared into the air to work on catching the snitch for his team.
Hadrian decided to get in and grab the quaffle quickly to get Ilvermorny started well, though ideally he'd pass to Noah if he could.
Xenia quickly took to the sky and situated herself in front of the hoops, focusing and watching like a hawk.
Dion quickly got in the air and immediately set about looking for a bludger to hit.
Claire quickly followed the other team’s chaser, annoyed at herself that she hadn’t been able to get it for the team.
Vincent continued his search, while flying away from the beaters.
Hadrian scored somehow despite having zero success in the training session.
That very fact made Xenia want to jump off her broom there and then but we have a game to play so she swallowed her nerves and tossed the quaffle back to her team.
Dion tried to hit another bludger at the seeker, but he dodged and it went straight to @Ava Hastings . He swore under his breath. First striking out and then hitting her with a bludger. Quidditch sucked, actually.
Claire quickly got a hold of the quaffle as it was thrown back into play, a bit disappointed that the other team was ahead already.
Vincent dodged a bludger that was flying around.
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