Rarely Ever Here

Professor Misha Haden

Charms Professor | Laid Back
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Ivy Wand 13" Essence of Gargoyle Tooth
8/2009 (52)
Misha Haden had been teaching now almost four years, and in all those four years, Misha had not made any friends. There had been that other charms professor who'd he'd almost become friends with, but some professors came and went quicker than he could keep up, so it seemed a little pointless to even try to both when it came to making friends. That would've been alright, if Misha had any friends at all. But, he had none. There had been that almost thing with that girl. But, he was forgetful and had lost touch with her. Now, he was a little more than alone. But, it was only as he was getting older that it really seemed like a problem to him. He didn't mind being alone, but it would be nice to have a little company in every day. The young professor was sort of feeling a little bored of the whole classroom and the students. There was only one place that he could go when he felt like he had truly escaped the kids. It was the professor's common room. It was a nice little room, which he liked, though didn't spend enough time in. It was just difficult to when he preferred working in his office. It was not often that he felt the need to truly step away from where any kids could reach him, but it was unfortunately necessary this time around. It was getting towards the end of the term, and it was always the time when things were a little more friendly.

Closing his office door behind him, he ensured that it was locked, leaving his classroom open for kids who maybe wanted some extra practice. He didn't mind that. He had his mug in hand and a book in the other. He was looking forward to a quiet little place where he knew he wouldn't be interrupted by silly questions by the kids. Misha did love kids, and he loved teaching, but it drove him a little made every so often. Which wasn't exactly a good thing. He knew how to cure it, and was doing that right at this moment. Thankfully, the Charms classroom and his office were not that far from the Professor's common room, which he reached quickly, and without running into a single student. The advantage of teaching the higher years was that they generally knew what they were doing, and it was a lot easier to teach. He would like to teach the young students, sure, but he liked dealing with the older kids. The spells were more interesting. Placing his book down on a table, Misha wandered over to the counter and started making himself a cup of tea. The tea bag was safely already in his cup. Misha had once stayed away from tea always but it was something he had really taken to drinking nowadays. It was good. When Misha heard the door open again, he glanced around before looking back at the boiling water. "I'm making some tea, do you want some?" He called to the person, without really thinking about who it could be, just that it was the polite thing to do.
Speed made his way back to the castle after spending a fair few hours dealing with Colin, the hippogriff. While a good creature at heart, a hippogriff needed to roam, and sometimes Colin would take it upon himself to roam free within the forest. He could take care of himself, this Speed knew all too well, but he was not comfortable with letting the hippogriff run around the forest without being watched, as he could easily run into a student. They weren't supposed to be in the forest, but everyone knew they went in regardless. Especially since it was nearing the end of the year, some seventh years were bound to decide that, since they were nearly adults anyway, they could just go anywhere and do anything. He knew this because he had felt the same way when he was a seventh year, and had done a few things that had managed to get under his Head of House's skin.

There were not many students around, as it was time for Brightstone. He had considered going, but eventually decided that the professor's on patrol could handle it. The only reason he would have gone was to see family, or perhaps friends, but that was the only reason. He would rather stay on the grounds to be available for any of his students that were freaking out about the exams - such as the fourth years. Some seemed to be terrified of the prospect of going through the forest 'alone' and facing 'dangerous' creatures. They were not alone, as Speed would never just abandon students in the forest, and everything in that forest was, well, able to be contained. They could cause harm, but Speed had everything under control, although he did feel a little bad about not telling the students that. But he couldn't allow them to rely on him to help them. He wouldn't always be around whenever they face a creature, or get a job working with a wild creature. They had to learn independence.

Speed smiled slightly as he opened the door of the Professor's Common Room, to an offer of tea. The room was quite empty as well, letting be sure that the offer was to himself and not another. "I'd love some, thanks," he replied, sitting closer to the tea that he would have originally planned in order to not cause the... Charms professor to have to walk too far to accommodate him. He did not think he had had a meaningful conversation with the man, but he rarely held down conversations with many people, to be perfectly honest. But he had seen him around, as they had both worked here for a while, in fact, he was sure that the man came in the year after. Misha or something.
Misha was happily making his cup of tea when he'd heard someone else walk in. It had been a natural instinct for him to just turn around and ask the person if they also wanted something. Which was why he was not surprised when the man said yes. He had found that since becoming a professor his love for tea had grown a lot. It was practically the only hot beverage that he really drank. Coffee was just not for him. He didn't like the taste. Which was why he was glad that the other professor was also just wanting tea. It would be much better, much easier for Misha. He finished making the teas and when he'd just finished pouring the water into the two mugs turned around to look at who it actually was. He was graced with the sight of the Care of Magical creatures professor. He smiled at the man as he then took one of the cups of tea and headed it over to him. He didn't really know who this guy was. it was just another professor at this school. Misha didn't honestly spend that much time within the school learning about the other professors, and working with them. Misha did his job each day and then left. He didn't have much of a social life and he wasn't too interested in trying to make one. Though it did get a little boring from time to time.

Turning back to the other cup, he closed his hands around it and then walked back to where the other professor was sitting. He took a seat next to him and then smiled happily. He held out his hand, "Misha Haden, Charms, OWLs through to NEWTs." he said, it was his way of introducing him and what he taught. Misha only taught fifth years to seventh years which for him was perfect. He liked dealing with small class sizes and trickier spells. it was much more his sort of thing. He was always happy to help out new charms professors but he was always looking forward to doing more with it. More out-with school. He would've also said how long he'd been teaching, but that didn't seem right. As soon as Misha had sat down however, he realised that the other professor might've wanted milk or sugar. Leaning forward in his chair slightly, Misha made it look as though he was about to stand again. "Oh, I should've asked, do you want any milk or sugar?" he said in an apologetic tone. Misha had a strange array of accents. It was pretty difficult to place, especially when he was speaking more casually and not in front of students. After the charms professor had asked the other man that, he smiled at him, and then hoped to find out how the other professor actually found teaching. "How are the magical creatures? I bet the new third years love learning about all the new creatures they'll see in your class! Always loved Care of Magical Creatures at school."
It was only recently that Ava had grown a love for coffee. Sure, she had had it before, but now it almost seemed like an addiction to her. The Headmistress wasn't awake until she had her morning coffee, and usually needed one at lunch time to make it through the day. She would pity any student that crossed her when she hadn't had her caffeine; it was at those times when Ava definitely had her grumpy on.
It was nearing the end of the school year, and Ava found herself doing more and more paperwork. Of course her mind was on the upcoming election as well, and she was interested in what each candidate was going to bring. Ava wasn't sure what any of them were like as of yet, and was waiting to meet them during the break. At the moment, however, Ava sat at her desk, her hair tied up in a high bun, her head resting on her hand. Reaching over for her mug, the lady sighed when she saw it was empty. It would be her third cup of the day, but if she was to get through her work and studies, she definitely needed another coffee. She summoned her coffee tin to her, not feeling like getting up just yet. However, to Ava's despair, there wasn't any beans left. The Headmistress let out a frustrated groan and got up to look around to see if there was any around. Yet, there was none left. Ava wasn't sure how she let herself run out, but she couldn't keep working without a energy lift. She couldn't wait for the break.
Ava quickly made her way up to the Professor's Common Room, a place she didn't venture into often. There wasn't any particular reason for her not going, she just got busy and rarely found the time to unwind. Upon entering the room, Ava smiled, making a silent promise to herself that she would try to come more often. It was a relaxing room, a lovely room. She was happy to see that she wasn't the only person there, knowing that she would love to distract herself with some conversation for awhile. "Hello gentlemen!" Ava smiled, greeting her co-workers while making her way over to counter to make herself some coffee.

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