Siblings need plots

Wisteria Lacewing

"wish" 🍂 nervous little mouse
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Knotted 13 1/2 Inch Sturdy Cedar Wand with Basilisk Skin Core
My poor beloved Lacewing siblings have been severely neglected since I've been away, so I'm looking for some plots now that I'm back to stare at the fun wizard roleplay site!


Wisteria "Wish" Lacewing
Fourth Year Slytherin

Sparrow Lacewing
Second Year Hufflepuff
Wish is a sweetheart without a mean bone in her body. She does, however, have horrific self-esteem and a fascination with the dark arts. She's used to kindness coming attached with strings, thanks to her parents, so any friendships she makes will come attached with a lot of anxiety on her end. I'd like a bit of antagonism to draw her out of her shell, she's definitely more likely to trust people who are being mean to her and fight back. Romance is a completely foreign concept to her, but I think it could be fun to explore, and could lead to some dramatic miscommunication because she will believe anyone asking her out is doing it as a joke. Also looking for older mentors who'd be interested in talking to her about art, magical creatures, or less than legal magic.
Sparrow has tragically never been in possession of a brain cell, but he's never let that get in the way of a good time. His Hogwarts letter may have arrived in the mail, but his attention span got returned to sender. Sparrow's into music, muggle junk, Herbology and Causing Problems. He's spent most of his life being besties with his older sister, but it's time for him to have friends of his own. He's going to need some people in his life that are up for an adventure and don't mind an exploding cauldron or two. Enemies too, but he'll probably just think he has some really angry friends and annoy them even more. No romance plans for him because he's a baby, but open to crushes and potential future ideas.
I love the lacewing siblings.
for wish i can offer Sky. she is a couple of years older. art is certainly something that she is happy tp talk about. while music is her art of choice. she is certainly not new to dabbling in other art forms.

for sparrow. i can offer Sky again as a friend. happy to talk about music. or @Hugo Stark-West as a friend. maybe someone who he has been partnered with in class and gets annoyed by his constant distrations. or maybe someone who is meant to work with him in a group project and things dont go to plan. Hugo is a pretty quiet bookish ravenclaw boy. much rather have his head in a novel than almost anyhtign else. i havent used him as much as i should have done. I think it would be a fun dynamic between them, and maybe even they could become friends.
Wish would love Sky! I could definitely see her looking up to Sky and being a bit intimidated by her being a cool older student, but it'd be nice to have them doing artsy things together.

I love the group project idea for Sparrow and Hugo! It could be really fun trying to get them to stay on task together and see if they survive the ordeal. Sparrow would probably like Sky too, I think maybe they could interact in the common room since they're in the same house.

I'll start some topics!

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