Sitting & Thinking

Zoe Katsaros

anti-drama • mother
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Sexual Orientation
Straight 11 1/2 Inch Unyielding Mahogany Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Zoe Katsaros could not believe her luck. She was away from her sister, which was something she did not want to happen even if her sister got on her nerves. Her sister was very hyper and happy. Zoe could barely smile. She was not a fan of talking either. She never wanted to be called on in class. Zoe sighed, before she had her hair cover her face as a curtain, and walked along the grounds. There were students everywhere but she did not want to speak to anyone or make any friends. She did not know why she was even here. Zoe wanted to go home, but her parents thought it was important for her to socialize. At times, she wondered how Zared did it, because the two were similar. Zoe looked at her shoes, as she managed to find the subtle sounds of waves. She looked over to her left and saw a lake. She ended up at the lake somehow while she was thinking. Taking off her shoes and socks, Zoe placed her feet in the water, feeling the cold. Oh, this was good. Zoe tossed her hair back and looked toward the sky. 'This is so relaxing,' thought Zoe. She did not care if someone came up to her and told her that if she did this, a giant squid would pull her under. There were swimmers here and whatnot. She barely had her feet in anyway. The water did not even go over her ankles.
Lilyanna did not consider herself happy at all to be back at Hogwarts for another year of education. She valued education a lot but when she had to share it with people that she didn't like, that was when she became frustrated and angry. The Slytherin always wanted to isolate herself away from her peers in order to keep herself together but even then she knew there was no way she'd be able to be fully alone. There was always someone there wherever she went and, even after spending a full year at Hogwarts, she still hadn't found the perfect place yet where she could just relax without the distraction of a yearmate. Lilyanna found herself wandering out to the grounds during her free time with her drawing book clutched tightly against her stomach. Ever since getting it as a present for her birthday she had never lost sight of it. It was almost too valuable for her to even think of losing and was much close to her heart, despite her only just getting it a couple of months ago.

The second year walked straight towards the lake with her head held high. She had an idea and was on her way to the lakefront to try and put it together. As she sat down on the bright green grass she opened up her drawing book and flipped straight to the page where she had sketched it all. It was a floating device made out of sticks that would be enchanted to lightly float across the lake holding whichever object it desired. Lilyanna wasn't quite sure what made her think of it but she was willing to try. After assessing how exactly she was going to put it together, she started collecting as many sticks as she could find that were on the water's edge. She stopped however when she saw a girl sitting with her feet in the water and spoke to her with confidence in her voice. "Can you please stand up? There might be sticks under you." she said, not caring if the girl thought she was slightly peculiar holding quite a large number of sticks.

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