Sliding In The Plots

Samantha Jacobs

55' grad 🎓 | biggest heart ❤️ olivander's asst.
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Fir Wand 14 1/8" Essence Of Sphinx Remains
24 (06/2037)
Hello everyone! It's that time of year again! Plots and the new upcoming IC year are upon us! I'll show most of the characters that I'd like to roleplay with! If you have any questions about my characters don't be afraid to hit me up with any questions you may have! Also if you'd like to discuss further or in detail about plots between our characters, please don't be afraid to msg me on discord or on pms here!

I apologise for the students ones being a bit more detailed!!!


Molly Burke
7th Yeaf | Hufflepuff | Mixed Blood

Abigail Payne
6th Year | Gryffindor | Unknown

Joshua Lynch
5th Year | Gryffindor | Muggleborn
PERSONALITY/UPDATE: Molly is in her last year at Hogwarts and she's excited about what's to come. She hopes that her final year goes much better than last year, as she felt her sixth year wasn't the greatest. Her parents had gotten a divorce and with her break up in her sixth year with Felix, she hopes that her final year at Hogwarts is at least the greatest. Molly is still her bubbly and talkative self, but she has grown up a little and has started to mature a little more as she thought that people would take her a lot more seriously. Molly isn't 100% on what she wants to do once she leaves Hogwarts but she wants to make the most of it. She realises that school is going to be a little different this year as Nolan isn't here.

NEEDS/IDEAS: Friends, Development of friendships, Drama (Drama would be interesting, though I think I'd like for her to at least have a good final year... bahaha), Anything!!!!!
PERSONALITY/UPDATE: Abigail is still a little shy and quite to herself, but she is slowly opening up and warming up to people. She has been a bit curious recently about her birth parents but doesn't really know where to start looking. I would really like for someone to push her out of her comfort zone somehow. She's always in the art room or in the common room doing some form of art, and I'd just like for someone to give her some sort of push or push her out of that zone.

NEEDS/IDEAS: Friends, Development on friendships, Drama?, Romanance (Female) (Can be crushes, casual, fling or short-term) - Not looking for anything final yet, but am happy to discuss things if you are interested! Anything really!!
PERSONALITY/UPDATE: Josh!!! Josh is now in his fifth year and he's having a mixture of feelings. While he is enjoying the fact that he is at Hogwarts, spending time with his Hogwarts friends and learning about magic is still struggling a little bit with the muggle side of things. He misses his muggle friends but hates the idea of hiding the magical world from his muggle friends. He is noticing that the distance between him and his muggle friends is getting further and further apart each time he gets back. Josh is still that loud and sporty guy. He just loves having a good time and just loves Quidditch (He's still a bit of a goofball and soft-headed, he can sometimes ask not-so-ideal questions)

NEEDS/IDEAS: Friends, Development of friendships, Romance (Female) (Can be Crushes, casual, or short-term - I have something semi-planned for him when he's older but am always happy for something small at the moment!) Not looking for a final yet, but am happy to discuss things if you are interested! Meeting other muggleborns, Anything!!

Conan Burke
4th Year | Ravenclaw | Mixed Blood

Eliza Reynolds
3rd Year | Gryffindor | Half-Blood
PERSONALITY/UPDATE: Conan is now in his fourth year and he likes Hogwarts so far. Conan is protective over his friends (He can't fight, but he will defend them or help them out in some way). Conan is still interested and dedicated to his shell collection. Conan is also up for exploring and any sort of adventure!

Conan doesn't really know how to feel about his parent's divorce. Conan just feels confused about it all. He knows that everything is just awkward and tense at the moment.

NEEDS/IDEAS: Friends, development on friendships, shell collector friends, someone he could collect shells with, friends or people he could get up to mischief with! Romance? (Looking for crushes at this stage!)
PERSONALITY/UPDATE: Omg, Eliza! I haven't really roleplayed with Eliza much but I would love to do some stuff with her! Eliza is still a bit new to magic but knows bits and pieces about it by now. Eliza is a huge geek.

She is very knowledgeable when it comes to superheroes or anything even remotely geeky. She prefers to stay indoors and isn't really interested in anything that's physical or even related to sports.

NEEDS/IDEAS: FRIENDS!!!! development on friendships/relationships, someone or a group she could geek out with, romance (looking for crushes at this stage!) ANYTHING!

Marley Pattinson
2nd Year | Hufflepuff | Unknown

Fiona Burke
1st Year | Gryffindor | Mixed Blood
PERSONALITY/UPDATE: Marley is now in her second year and she's really enjoying it so far. She has managed to make quite a few friends at Hogwarts and she's really happy about it. Marley is pretty much into anything artsy. She has a huge passion for art and is pretty much open to anything.

I'm thinking of her trying out for the Quidditch team this year and seeing what happens. She is still trying to adjust a little to the magical world, but so far she's enjoying it a lot. She is also very protective over her friends, especially over her best friend, Amodeus. She also is always up to some trouble!

NEEDS/IDEAS: Friends, development of friendships/relationships, drama, art friends that she can do art with, mischief threads, no romance at this stage! But am happy to discuss things if you'd like! Anything Quidditch-related would be great too! Anything!!
PERSONALITY/UPDATE: Fiona is the youngest of the Burke gang! She's pretty much a tomboy and dislikes anything that's too girly. She doesn't like pink or glitter, but if she really must, she'll reluctantly wear it. She doesn't care if her friends are into those things though. Fiona has a huge passion for skateboarding and quidditch! Pretty much the opposite of Molly.

Fiona is also up for any sort of adventure or exploration as well as for anything mischievous like pranks or any sort of rule-breaking. Fiona is also the first in the family to be Gryffindor which is really excited about. Fiona can sometimes be careless and may not always think about others, but she does definitely care where it counts.

NEEDS/IDEAS: Friends, friends whom she can take risks with or can have fun with. Drama!! Quidditch friends! Anything related to Quidditch I am honestly up for anything for Fiona!

Mercury Ascot
Y46 | Unsorted | Mixed Blood
PERSONALITY: Mercury will be joining his brother, Jupiter (Charlie's character) in Hogwarts the next HNZ year. He's excited to join his brother at Hogwarts but is also a little nervous. Mercury is very introverted. He's very shy and likes to have his nose in a book or do puzzles. Much like his brother Jupiter, he too is into Astronomy. He also likes to read the latest issue of his brother's comics.

Mercury does have the tendency to lie about things and sometimes takes things from people without asking, especially when it comes to Jupiter. He secretly tries to get his hand on anything new and recent from his brother's comics. And may take other things from his brother sometimes without asking. But he looks up to his brother a lot.

NEEDS/IDEAS: Future HNZ Friends, Friends, Scout threads, positive or negative interactions! basically anything!!

Eloise Elliott
Y47 | Unsorted | Mixed Blood
Bio • Aesthetic
Eloise is the youngest of her siblings. She has two older brothers, Conan and Dillion (Vicky's and Ana's Characters). Eloise doesn't know much about her father, Derrick (Charlie's character). All she knows is that Derrick had left her family when she was quite young and that most of her family was not very happy about it. While the family is not on the best of terms with their dad, deep down she is interested in meeting and spending time with her dad, though she pretends to dislike him because it seems to her that mostly everyone else does. She looks up to her older brothers and wants to spend as much time with them as she can.

Eloise is pretty much a tomboy and is very into quidditch and skateboarding. She also likes to paint occasionally as well as read a book or two. Eloise is a bit reserved though and is a bit shy. It takes a bit for her to open up to people. She is also a people pleaser and a follower. She'll basically do anything to make people happy and will be easily influenced to do things, even if she thinks it's not a good idea to.

NEEDS/IDEAS: Future HNZ Friends, Friends, Drama, Scout threads, Quidditch-related threads, basically anything!!

Samantha Jacobs
55' Grad | Magical | Half-Blood

Issac Jacobs
56' Grad | Magical | Half-Blood

Valencia Addington
59' Grad (Y43) | Magical | Muggleborn
Samantha, my first baby and the first character I made when I joined the site! Ahh! I haven't done much with Sam since she graduated but I would love to do some stuff with her, even if its just some small threads. Sam currently works in Ollivanders and is studying to be a teacher.Issac is Sam's younger brother. I have not done a thing with him since he graduated haha! I would defs like to do some stuff with him. Issac works in a small muggle comic book store in Auckland as a part-time job. He currently isn't studying at the moment but his parents are pushing him to study something.Valencia is glad to be out of Hogwarts. She had been living the muggle life since she graduated. She's been studying Astronomy at University as well as having an internship with Astronomy. Valencia hasn't been in the wizarding world in a while but I'd like to do some threads with her!

Nolan Burke
'60 Grad (Y44) | Magical | Mixed-Blood

Xiuying Huang
60' Grad (Y44) | Magical | Mixed-Blood

Professor Eleanor Schmidt
Professor | Muggleborn
Nolan has recently graduated from HNZ and he cannot believe he has made it. He currently is studying at a music school in Auckland as he wants to pursue music as a career, as well as working part-time in a small music store.

After the divorce from his parents, Nolan has been living with his dad, as things between Nolan and his mum haven't been the best.

He hasn't been on good terms with his mum for a while. I'm keen on any sort of threads for him!

I would also like to find a final for him as well! (males only!) Happy to do anything casual, fling or short-term for him as well but eventually I'd like to find a final for him! I'm up for any sort of thread tho!
Xiuying has finally graduated from HNZ and wants to pursue a career in Quidditch.

After being in the school Quidditch team, she realised that she liked the idea of Quidditch as well as doing the sport.
If there is anything related to Quidditch for her, I would like to do some threads! I'm also happy to do any other sort of thread if you wish!

I would like to find a final for her as well! Am happy (male or female!) Again, happy to do anything casual, fling or short-term for her as well but I'd also eventually like to find a final for her! I'm up for any sort of thread tho!
Eleanor is a new character of mine and is the new arithmancy professor! I honestly haven't done much with her as of yet, so I'm still figuring her out. But she is quite nurturing and bubbly. She is quite happy to help out a student in need, even if it is out of her expertise, she is happy to help them out.

I would like to explore the romantic side of her for her, whether it be anything casual or short-term, but I would also like to find a final for her as well!

Professor and student plots are welcome too!!

And these are most of my characters! These are the ones I am mostly keen to roleplay with! But if you know that I have other characters you'd like to rp with that are not displayed here, please lemme know and I'd be happy to discuss things with you! I can't wait to plot with you all! and I'm always open to any sort of ideas!
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Hiiiiiiii, I have some additional ideas :teehee:

I know Chase isn't the most outgoing kid but his favourite things to do are literally reading his comic books or playing video games so here I am wondering if it might just be interesting to throw him and Eliza together. Maybe talking about something he likes with someone who actually knows things about that too might suddenly turn him enthusiastic for a minute

also let me throw Chloë at Issac for old times sakes yes thank you ❤️

Happy to offer a couple of things, Josh and Emmanuel could hang out? They haven't spent time together in a while and could catch up.

For Marley - Callie could be a friend, she's considering quidditch too (since she did sports at muggle school) so maybe we could do something like them practicing.

for Conan - as ever, i have Gregory. he can continue to be a good friend, and maybe they chat over things more, get closer and more personal about things. Can also offer Savannah whose in his year group and house as a potential friend, maybe a one-sided or mutual something crush.

For Fiona - I have a couple of things one is Apolline who can be a dorm friend and someone who always says no to adventures. Also have Helios who could try to convince her that quidditch is too dangerous.

I know this a lot but happy to explore what interests and leave other things.
Hiiiiiiii, I have some additional ideas :teehee:

I know Chase isn't the most outgoing kid but his favourite things to do are literally reading his comic books or playing video games so here I am wondering if it might just be interesting to throw him and Eliza together. Maybe talking about something he likes with someone who actually knows things about that too might suddenly turn him enthusiastic for a minute

also let me throw Chloë at Issac for old times sakes yes thank you ❤️

Chase x Eliza - Oh yes! That sounds good! Eliza would appreciate that, so I’m definitely keen on that!

Chloe x Issac - YES! Some sort of catch up thread or like some sort of outing thread would be nice!

In addition to ur pd - did you want to also do these all at once or spread them out? I can do one and you can do the other? You can lemme know which one you’d like to do hehe


Happy to offer a couple of things, Josh and Emmanuel could hang out? They haven't spent time together in a while and could catch up.

For Marley - Callie could be a friend, she's considering quidditch too (since she did sports at muggle school) so maybe we could do something like them practicing.

for Conan - as ever, i have Gregory. he can continue to be a good friend, and maybe they chat over things more, get closer and more personal about things. Can also offer Savannah whose in his year group and house as a potential friend, maybe a one-sided or mutual something crush.

For Fiona - I have a couple of things one is Apolline who can be a dorm friend and someone who always says no to adventures. Also have Helios who could try to convince her that quidditch is too dangerous.

I know this a lot but happy to explore what interests and leave other things.

Josh x Emmanuel - Yes!! Always keen for these too! A catch up sounds good, as like you said they haven’t spent time together in a bit!

Callie x Marley - Yay! I’m always happy and keen to do more threads between these two! Marley considers her a friend, so always happy! A quidditch practice of some kind sounds great! What position is Callie considering? Marley is hoping to either try out for chaser or beater hehe

Conan x Gregory - I adore their friendship so much! Conan is happy to be there for his friend for anything, even if he might not be the best at doing so, but he wants to try. But yes! defiantly up for them to be closer and more personal with things!

Conan x Savannah - Oh yes! I’m quite keen for this too! A crush of either or sounds good! Maybe we could put them together first and then see what happens? but i’m defs keen for the crush idea!

Fiona x Apolline/Helios - Ooo either or both can work! I’d like for someone to like hold her back from doing certain things so it will help hehe!

Did you wanna do all of them at once or spread them out? and which ones did you wanna start? I can do whatever is left :)

Josh x Emmanuel - Yes!! Always keen for these too! A catch up sounds good, as like you said they haven’t spent time together in a bit!

Callie x Marley - Yay! I’m always happy and keen to do more threads between these two! Marley considers her a friend, so always happy! A quidditch practice of some kind sounds great! What position is Callie considering? Marley is hoping to either try out for chaser or beater hehe

Conan x Gregory - I adore their friendship so much! Conan is happy to be there for his friend for anything, even if he might not be the best at doing so, but he wants to try. But yes! defiantly up for them to be closer and more personal with things!

Conan x Savannah - Oh yes! I’m quite keen for this too! A crush of either or sounds good! Maybe we could put them together first and then see what happens? but i’m defs keen for the crush idea!

Fiona x Apolline/Helios - Ooo either or both can work! I’d like for someone to like hold her back from doing certain things so it will help hehe!

Did you wanna do all of them at once or spread them out? and which ones did you wanna start? I can do whatever is left :)

Yess to all of this. I think we could maybe spread it out a little. So maybe we can do Callie and marley now, given the time of year.
Maybe do Conan and Gregory now.

Then maybe once classes are started do Josh and Emmanuel, and then Conan and Savannah next? Fiona and Apolline maybe once they've been a school a bit and Apolline can like try and hold her back from something she does a lot?

I could start the callie one, if you start the conan and gregory one?
Hii! So I liked Fiona and Travis. And I feel like he would def want to go back to the haunted house before with her. So that would be fun over an break perhaps once. But doing some fun stuff at the castle would be nice too. Would be nice to come in contact again, at the school.
Hiii Maria!

For Molly, as always I'm offering Gwen. I could easily see her being a jerk about Molly's breakup with Felix, in a very passive-aggressive subtle way. Maybe we could have her see through Gwen a bit at some point or at least snap at her? I'm going to think a bit more on specifics.

I can offer Ezra as a friend for Conan. I don't think he'd really understand the collection thing, but he'd try!
Yess to all of this. I think we could maybe spread it out a little. So maybe we can do Callie and marley now, given the time of year.
Maybe do Conan and Gregory now.

Then maybe once classes are started do Josh and Emmanuel, and then Conan and Savannah next? Fiona and Apolline maybe once they've been a school a bit and Apolline can like try and hold her back from something she does a lot?

I could start the callie one, if you start the conan and gregory one?
Yes! All of that sounds perfect! Sounds good, I can start something for Conan and Gregory and send it ur way!

Hii! So I liked Fiona and Travis. And I feel like he would def want to go back to the haunted house before with her. So that would be fun over an break perhaps once. But doing some fun stuff at the castle would be nice too. Would be nice to come in contact again, at the school.
Exploring the castle sounds good! Maybe if they were thinking about getting up to mischief maybe they could explore the castle after sleep curfew or something?

Hiii Maria!

For Molly, as always I'm offering Gwen. I could easily see her being a jerk about Molly's breakup with Felix, in a very passive-aggressive subtle way. Maybe we could have her see through Gwen a bit at some point or at least snap at her? I'm going to think a bit more on specifics.

I can offer Ezra as a friend for Conan. I don't think he'd really understand the collection thing, but he'd try!
Hiya Daphne!

Oh yes! Some drama between them would be interesting! Molly would be confused and a bit oblivious at first but after a while she'll eventually catch on and is wondering why Gwen is acting like that towards her.

Oooo! I'd be keen to see this and see what happens!

Would it be okay, if you'd be able to start something between Gwen and Molly and I can start something for Ezra and Conan? Unless you wanted to swap, that's totally fine too!
Hiya Daphne!

Oh yes! Some drama between them would be interesting! Molly would be confused and a bit oblivious at first but after a while she'll eventually catch on and is wondering why Gwen is acting like that towards her.

Oooo! I'd be keen to see this and see what happens!

Would it be okay, if you'd be able to start something between Gwen and Molly and I can start something for Ezra and Conan? Unless you wanted to swap, that's totally fine too!
Sounds good! I'm happy to start for Gwen and Molly
Exploring the castle sounds good! Maybe if they were thinking about getting up to mischief maybe they could explore the castle after sleep curfew or something?

Yeah sounds good! Would you mind start one for them?
Oooh maria.
I have a few thoughts.

Molly and Sky - they are friends, they are dorm mates. name it and sky is in.

Conan and Hugo. - I cant remember if we have actually threaded those two together before. but hugo is going into his third year and is kind of introverted and loves his books. I can see them being friends, and hugo would go to the beach and look at shells with him

Fiona and Ivy - I wish ivy was being sorted this year all of her friends are going to school. I don't know if they would already know each other (scouts maybe) if so she can come to ivys tenth birthday party. but if not they would totally get along. either putting this idea in place for next year or running into each other elsewhere.

if you have any other thoughts let me know.

Oooh maria.
I have a few thoughts.

Molly and Sky - they are friends, they are dorm mates. name it and sky is in.

Conan and Hugo. - I cant remember if we have actually threaded those two together before. but hugo is going into his third year and is kind of introverted and loves his books. I can see them being friends, and hugo would go to the beach and look at shells with him

Fiona and Ivy - I wish ivy was being sorted this year all of her friends are going to school. I don't know if they would already know each other (scouts maybe) if so she can come to ivys tenth birthday party. but if not they would totally get along. either putting this idea in place for next year or running into each other elsewhere.

if you have any other thoughts let me know.

Hi Mia!

Sky x Molly - Always keen for something for the Hufflepuff girls! Always happy to include Camilla with Renata as well! But I would defs like to do something, especially since its their final year!

Conan x Hugo - I'm not too sure either actually! But I'm open for this! I need to do some more stuff with Conan so pretty keen! Conan would always appreciate the help he can get when it comes to him finding shells.

Fiona x Ivy - If I remember correctly, they had met at the park one time and were having flying fox competitions hehe! They would defs know each other further through scouts as well, so I can definitely see them being friends!
Hi Mia!

Sky x Molly - Always keen for something for the Hufflepuff girls! Always happy to include Camilla with Renata as well! But I would defs like to do something, especially since its their final year!

Conan x Hugo - I'm not too sure either actually! But I'm open for this! I need to do some more stuff with Conan so pretty keen! Conan would always appreciate the help he can get when it comes to him finding shells.

Fiona x Ivy - If I remember correctly, they had met at the park one time and were having flying fox competitions hehe! They would defs know each other further through scouts as well, so I can definitely see them being friends!

sky and molly and @Renata Stepanova should we start something in the dorm?

Conan and Hugo. sounds good. i am thinking they should meet somewhere before shell hunting as it is the middle of winter and 2: hugo would much rather be inside than outside in the cold so :cry: it would take a lot of love to get hugo to go with you shell hunting when it is cold

Fiona and Ivy: oh yes i forgot that. this is Ivy's birthday party which you are welcome to join. or we can do something else.
sky and molly and @Renata Stepanova should we start something in the dorm?

Conan and Hugo. sounds good. i am thinking they should meet somewhere before shell hunting as it is the middle of winter and 2: hugo would much rather be inside than outside in the cold so :cry: it would take a lot of love to get hugo to go with you shell hunting when it is cold

Fiona and Ivy: oh yes i forgot that. this is Ivy's birthday party which you are welcome to join. or we can do something else.
Ooo yess all of that sounds perfect!

That's totally ok! we can always have them meet in the common room or wherever Hugo usually is found to be hanging out! Would you be able to start something between them?

I'll have Fiona join that thread as soon as possible!
Yes I am down for puff girls, I feel like they need to do something special to celebrate final year. Though I haven't the slightest idea as to what! :lol:

I totally got distracted on Miranda and Fiona meeting with the end of year/sorting rush and IRL stuff but Miranda's also a bit of a tomboy and just generally a nice and friendly sort of girl so they could possibly be friends? I'm being cautious not to overcommit but alternatively I've got Oz for Eliza - he doesn't know a lot about superheroes and muggle things but I think he'd actually find it kind of cool and be interested in her geeking out.
Yes I am down for puff girls, I feel like they need to do something special to celebrate final year. Though I haven't the slightest idea as to what! :lol:

I totally got distracted on Miranda and Fiona meeting with the end of year/sorting rush and IRL stuff but Miranda's also a bit of a tomboy and just generally a nice and friendly sort of girl so they could possibly be friends? I'm being cautious not to overcommit but alternatively I've got Oz for Eliza - he doesn't know a lot about superheroes and muggle things but I think he'd actually find it kind of cool and be interested in her geeking out.
Yessss always down for the puff girls!!

Miranda + Fiona - That's totally okay! I've enjoyed the little interaction those two have, so I'm keen for them to be friends! We could defs do something between these two!

Oz + Eliza - Again that's totally okay! Eliza needs more friends or interactions in general so im quite keen for this!
Hey :D

I think Miro and Fiona could be good friends! They are both in Gryffindor and love quidditch so I would love for Miro and Fiona to practice flying together once they've had flying lessons and they can maybe both try out for the quidditch team once they're old enough!
I will respond to the puff girls thread soon!

Shall we do Oz and Eliza for now and see how we go? I think we're both in the boat of 'we have neglected this character' more so for them so I'd be keen to see how they go. Happy to start something if you want?
Hey :D

I think Miro and Fiona could be good friends! They are both in Gryffindor and love quidditch so I would love for Miro and Fiona to practice flying together once they've had flying lessons and they can maybe both try out for the quidditch team once they're old enough
Hi Anna!!
Omg yesss!! This sounds good! I'm happy to do this! :D

I will respond to the puff girls thread soon!

Shall we do Oz and Eliza for now and see how we go? I think we're both in the boat of 'we have neglected this character' more so for them so I'd be keen to see how they go. Happy to start something if you want?
Yay! Sounds good! If you're all good with starting something, I'd deeply appreciate it hehe!
Hi Anna!!
Omg yesss!! This sounds good! I'm happy to do this! :D
Awesome!! I can start a thread if you like of Miro hanging around after their first flying lesson and they can meet then/say hello?
Awesome!! I can start a thread if you like of Miro hanging around after their first flying lesson and they can meet then/say hello?
Yess sounds perfect!

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