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Angelica Andes

Active Member
Holly Wand 12 1/2" Essence of Griffin Feather
i just wanna ask when the sorting will be?
Sorting will take place sometimes in January 17th but you will have to change your user name to a full first and last name. Pm Admin they will help you with anyone question you may have.
thanks for the info.You're my only hope in getting used here.

so where are you from?
Oh someone will help you eventually. Admin are not on at the moment, so typically they will post. I'm from New England =)
Oh I'm so excited for the sorting I can't wait. By the way, thanks for all your help!:D
No problem, and I'm glad >) Hope you enjoy!
Sorry for barging in, but may I ask what we'll do on January 17? I mean where would we go? I--I mean Snow doesn't have any idea about the subject.
Hi there!

On the 17th there will be a link put up on the board for the unsorted students to go to. Here they will fill out a form which will decide what house they are going to be put into. On the form you will have to write a small RP of your character once they've arrived at Hogwarts and having the sorting hat placed on their head. This post will then be edited by the sorting hat, informing your character of what house they are put into.

IC, all your character has to know is that when they get to Hogwarts a hat is placed on their head and they are told what house they are put into :p
Another person barging in! But, if you have anymore questions regarding the sorting or anything to do with the school or what have you, ask myself to LeAnn Adams. Were here to help!
Hi Angelica and Snow,

welcome to the site I hope your questions have been answered but if they haven't as Chloe has stated please pm either herself or LeAnn as they are the unsorted assistants or alternatively pm our amazing administrators Nicolas King and / or Cecily Zhefarovich. Though as it is sorting time of the year both are incredibly busy.

goodluck and I hope you get the house you want
lin /Andy
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