Sounds Better

Professor Misha Haden

Charms Professor | Laid Back
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Ivy Wand 13" Essence of Gargoyle Tooth
8/2009 (52)
The charms professor, was a new professor. He'd done many years practicing, and doing classes as a substitute around the different wizarding school, studying at muggle university. His knowledge of classes, and ability to change his lessons to suit what he was face with, being his personal best quality. This was his first real teaching job. He was nervous. He'd enjoyed the introduction, but it was different. It was different to be the professor arriving at a huge school at the mere age of 23. He knew that he was one of the younger professors in the school, and he lacked friends. His were mostly back in Poland. They were where he'd left them. Where he had broken off from the messing around and put his life together. His desire to teach hadn't always existed it was something that he had always thought he wouldn't do. But, the first time he'd helped a professor up was in his sixth year at Durmstrang, and well, he'd fallen in love with it. To be a professor, was to get up in the morning and know he'd be doing something that might just make a difference to someones life. It was a powerful feeling and he was sure that others might just love it too, given the right chance. he felt new, he'd never set foot in Hogwarts before. He'd been trained at Durmstrang. He was a happy graduate. Happy because his education was over, and he could do what he wanted. This would be his first year as a real life teacher. With real students, students currently sitting in the Great Hall eating away. He was a silent type outside of the classroom. Nervous, at times, but nice. He trusted only the people he truly believed were his friends, and all the rest were just there. They existed alongside what he wanted to be existing. He was spending his first real morning in Great Hall. Walking around the school had proved to be useless. There were a lot of steps and he wasn't so interested in that.

The professor had gotten his teaching gear on. A very simple light grey shirt, with a thin, darker grey tie. He wore a suit, vest coat, and suit trousers, both an equally dark grey. He felt professional. He felt like a professor. That was for sure. He could easily feel like a professor like that. He wondered into the hall, and then found a wave of embarrassment as he made his way to the front of the room. It was nerve racking for him, to have to walk past so many students. He could tell he was getting a number of glances. He could tell that people were stopping their conversations as he past, troublemakers, no doubt. All in all, a walk through the Great Hall was not easy for the new professor who was feeling a nervousness in his stomach. However, it didn't stop him, from continuing. He got to the top and made his way to the far end of the table, so he could find his seat. The one he'd been shown to the night before at the Sorting ceremony. Something that had been very odd to the Durmstrang who'd never had to be sorted. He had began to wonder what house he would've been sorted into. It would've been funny to just try to be sorted. Funny, but pointless. He smiled to himself as he sat. he hadn't talked with many people yet, this would take time. And he had all the time in the world. Since on his first day, he didn't have classes. Teaching 5th through to 7th would be a nice start. Easier for him to do than anything else. He poured himself a glass of pumpkin juice and began his breakfast. This would be a good year. He would be a good teacher, he knew it. The noise of the students he found pretty deafening. It was a loud constant noise. Something he was use to, but that still annoyed him. It would sound better without so many students around the place, he might loved teaching, that didn't mean he liked the amount of sound students appeared to be able to make.

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