Open Summer in the Garden

Callie Cardoso

confused | keeper
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
Curly 15 1/2" Swishy Chestnut Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
05/2048 (13)
Callie had gone home for the break and was very happy to finally be back at school. She had spent very little time indoors and immediately headed to the garden. It was in full summer bloom and it was beautiful. Callie had always known that it would be beautiful but this just double confirmed it to her. It was so pretty and there were such beautiful butterflies, everything was amazing. The hufflepuff didn't have any plans for the day aside from being outside. she had brought a little blanket and was carrying it in case she wanted to spend some time in the garden, but hadn't yet found the perfect spot to just sit in and chill in.
Dante Styx made sure that he was wearing pants, despite it being summer out. He walked out of the castle because the air was getting rather stale. He needed some fresh air. It wouldn't be until the middle of the month when he would bear the pain of transforming again. It was getting tiring, and he did not like it. But he was stuck with it forever. Dante just hoped that he could hide it from his folks. For the rest of his life. So, the Slytherin made his way into the gardens. While wandering around the gardens, he saw someone else in his year. He didn't know her name, but she had a blanket. He decided to approach and ask her a rather odd question, but he was not aware this was what people did, "Why are you carrying a blanket? Are you going to take a nap out here?"
Callie was still looking for a spot. She just couldn't pick one without seeing somewhere else and wanting that spot instead, but she was trying to find a spot she liked. She was still looking when a boy approached, she recognized him from one of her classes and shook her head. ”it's to sit on,” she said with a smile. ”Just so if the ground's a bit wet, I don't end up with wet clothes,” which was the explanation that she gave about why she had the blanket.
Dante had no idea people would just sit on the ground then, with a blanket. No one he knew would do that unless they were on the beach! And that was rare! His dad would never go outside to bathe in the sun on a blanket on a beach. "Oh, that makes sense I guess. Oh, I'm Dante Styx. What's your name? I could always call you princess if you don't want to get your clothes wet." Dante shrugged his shoulders, since his words might have come across as mean, he did not mean them to come across that way at all. It was just how he was.
Callie smiled as the boy introduced himself, and was just a little rude about her and her blanket. Though from the way he acted she got the impression he maybe didn't mean it like that. She smiled still, "I'm Callie Cardoso," she introduced, "And I like keeping my trousers dry," she added with a light tone. "I don't want it to get wet, and then people know," Callie blushed a deep red as she didn't say it.
Dante nodded along as she said her name. Callie. That name even seemed like a nice girl name. That would make sense on why she was in Hufflepuff - from what he was told except his oldest brother was one and he was an evil man. Who knows nowadays. He did laugh at her mention on why she did not want to get her pants wet. He knew very well what she meant. "Ah, I get it. Yeah, do the blanket. You are smart to think ahead!" Dante knelt down and just perched on his knees and lower legs so that he could avoid that mishap. "So, do you like the school? It seems to be a lot more boring than what my siblings let me believe."
Callie was glad that Dante got it. She wouldn't have wanted to have to repeat it or say it again, so it nice that he got it. "You can sit if you'd like," Callie offered as the boy perched. She wouldn't mind the company. She wouldn't mind sharing the space, especially as he appeared interested in what she thought. "I think its amazing," she replied with an excited tone. She knew that she was new to this world and likely would find everything amazing and novel and new. Perhaps Dante wasn't new and therefore didn't feel the same. "Have you signed up to do many things?" she asked, thinking that if he signed up for more, he would have more fun.
Dante smiled softly when she said that he could sit. So, sit he did, on the blanket. It was more comfortable than what he was doing. His opinion of the school was different from Callie's. She thought it was amazing, and her tone was no lie. He could hear the excitement. He felt that the Zhefarovich Manor was more fun. Never knew what was behind some doors - because people said that some kids never came back alive or in one piece. It was likely a scare tactic - which worked. "You must have come from the muggle world. Parents would never let me go there. I heard there are metal deathtraps on rubber wheels." Dante was referring to cars and vehicles. "I've not yet. I don't know if I want to do any of the clubs. What if I sign up and regret it? Then have to tell the president that I hated the club and why and it is just so much drama and effort. Have you signed up for stuff?"
Callie nodded as he said she was from the muggle world. "They're called cars, and they are pretty dangerous, but also get you places fast," she said, he hadn't asked what they were but she figured she could explain it. Callie didn't have the same worries about the clubs as this boy did. "I signed up for a couple of things. I don't think the club leaders will mind if you quit. I'm sure they're used to people just leaving and not saying anything. You just don't need to tell them you hated it..just that it wasn't for you," Callie didn't like lying but to spare someone's feelings that would be okay.

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