The Stands

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Reeve Buchanan

Well-Known Member
Here is where you can post your student, staff, and/or professor attending the game. They can feel free to sit anywhere in the stands. Have fun with it! This is a good way to get your character involved in a site-wide event. You can follow the game by clicking here. )
This was Victoire's first ever quidditch match, and to say that she was excited for it, might just be the understatement of the century. She was practically unable to sleep during the night because of how excited she was for it. She had been reading up on it, and it seemed like an endlessly interesting sport. She just wasn't sure yet how to play it. She didn't know what it took to be a good quidditch player, so she was interested in watching it this year, and trying out for the team in the next year. This was why, on the morning of that first match, Victoire was practically exploding from so much excitement. She had been to football, and rugby matches before. She'd experienced the raw energy of a crowd, and well, she was ready for this. She had put on her Gryffindor t-shirt, and her jeans. Put a large red bow in her hair, an attempt to keep it from her eyes. She'd painted her nails red, and was wearing light red eye shadow. To top this all off, she'd painted a G onto the side of her cheek. All in all, it was pretty clear which team she was supporting in this match. There was no denying it. Happily, the girl made her way to the quidditch pitch that was also used for the flying lesson, taking a seat in the Gryffindor stands, and sat with a perfect view for watching the match. She was seated now, but the game was just underway, and the girl was practically jumping from excitement while seated, so when it kicked off, she knew she'd on her feet cheering loudly for her house. It was just the way Victoire was when it came to sports and supporting her team. She wanted them to win really bad.
Jean loved Quidditch. It was one of the few things that he had in common with his siblings, and he couldn't wait to try out for his house team. The only reason he hadn't this year was because he wouldn't have been able to use his own broom in the tryouts. There was just no way Jean was going to use the Cleansweeps that he was forced to use during flying lessons.

Making his way to the pitch, Jean found the Gryffindor section and took a seat beside several other first years. They seemed just as enthusiastic as he felt. As the game began, Jean jumped from his seat to cheer for the team on the field. As he sat again to watch Gryffindor take control, he smiled at a very cheery girl. She looked like she knew her Quidditch and that was something Jean could respect.
Ellie loved Quidditch. It was something she had discovered when Cameron was teaching her to fly. She was also rather good at flying as it turned out, which was excellent. She walked up to the stands, slightly annoyed at how many stairs there were and finally made it to the stands. She grinned when she saw the teams on the pitch. She was glad that the game hadn't started yet. She smiled and sat with the other students. As soon as the game started, Ellie fished through her bag and grabbed the banner she had made last night. She had been to Cricket games and Football games and other stuff before, so she always made banners and this was no different. It was nothing special or anything yet, but she knew as she got older she would be able to work on her banner making skills and even incorporate magic at some point. As it unfurled, the words "Go! Go! Gryffindor!" Became visible and then under them were the words, "You got 'em beat, don't admit defeat!" It was a pretty simple one, and kind of silly, but she liked it and she hoped the team appreciated it.
Quidditch wasn't really Amy's bag, sure it was okay but she wasn't that interested in it and there were millions of other things that the Westwood girl would rather be doing, other than watching some dull, boring and pointless quidditch match. However, this was different. It was her little brother's first game in quidditch, his debut in the Ravenclaw team. So Amy felt that she had to cheer on her younger brother, it was her duty as a sister. Especially since Donald loved quidditch, she knew that if she didn't show up to support him it would break his heart and she couldn't do that to him, not at all.

The Ravenclaw girl also knew that Don needed all the support he could get, while he was originally an alternative he had been selected, for this one game, as a beater. Although Amy didn't really follow quidditch, she knew a bit about it and she knew a lot about her brother, including that he didn't think the position of beater was a particularly strong role for him. She knew why as well, her brother was very skinny and a bit of a weakling if she was honest. Still she knew that he would enjoy every minute on the quidditch pitch and she had to be there to cheer him on regardless.

Amy gave an almighty cheer was the Ravenclaw players came onto the pitch and took to the air, "COME ON DONALD" she howled as they took off. To her credit, even thought she wasn't fond of the sport, she was giving it all her worth in supporting her brother, including making a sign which read, in flashing colours; "DONALD ROCKS". She wasn't that creative with signs, but she knew her brother would appreciate it all the same.

She seen her brother take another swing at the ball (a bludger was it?) and screamed again"GO ON DON, KNOCK 'EM GRYFFINDORS OFF THEIR BROOMS" for someone who wasn't keen on quidditch, she was funding herself really starting to get into it.
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