Closed The Very Worst News

Isadora Novak

✨ Rebellious | Free Spirit | Angry🍀
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curved 13 1/2 Inch Rigid Applewood Wand with Boomslang venom Core
3/2044 (17)
Isadora felt completely numb. She felt vaguely like she should be crying, but no tears had come. Instead, a sort of haze had settled over her, making everything seem muted and distant ever since she read the letter her parents had sent her. It had been a normal letter, but it had informed Isadora of something awful, something she hadn’t expected to actually happen. Something she now had to share with her friends. She knew she had to share with Cameron and Margo immediately, but didn’t know where they were. She had asked two other students in their house to bring them a note if they saw them in the common room, simply asking them to meet here. It had seemed like the simplest way to get them here, without having to actually search for them. Isadora didn’t think she had the energy for that right now. She sat down on a bench and pulled up one leg, propping her chin on her knee as she gazed ahead blankly.
As much as Cameron like to remind himself how much better things were at a magical school like Hogwarts, there were times even he had to admit he missed modern conveniences that came from being in the muggle world. Like being able to tell your friend you wanted to hang out without resorting to getting some random first year to pass him a note.

"What's the deal with the random notepassing, I had to deal with some dumb first year asking me if I knew what I looked like," Cameron groused as he joined Isadora in the courtyard, purposely jostling her leg in greeting as he situated himself next to her on the bench.
Margo was used to keeping to herself when she wasn't with her friends. She had tried to push herself with some luck this year but she was glad she had them to fall back on when things got hard. So she was a little surprised when another student approached her and handed her a note. Her heart had skipped a beat thinking of all the possibilities but she relaxed when she read it was from Isadora. It was unusual that whatever she had to say couldn't wait but Margo hoped it was good news. She made her way to the courtyard as fast as she could, after she had put her things away of course. She frowned slightly when she saw that Cameron ha beat her. But she guessed he had a shorter distance to travel so it made sense. "Probably because they thought you were a first year too." Margo teased even though Cameron had just managed to get taller than her this year. But her smile fell even farther when she saw Isadora's expression. Again her imagination got the better of her and started to spin will horrible possibilities. "What's wrong?" she asked, her voice shaky.
Even though Isadora had asked both her best friends to meet her here, she still felt a little panicked at the sight of them. Now she had to tell them, and she didn’t know if she could. She looked at Cameron as he sat down and complained about her note, not sure what to say to him. But as Margo joined and asked her what was wrong, Isadora couldn’t help herself. She burst into tears and covered her face with her hands. “My parents-” She cut herself off, taking a few deep breaths before she went on. "They're making me c-change schools." She finally managed to choke out.
"Shut up," Cameron said hotly, moving to shove Margo playfully before stilling at the sudden shift in Margo's expression and glancing over at Isadora, confused. He hadn't noticed anything amiss with her but at Margo's question is was like a damn burst and suddenly Isadora was crying. He hovered his hands awkwardly around her, trying to decide if he should touch her or Merlin forbid try to hug her or something as she struggled to get the words out. First Aine and now Isadora, Cameron really needed girls to stop crying around him this year.

He dropped his hands instantly when Isadora finally managed to choke out what exactly the problem was, stomach clenching cold at what she said. "What? They can't do that, that's dumb," he said furiously, lurching to his feet before he did something dumb like try to jinx Isadora's parents via owl. "Just say no, you can stay at Margo's house or something, they can't make you leave," he insisted, turning sharply to pace in front of Isadora, suddenly annoyed at her too. It wasn't like her to just give up on something and Cameron was happy to remind her of that fact, especially if it meant she'd stop crying about it.
Margo felt absolutely helpless as Isadora started to cry. Immediately she rushed to the Gryffindor's side and grabbed her hand. She could hardly remember a time when Isadora had been sad let alone cry. And the last thinking she expected to hear was that she was being sent to a different school. Margo was too stunned to speak but thankfully Cameron wasn't as shaken as she was or at least wasn't showing it. Instead she was close to tears herself and it felt like her world was collapsing in on itself. This was her worse nightmare. She had been left by so many people in her life and she had foolishly thought her friends at least could be a constant for her. "I'm sure it would be alright." she choked out as Cameron suggested Isadora sneak off a live with her. If she had been thinking clearly she would know how silly that idea was and all the ways it could go wrong. That was what she would usually do but in that moment it seemed like the best idea she had ever heard. "Why would they do this?" she asked, her voice shaking again as her own tears started to fall.
Isadora hated crying and she barely ever did it, especially in front of people. She was aware this was the first time she had cried in front of her two best friends, and she desperately wished she could stop immediately. She shook her head at Cameron’s response, wiping angrily at her eyes. “They can and they will.” She said, voice still wobbly from the tears. “They’ve been threatening this for- for a while. They’re very serious about it.” She said, looking down so she didn’t have to see the expressions on their faces. She had kept her parents' threats from them, something she now regretted. She winced at Margo’s question. “I’m… not behaving the way they want me to.” She admitted quietly. “They want me to be more like Natalia. More… composed, keeping the right c-company.” She swallowed thickly, tears still streaming from her eyes. “They’re sending me to Durmstrang.”

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