Closed The Way It Should Be

Akihiro Chen

Too Cool For You- Pretty- Learning
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Curly 17 1/2 Inch Sturdy Walnut Wand with Fairy Wing Core
11/18/2042 (18)
Akihiro sat at Slytherin table, shooing away anyone that thought to sit beside him. Today was the first day of school, and today Aika would be joining him. He smiled to himself at the thought. Soon enough the first years walked into the Great Hall, and he spotted his sister among them immediately. He kept his eyes on her, smiling as she was called to the front. He expected nothing less, clapping loudly as it was pronounced that she would be Slytherin. He waved her over, smirking as she sat beside him and moving to place his arm around her shoulders. "Hello, Aika," he greeted softly, completely ignoring the rest of sorting. Aika was all he cared about.
Aika had just been sorted and when she heard her house being called, she immediately let out a relieved breath. She wasn't separated from Akihiro, everything was going to be amazing. She immediately sat next to her brother and leaned on his shoulder with her head. "So, we're together here for 6 years? It's quite impressive," she looked around feeling like actually, it was the most impressive building ever, she just stayed as calm and pretty much unimpressed as always.
Akihiro nodded, wrapping his arm around his sister. "The castle is beautiful. Tomorrow I'll walk you to your classes. You may be early so I can get to my classes on time as well." He murmured, rubbing his thumb gently over her shoulder. "Once your classes are over, if you aren't too tired, I'll show you around the castle."
Aika quietly gave a nod finally turning to look at her brother. "Yes, of course! Do we have any strict professors?" she wanted to be sure that she knew how to find her perfect way to every professor. "I won't be tired, why would I? So tour would be quite useful," Aika was more relaxed to be at school because she had Akihiro next to her. "So who did your spend your last year with?" she asked, remembering that he said that he will find someone for them to stick with.
Akihiro thought over the question. "Only one really. Professor Crabapple is very strict. Be on your best behavior for him. He teaches History of Magic." He told her. "And Professor Summers is an animagus. He thinks it's funny to wait in your first transfiguration class as a dog. Don't be too surprised." He warned her. He turned to dinner then, making sure they both had food on their plate. "Gwen Goodwin," He pointed her out. "She's a good ally to have." He picked up his drink and sipped it.
Aika carefully listened to her brother's advice. "Noted. Crabapple-acting nice, Summers-professor with humor. Any professors with who I may take extra lessons? Like, who are sweet enough?" she tried to get more information from Akihiro. Aika looked where Akihiro pointed and noticed a really cute girl. "She looks like one. When will I meet her?" she easily asked, knowing that Akihiro will introduce them to each other at some point.
Akihiro considered her question. "Professor Corrins. She's Russian. I've heard a lot of rumors about where she came from, she's one of the youngest Professors. She refers to all of her students as darling and she offers tutoring and extra lessons to anyone that wants them." He told her. He picked up his drink and took a sip before answering her again. "Not yet. It won't take us long to run into her." He reassured Aika. He turned to her, lowering his voice. "It's good to have you with me again, Aika," He told her gently.
Aika almost didn't hold her eye rollback. "She sounds kinda annoying," she admitted, she really disliked when people were too sweet as it made her feel like they were too much in her private space. And it was always pissing her off. "Oh, can't wait to see her then!" Aika leaned with her head on Akihiro's shoulder and gave a light nod. "It's even better to finally have you around. You had a bunch of kids while I was only with dad," she gave a quiet chuckle.
Akihiro nodded. "She is. But if you stay on her good side, she can be a strong ally. She teaches advanced lessons to kids that aren't being challenged in class. But only to a few people. She also offers private tutoring if you need the extra assistance." He explained quietly to his sister.

He smiled as she set her head on his shoulder. "Speaking of dad." He pointed to the food that had appeared. "You should eat something. The food here is all exceptional. It's almost as good as fathers." He winked at her. For all his flaws, Jai Chen was an astounding chef.
Aika starred at the table, trying to catch every word that her brother said. "Advanced classes? I will try to get there," she said and glanced up at him to get approval from him. "We need to get as advanced in magic as we can, right?" she tried to make sure, still sure that she needed to get as good as she could.

"Oh, is it really?" Aika straightened up again to decide what she wanted to eat. "What's the best that you'd suggest?"
Akihiro nodded at his sisters question. "You're right, we need to learn as much as we can." He confirmed, taking a sip of his drink. He looked over what they were being served, considering. "Well, of the options here..." He reached for the soup. "I think this potato soup is good, both creamy and filling." He served them both a bowl and settled in to eat his dinner.
Aika nodded when he approved her point, yeah, she was planning to be one of the best in her year. "Soup, alright," she said and poured the soup in and just quietly started to eat. "It's really good, yeah," she nodded and smiled at Akihiro.
Akihiro smiled at his sister, putting his foot protectively around hers. "Don't worry, Aika, I've got this. We're going to do great," He promised her quietly, reaching over to brush her hair behind her ear. Their parents might not be worth much, but that was alright. They had each other.

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