Open Things Change

Ethan Alexander

weirdo 👻 latchkey kid 👻 curious
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Straight 9 Inch Sturdy Ash Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
02/2045 (16)
Ethan yawned. Ever since Harlow had arrived she had been keeping the entire house hold on their toes with her crying and unpredictable hours. He hadn't been asked to take care of her but he still found himself offering his services in the morning when Ernie and Olivia looked worse for wear. He didn't mind. In almost all ways besides blood she was his....sister. Using actual familial terms was still something he was getting used to. He had slipped up and called Ernie 'dad' a few weeks ago and at first he thought he might get told not to, but instead the older man just got up and left the room for a few minutes. He didn't know what that was about and he didn't ask. As weird as things were, they were good and for the first time in his life Ethan felt comfortable and settled. He yawned again and took a sip of the coffee he had grabbed on his way to the shop. He decided to take the long way by the water and paused to take in the crisp air in the hope it would wake him up a bit.
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Sometimes Ruto didn't know whether she preferred being home or being at Hogwarts. A good mix between the two was probably the best way to go. She was on break now, not really sure what to do with herself. She figured some exploring could work, especially whilst her mother was at work. She was old enough now to look after herself, and this gave her a little bit more freedom to do whatever she wanted to. In the early hours of the morning, not long after her mother left for work, Roo walked out and headed towards Obsidian Harbour. The water there was beautiful and Roo was excited to take in everything it had to offer. She sat on the edge of the water, her feet dangling inside. When she noticed a boy walking by, also admiring the water's beauty, she spoke. "Oh, isn't it wonderful?" she said, not looking away from it.
Ethan hadn't noticed how out of it he was until he heard someone speak and he realized he hadn't even seen her. He blinked and looked down and saw a girl around his age. He vaguely recognized her from school and he was pretty sure she was in his house. "Oh..." he said slowly. "Yeah I guess." He had to admit he spent most of this time not at Hogwarts at the harbour and after all this time he had stopped really paying attention to the water. But since he was here he relaxed a bit and watched the waves. It was calming, maybe a little too calming as his eyes grew heavy again. He rubbed them and looked down. "How long have you been out here?" he asked. It was winter and the breeze off the water wasn't exactly warm.

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