Third Place Is Good, Right?!

Gregory Friend

an unlucky friend shaped person
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
too young to care
Straight 12 Inch Unyielding Larch Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
01/2046 (15)
They'd come in third. For all the struggling and all the worry, Gregory had been surprised and relieved that they'd come in third. It wasn't first place, it wasn't second but at least it wasn't last place, they would get some points and some recognition for it. Cassius would need to be happy with it. Gregory was just so sure of it. He was however muddy, coated in the chocolate mud that had been the first actual obstacle. The Hufflepuff had his glasses back on and had decided to wash off before he got back to the dorm. He was leaving a trail, and he would be liable to get it everywhere, as he wasn't exactly the steadiest at the best of time. He went to the closest bathroom he could, taking his glasses off, to wash off at least, to begin with his face. Gregory splashed water on to it, getting water a little everywhere as he ashed off that very first layer of chocolate. Third place. That was good.
Cassius Styx practically ran to the showers to get the disgusting chocolate off of him, and grabbed a set of clean clothes before he hit the showers away from others. After all, he came in third. Not second. Not first. Third. Yeah, it might not have been that bad, but Cass was competitive. So, when someone else came in, Cass was already cleaned up and dressed. He went over to the mirror to try to fix his hair as he glanced over at Gregory who was washing his face still. "So, you aren't completely useless then. Third place." Cass still thought that he could have won it if he had a different partner. "You didn't sign me up as a partner, did you. Terror had something to do with it." But why? Cass managed to get his hair back in order, and folded his arms across his chest. "And just because we got third place doesn't mean that I want us to be friends. I still hate your kind."
It seemed obvious that the place that anyone would go after that race was the bathroom, and it seemed Cassius had the exact same idea as him. He stilled upon hearing his voice, mid-washing his face. ”You did most of the work,” he spoke quietly, downplaying his own involvement in it. Largely because without Cassius he wouldn't have gotten far with it, Cassius had been literally gripping his shirt a lot through it. Though really Gregory would've probably had more fun, he'd had no fun with Cass. He shook his head. ”You told me to stay away, I wouldn't have done it,” He almost said pleadingly. Sure that he was one step away from something going bad. And he didn't like the idea of Terror whose dad had almost killed on like him doing it. It was almost worse that the Cassius was just as always so outwardly mean. ”I don't want to be friends either,” Gregory replied quietly. Not quite hiding what he was saying, but also hopeful that the words which had spilled out wouldn't be taken the wrong way.
Cass would usually tell the truth about who did most of the work, but when Gregory pointed it out, he would take the credit with glee. Even though the puzzle was all Gregory pretty much. He only helped a little. At least he was clean of the stupid chocolate pudding. That was the worst. Maybe even worse than being paired with Gregory. "I thought so. Unless you actually secretly want to get involved with me to get further ahead in your own status, using mine to your advantage... You don't have enough of a backbone to do that." Cass pointed out, mainly thinking it versus letting Gregory know. Then again, what if this was all an act? Was Gregory even smart enough for that? Cass could not help but smirk when Gregory spoke about how he didn't want to be friends either. "Good. You can keep staying out of my way then. If you can. Just don't sneak up on me anymore. I take martial arts classes, so I can put you out pretty easily." Cass practically bragged about how good he was, even if it was true or not.
Gregory was glad that Cassius believe that he wouldn't do such a thing. He knew that Cassius didn't want him around and usually when they spent time together, Gregory ended up hurt, so he wouldn't want to spend time with him. If Cassius hadn't believed him, though, he was sure he'd have already felt the punch. He looked away as Cassius insulted him, though it was true, he would never bother trying to use Cassius to get ahead, ”It wouldn't be worth it,” he replied softly. He didn't have the backbone for it, and he wouldn't imagine Cassius would have the time or patience for it either. ”I didn't sneak up on you,” he replied, but he was forgetting perhaps that the last incident where an elbow had met his nose had been one where maybe he had startled Cassius. He hadn't thought he had, but he had. ”But I'll stay away,”
Cass sighed as Gregory said that it wouldn't be worth it. Boy, he didn't know how to gain connections, now did he? He rubbed his face as he thought about it, but what was the point? Cass could not believe that he was even wanting to help, even just a little bit. Ridiculous! Outrageous! "Well, you should think about it in the future. Using people to further yourself is a smart goal. Just be careful who you use." Cass could hardly believe that he was giving advice! He better get out of here before he actually wants to build a friendship. Luckily, the boy didn't want that, but also said that he didn't sneak up on him. Cass shrugged his shoulders, since it was what it was. "Fine, just don't approach people from behind then. Same concept really." Cass looked Gregory over but scoffed again. Such a little weakling, he was. Maybe a few beat downs and he'll gain some sort of sense or muscles. "Good. And I won't seek you out to receive a punch to the face. Sounds like a good deal. Hope not to see you around, Friend." The Slytherin shoved his hands into his pockets as he left the room. It was a good deal to him.
Gregory was still as Cass spoke, trying to just steal himself in whatever manner necessary for whatever it was that Cass would do. but as the boy finished and scoffed and then left the room with a vague tone on the way he said Friend. Gregory was left in the bathroom feeling a little worse. They hadn't won, but they hadn't lost, he hadn't gotten his ass handed to him, but his were shaking. He wasn't sure if he was about to start crying or laughing. But he just continued to wipe the chocolate mud off his face.

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