Three heads are better than one.

Professor Elvera Le Fey

Seer, Mother of twins, Divination 3-4, inner eye
OOC First Name
Oak 14 3/4" with an Essence of Raven Feather core.
50 (11/2009)
A few weeks ago Elvera had received a letter from Ava Davershire offering her a promotion. It was a funny thing thinking back at her time in the job. to begin with she had taken the job of divination professor for just yeas five and six in order to bring some solid money into the family as the eye wasn't doing too well. she had grown to love the school and teaching and when the other Divination professor left, professor Chamberlin who had been her professor she had taken over all the classes. and now this letter asking her if she would like to be one of the schools new deputy headmistress, something she hadn't even dreamt of. it was just amazing how far she had come from when she first entered the gates of the school a slightly withdrawn and quiet eleven year old to where she stood today. Another thing she hadn't expected was that her usual well fitting clothes to change to something a bit looser to hid the slight tummy she was forming.
It was almost the new school year and Elvera was still unsure what it was that her new roll fully entailed and decided to go and ask someone who knew first hand as well as get to know professor blaze, or rather Takuya a little better. She had known him since he had been her fourth year potions professor all those many moons ago, but they had never known each other more personally than professor student, or co-workers. however due to the fact that they were now both the schools deputy heads, they would probably be spending more time together, and should get to know each other better. A box of fresh cooked blueberry muffins in hand she headed from her office to Takuyas and knocked on the door "Takuya, are you free" she asked hoping that he wasn't too busy.
Takuya sat in his office, finished writing up some things he had to complete prior to the start of the school year, it wasn't much and he still had plenty of time to get it done but if it was over and done with now it meant that he had the rest of the time between now and the school year to actually relax and get ready for what would be a very long year with him being a Deputy again. This time, however, he wasn't paired alongside Cyndi Kingsley, but Elvera Le Fay. It was certainly a large change, because Cyndi had been Deputy for a long time & now she was just Gryffindor Head of House, not that there was anything wrong with holding that position, it was just a change in his eyes.

Takuya raised an eyebrow when someone knocked on the door, it was Elvera. "Not particularly, come in." He said, smiling at her. "What can I do for you?" He asked.
Elvera heard movement inside the room and a moment later the door was opening and Kakuya was there. saying he wasn't particularly free. "sorry i can come back later if that is better" she said. not quite sure how to handle it, or really what the intentions of the meeting had been. "I just thought i should come and introduce myself, well not introduce myself per se, more well touch base." she said. pausing this wasn't going as planned. was introduce the right he knew she was now also deputy just like she knew he was. "I was just after a bit of advice, I am not quite sure what this deputy head roll entails, and i thought as you have been one before you would be able to enlighten me a little." she said suddenly feeling a little like a student again. she wondered if her office would soon be accessible from the second floor. that would decrease the hike to the office.
She entire the office and could see why these offices were for the head people they are larger than most staff offices, with a great view out of the window and it just had a slightly more formal feel, but then again that may just be her office that was more homely than businesslike. and maybe Takuya was just a more official kind of person. "Also i was making muffins this morning, and thought you may like some, I wasn't sure what flavour you like is blueberry okay? she asked, she had a few other ones still at home. She was slightly renowned around the school for always having muffins, or some other treat in her classes and in her office. her favourite ones at the moment were chocolate orange and carrot and walnut and orange. she guessed she just liked oranges at the moment. the thought of oranges reminded her of Lilith who had had a craving for them when she had been pregnant with Padme, the little girl who was growing up so fast and had just turned four, she was such a sweet little thing too.
Takuya smiled, it was an odd change that people would actually be interested in coming and seeing him & asking him for advice. It was something nice, something different, but something that he could certainly get used too. "Oh, it's no problem, please take a seat." Takuya said with a smile on his face. He certainly did know what it entailed to be a Deputy Headmaster, having been one before as Elvera had already pointed out. It was a good position, but sometimes it could be a bit stressful when it came right down to it. But, as long as you kept your head together it tended to be easily coped with. "Well, it isn't really too much different from a regular Professor role. It's a step above the Head of House rule, where you're not just in charge of looking after a House of students in saying that you're required to look after an entire school of students, and you're the person that the professors can go to if they don't want to go to the Headmistress. Ideally, they're supposed to answer to us, and we answer to the Headmistress, but at the end of the day then the Headmistress's word is final." Takuya said, thinking about it quickly to make sure that he hadn't missed anything.

He smiled brightly at the muffin. "Well, if I get muffin, you're always welcome to visit." Takuya said, chuckling softly. You never said no to a muffin. "And yes, blueberry is quite fine."

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