Closed Two Left Feet and One Cup of Juice

Gregory Friend

an unlucky friend shaped person
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
too young to care
Straight 12 Inch Unyielding Larch Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
01/2046 (15)
Gregory was trying to be careful, it just was not a strong suit of his. He'd specifically come to lunch in the tale end of it, when there weren't as many people there and if he dropped something, he'd end up being more okay or bothering fewer people. The young Hufflepuff was however more than a little wrong about it. He had been given for Christmas a travel cup for water and juice, and was trying to affix the lid as he headed to his afternoon. His feet got caught on something, and he went flying, the juice in his not quite closed cup went flying and when he glanced up, Gregory knew it had hit exactly the worst person it could've.
Cassius Styx was minding his own business, eating some lunch. He managed a good protein based diet and rewarded himself with some sliced apples. He was doing fairly well for the time being, and even had many presents from those that celebrated Christmas. Some members refused, but at least he had enough to fill his room up. Even his new robes that he was wearing was part of it. A gift from his big brother Daemyn. However, he felt something cold wash over his head, robes, and shirt. Cass stood up and saw the culprit. It wasn't hard. "Really? This is how you wanna start the new year?" Cass felt sticky, and gross. Wait, was this bloody juice?! This little mudblood spilled juice on him! "You are so dead!"
Gregory felt almost sure that in a past life he must've smashed so many mirrors, because of course the person he spilt his juice over was Cassius. He deserved whatever he threw at him because clearly it was meant to happen. He had tripped, and it had gone all over him. Gregory was on the floor, quickly turning himself to look at Cassius, his hands immediately raised, the now empty bottle rolling underneath the Slytherin table. ”I'm sorry, it was an accident,” he said quickly, hating how his body shook and how he tensed, almost sure that there was nothing he could say that would make this go away. Cassius was livid, and he had just done something to merit the anger. It had been an accident but…still.
Cass hardly believed that it was an accident. There was no way. It was too much of a coincidence! Cass hated being covered in sticky, sugary stuff. He could practically feel like a toddler. Always sticky and smelled weird! And Gregory was on the floor, which was perfect for kicking. He decided against it though. He bent down underneath the Slytherin table, and grabbed the empty cup. He tossed it up in the air, slightly above his hand, and caught it over and over. "I warned you to stay out of my way, and I wouldn't seek you out. And you go and cover me with sticky sh*t." Cass decided to do something else this time. Similar to the rock incident, but this time on purpose, he hurled that empty cup right at that mudblood's pathetic face.
Gregory knew he was trembling, he couldn't get up off the floor, he wanted to run away but he couldn't seem to manage to get to his feet. He was just frozen in place his eyes frozen on Cassius. He watched him bend down under the slytherin table and grab the now empty cup. "I didn't mean it." he was quick to say, but it didn't help anything. Gregory was just able to duck his head, stopping it from hitting him square in the face and the empty cup hit off his head harshly with a hollow noise before it bounced on to the floor. Gregory was sure that Cass had hoped it would break, but his father had bought one that would specifically not break easily. "I'm sorry," Gregory repeated, daring to look back as Cassius.
Cass needed a shower after this, and a change of clothes. He could not wait to get this junk off of him. While the cup didn't hit him in the face, it still got him right off the head. Same difference. He would have done more, but he could not tolerate being sticky. He didn't want to touch him anyway. "So pathetic. Yet, stay in that position. It is rightfully where you belong. Looking up at your superiors. At least you are doing something right." Cass took off his robes and draped them over his shoulders as he stepped away from the Hufflepuff. If he wasn't covered in sticky stuff, he would have done more, but he could not stand the feeling of being covered in sugar, artificial or real. So much for his day, which was going so well!
Gregory felt like he wanted to hide forever after this interaction. He was on the floor, where he was supposed to be and Cass had left. He felt like he was shaking and frozen. Gregory hadn't meant it, he couldn't control where he fell, and he just had the worst luck in the whole world. He remained sat on the ground for a few more minutes before he finally got to his feet and while still shaking left the great hall, feeling like everyone was watching him.

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