Two truths and a Lie

Professor Cyndi Kingsley

Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
We've been thinking that it is about time that a new game gets posted in the games area and figured that 2 truths and a Lie would be a lot of fun. As soon as the birthday celebration is over, we will move this to the new game area along with some altered rules, but for now you can see below for how we will be playing this round of the game.

We thought it'd be fun to do a site staff version, so I spent the last month hounding the site staff to tell me some truths about themselves. :p

We hope you enjoy it!

How the game works:

1. Post 3 statements in no particular order.
2. Others try to decide which statement is a lie.
3. Once someone correctly identifies the lie, the original poster should post again. The person who correctly identified the lie first should then post the next set of 2 truths and a lie

Simple right?

Each group of statements will remain up for about 24 hours to allow people in different time zones to play.

Once we move it to the games area, the rules will alter slightly. :r

P.S. Since I'm the only one who knows all of the answers, site staff should feel free to join in so long as the question isn't about themselves. :p

Let's start! :D

These statements are from Pat! :pat: Which one is the lie?

I'm a middle child
My middle name is Anne
I've never been a bridesmaid
Pat. Your middle name is not Anne :tut:
Everyone knows you legally had yourself named after me. :r
We all did, Donna. :tut: :p
I'm thinking that the lie is the last one.
Never been a bridesmaid.
I don't think you've been a Bridesmaid!
I bet it is number one. I am sure she isn't the middle child. :r
Pat's lie: I am the middle child.

Next up, :emzies:
Emzies says: said:
My favourite character on Supernatural is Dean Winchester.
I was once shoved in front of car.
When I was 7 years old I fell down a flight of stairs.
:o Which one is the lie?
Oops, I never got round to guessing Pat's xD I want to agree with Jessye, but it seems like a strange thing to think up xD (then again, Emzies could just be really good at this game :r )

I'm going with number threee!

When I was 7 years old I fell down a flight of stairs.
I'm more inclined on the third one! I think that one's the lie!
I would have to think the third one when she was seven she fell down a flight of stairs.
Emzies' lie: When I was 7, I fell down a flight of stairs.

Care to elaborate on your truth, Emzies? :cyndi:

Next is :donna: !
Donna says: said:
I am a twin.
I love asparagus.
I'm moving to England.
Can you guess the lie?
Yeah, I was shoved in front of a car. It was after school one day, and I shoved my friend into a bush because she was being annoying, and she shoved back, shoving me on to the road where a car was driving up. High School was a dangerous time. :D

Also, I'm pretty sure Donna's lie is the last one, I'm moving to England.
I think Donna doesn't love asparagus!
I am thinking it is the asparagus. Mainly cause...yuck. xD
:lol: I'm going for the asparagus!
Donna's lie: I'm moving to England.

Next is :kaitlyn:
Kaitlyn said:
Kaitlyn has the Dark Mark tattoo
Kaitlyn has ten piercings
Kaitlyn had a piercing ripped out on a Skype Chat
I am going to say Kaitlyn having ten piercings is the lie.
Yep, 10 piercings here too! :p
I can imagine Kaitlyn having 10 piercings so I think the last one is a lie,
Kaitlyn had a piercing ripped out on a Skype Chat.
Because that seems crazy...

i would say the third one is a lie.. xD
Stefan Archer said:
I can imagine Kaitlyn having 10 piercings so I think the last one is a lie,
Kaitlyn had a piercing ripped out on a Skype Chat.
Because that seems crazy...
You've mustn't have been in many skype chats with Kaitlyn :tut: xD

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