Closed Unraveling

Margo Fox

7th🌸hopeless romantic🌸hm co-editor🌸heta vp
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 10 1/2 Inch Sturdy Pear Wand with Fairy Wing Core
09/2043 (18)
Margo felt nervous and she didn't even know why. She didn't even have that much to say when she really thought about it. But she always felt this way when her brother was involved. She had asked Isadora and Cameron to meet her in the courtyard but it felt too crowded and easy to be overheard so she started walking and at this point she wasn't sure when she was going to stop. Finally she was stopped by the time she reached the edge of the lake. It was still a bit cold so there was no one around when she turned to her friends. "So...I've been keeping something from you." she blurted out. Her face felt hot and she wasn't sure if it was because of their long walk or because she was nervous, it was probably both.
Cameron never liked when the girls asked for prearranged meetups. They always seemed to end up with him getting blind sided by someone or yelled at. Thankfully Margo wasn't usually the yelling type (usually) but that didn't make the alternative any more appealing. His unease grew when instead of explaining anything, Margo simply began walking, leaving him and Isadora little choice but to follow.

They'd reached the lake edge before Margo finally said anything, Cameron having spent the walk over having an intense, silent discussion with Isadora which mostly involved a lot of squinting, eyebrow wiggling, and a few well placed elbows. He'd been about make an exaggerated head movement which he hoped conveyed his intent to take Margo to the Nurse's office when she began talking and Cameron had to quickly straighten out his neck to pay attention to her, his stomach immediately dropping at the sentence. "What like... You're not secretly engaged to be married or something like those pure blood weirdos like to do right?" He said, aiming for joking but quietly terrified. Last time someone had said something like that Isadora had left for a year and they'd only barely recovered. He wasn't sure he could handle something like that happening with Margo too.
Isadora wasn't sure why Margo had invited them to meet up as they usually spent time together anyway, she figured she had something to tell them. But when she started to walk, Isadroa exchanged a look with Cameron. They exchanged more looks as they kept on walking, and Isadora felt increasingly uneasy. What could be bothering Margo? It had to be something big. She watched Cameron make some weird movement with his neck, unsure if he was in pain or trying to tell her something when Margo finally spoke. Her words alarmed her and Isadora tensed, she tried to laugh at Cameron's joke. "No, that'd be more likely for me." She said, though the thought made her even more tense. "Margo, what's wrong?" She asked softly.
Margo was slowly building the nerve to get to the point but Cameron's comment completely derailed her. "What?! N-no!!" she blurted out, the words coming out more like a high pitched squeak. For a moment she buried her face behind her hands as her faced burned. She knew she talked about her boyfriend a lot but she didn't need to apologize for that. Isadora's concerned tone made her remember what she was doing and she slowly unhid her face and took a deep breath. "It's nothing to do with that." she said pointedly and glared at Cameron. "You both know I've been looking for my brother." Margo began, the words felt heavy in her mouth as she tried to get them out. Her family was something she kept so close to her chest but at this point she needed to share the weight of it. "A few years ago I had gone to ask Professor Le Fey if she could maybe try and find him with her seer abilities. She said she could but then I got scared. I didn't follow up with her but one day last year she told me she had a vision in Brightstone and that he had been there, or someone there would know him." she began to ramble. "But it's the first time I've had any hint as to where to find him and....and, I don't know what to do." she finished feeling very small.
Cameron couldn't help the exaggerated sigh of relief when Margo explained what was actually going on, rolling his eyes at Isadora's response to his admittedly ill timed joke before focusing back on Margo. It was easy to forget Isadora was also one of aforementioned pureblood freaks. She seemed so normal. Most of the time. Though now he supposed he had to worry about her being married off in some political exchange or something. Her parents had already meddled in her life once after all.

Margo's problem however, felt far more manageable and Cameron felt himself physically deflating as she explained. "Oh, is that all?" He asked flippantly, quickly backpedaling before either of the girls could hit him. "I mean, that's big and all, but I feel like maybe the answer is obvious here?" He asked dubiously. "Like... You want to find him right? And if he's right over there-" Cameron emphasized by stabbing a finger towards the edge of the school grounds, where Brightstone Village lurked, "-Then let's go find him." He finished, glancing between the two girls with the hope he hadn't been too harsh for once. He knew family was a big deal for Margo, for both the girls in their own ways that Cameron couldn't really relate to, but hopefully they both got they had each other. Always. Not that he'd say it out loud, but it was heavily implied.
Isadora looked at Margo as she spoke, reaching over to grab her hand as she started to speak about her brother. Isadora knew how important it was to her friend and it was kind of amazing she had some sort of lead. Isadora couldn't help it, she grinned. "What? That's great! That's like- the best place for him to be. Or for clues to be, I guess. It's like the one place we can actually visit while we're here." She said, gesturing to the castle. "We'll be with you every step of the way." She added, only then noticing Margo didn't seem as happy as Isadora would have thought. She understood that she had to be nervous, but surely this was good news?

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