Valid Concern

Cameron Roswell

7th Year | Hurt Them Before They Hurt You
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Straight 9 1/2 Inch Rigid Willow Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
7/2044 (17)
With exams looming, Cameron knew it was only a matter of time before at least one of his professors wanted to talk to him about his abysmal performance this year. He'd been quietly hoping he'd been unremarkable enough in class that he'd managed to make it through unnoticed but after a particularly heated lesson practicing banishing charms in which Cameron had ended up yelling at some cushions, he knew that ship had sailed.

He loitered as he made his way along the third floor, trying to drag out the amount of time before he reached Professor Corrin's office as long as possible, but even after stopping to try and contemplate some art, Cameron couldn't avoid it, letting out an agitated sigh as he knocked on her door before stepping inside the office. "You wanted to talk to me, Miss?" He muttered, glancing around the office with curiosity despite the growing pit in his stomach, before shuffling over to sit on suspiciously large sofa in the room, kicking his feet on the floor.
It wasn't often that Mallory had to assign less than pleasant grades to a student. But she also could see when a student was struggling. When it was clear that her efforts in class weren't helping, she had decided to summon the boy to her office to try and discuss how they could help him the most. She had just put the tea on when the knock came. Mallory turned, adorned in a simple pair of jeans and a sweater, and smiled gently. "Cameron, please, have a seat,"

With a wave of her hand the door shut. She didn't want Maxim making another run for it, the little scamp. Mallory sat down at her desk herself, giving the boy a warm smile. "I was hoping we could discuss your performance in Charms," she told him. "I've noticed you've been struggling a bit. Could you tell me whats going on?" She asked, making sure to keep her voice gentle.
Even though Professor Corrins had invited him and seemed casual enough, Cameron was still braced to get in trouble as he perched himself on the large couch in the room. His shoulders scrunched up around his ears when she mentioned noticing he was struggling, trying not to grit his teeth as he answered. "Nothing's going on, I just suck," he said sourly, crossing his arms defensively. "The spells just won't work. I do them exactly like you say and they don't work," he admitted. Cameron knew it was probably just a sign that he was never supposed to be a wizard in the first place; he hadn't even shown any real sign of magic until he'd gotten his letter. He'd seen how disappoint his mother had been when she'd thought he wasn't magic like his dad, and now he'd get to see it all over again when he brought home his grades.
Mallory's brow furrowed at the boys words, and his attitude. "Oh, dear. No, no," She protested gently. "You don't suck, Cameron. Sometimes it just takes a bit more practice, a bit more effort." Mallory tried to reassure him. She thought for a moment. "Cameron, can you tell me what your wand is?" She asked, knowing it was the best way to start.
Cameron crossed his arms as the professor tried to assure him it wasn't his fault the magic was going wrong, something he sincerely doubted. She was probably just trying to be nice. He wondered if there was some sort of remedial Charms class he was going to get stuck in now, frowning deeper at the idea. "Whatever," he muttered, before pulling out his wand when the professor asked about it. "Reed and Aug-something feather. It was my dad's," he said, sobering some as he turned the wand over in his hands for a moment. "The guy at the wand shop said it was cursed," he added, temper flaring up again at the memory of the conversation even if it did seem like he'd yet to get more than a spell or two to work so far.
Mallory listened to what the boy said, a flicker of surprise crossing her face when the boy mentioned that he was using a hand-me-down wand. "Oh, goodness. Could you find out what the wand is for me, please?" She asked. "If its your fathers wand, that could explain the trouble you've been having, but I won't know for sure." She tried to think it over. "I'll excuse your practical application struggles this year," She gave him a warm smile. "We can just do a review of your theory, see if you understand your spells." She considered what to do with him the next year. "I'd like to offer extra tutoring for you next year. We don't have to tell anyone if you'd prefer, but especially with a passed down wand or a particularly stubborn one, sometimes all thats needed is more practice."

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