Warren Richard Spencer

Professor Warren Spencer

Muggle Studies Professor Years 5-7
OOC First Name

Warren Richard Spencer
Page 1: Basics, Appearance, Style
Page 2: Personality, Favourites, Goals
Page :cry: Family

Full Name: Warren Richard Spencer
Pronunciation: Waw-Ruhn Rich-uhd Spen-sr
Name Meaning:
Warren-The name Warren means Guard and is of English origin.
Richard- The name Richard means Brave Ruler and is of English origin.
Spencer-The name Spencer means Butler, Steward and is of English origin.
Gender: Man
Sex Male
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Blood Status: Half Blood
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Hometown: Bristol, United Kingdom
Current Town: Auckland New Zealand
Birthdate: April 27
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Zodiac Description: "Practical and well-grounded, Taurus is the sign that harvests the fruits of labor. They feel the need to always be surrounded by love and beauty, turned to the material world, hedonism, and physical pleasures. People born with their Sun in Taurus are sensual and tactile, considering touch and taste the most important of all senses. Stable and conservative, this is one of the most reliable signs of the zodiac, ready to endure and stick to their choices until they reach the point of personal satisfaction."
Element: Earth
Element Description: "It is instantly obvious that these are all practical signs that value material things, work hard, and know how to make a plan and put it to action. All three of them have the ability to be specific and concrete, expecting everyone else to share their practical view on the world and their reasonable approach. Earth represents matter itself, our physical body, and with it our finances, the food we eat, and our daily routine."
Wand: 10 inch Birch Wand with a Unicorn Hair Core, Fairly Bendy
Wand Description:
-"Birch wands are most commonly associated with renewal and rebirth. These wands are drawn to masters who need help moving through these processes or who seek to help others move through the process. Birch wands are quite durable, and often are reported to increase the longevity of preservation and water proofing charms"
-"Unicorn hair generally produces the most consistent magic, and is least subject to fluctuations and blockages. Wands with unicorn cores are generally the most difficult to turn to the Dark Arts."


Ethnicity: Caucasian
Preferred Hand: Right Hand
Facial Type: Square
Eye Color: Blue
Natural Hair Color: Blondish Brown
Hair Style: Neatly cut short during the school year, grown out longer and more shaggy for the breaks.
Height: 5'9''
Birthmarks/Scars: Childhood Scars from sports including a scar on his right knee and left forearm.
Other Distinguishing Features: Amanda always says he has a disarming smile, although she may be biased.
Health: Generally Healthy
Energy: Energetic overall. Definitely needs his morning tea or coffee to get his day going though.
Memory: A great memory for facts, movie trivia, and history.
Allergies: Lavender
Medications: None
Phobias: Deep Ocean
Posture: Laid Back, Proper when need be.
Coordination: Good Coordination, Especially Hand-Eye Coordination.
Habits and Mannerisms: Likes to go on long rants when he finds a topic interesting, leans back against his desk while he teachers.
Played By: Christopher Egan


Overall Style: Presentable, but Comfortable. Warren enjoys dressing professionally even while outside of the classroom, but never as much to wear a tie. He enjoys a balance of comfort without looking sloppy.
Grooming: Well Groomed, Hair always neat. Clothing never wrinkled.
Wardrobe: Suit Jacket or nice shirt, Slacks, No Tie. Never Sweatpants.
Tattoos: A Matching Heart Tattoo (with Amanda) on the bottom of his foot.
Trinkets: Wedding Ring, A picture of his family in his wallet, Movie Stub from his first ever movie in his wallet.

*All Quotes are taken from Pirates of the Caribbean Film Series
*Name meanings taken from babynames.com @Copyright Moss Industries LLC 2020
*All Zodiac Information taken from Astrology-Zodiac-Signs.com @Copyright 2019
*Wand Descriptions from Wand Lore in American and Pottermore @Copyright 2021

Overall Personality: Warren is an easy going individual. He loves to have fun, but also enjoys putting all his efforts into studies. He is madly in love with Amanda and their children. He loves to read stories to his kids and watch muggle movies (basically moving books with much less detail!). Warren is very intelligent and is the one to often punish the children when they misbehave, making his the stricter of the two parents. Warren grew up with five brothers and sisters. He has always had a big family and wanted to create the same with his amazing wife. However, he realized that four kids were enough for their dream of having a large family. Warren worked as a Professor at a muggle University and has taught at Hogwarts as History of Magic Professor. At the moment he is working at Hogwarts New Zealand as the Muggle Studies Professor.
Hobbies/Interests: History, Movies/Films
Likes: Watching All Times of Movies, Reading, Learning New Things, Spending Time with Family, Playing Sports with Zee and Eston.
Dislikes: Swimming, Boat Rides
Sense of Humor: Loves Puns and Dad Jokes
Superstitions/Beliefs: None
Closet Hobby: Writing, Research
Guilty Pleasure: Movie Trivia
Strengths: Memory, Knowledge, Driven
Often will overwork himself, Does worry about what people think especially his family and students.
Lures: Knowledge, Love
Soft Spots: Family, Students
Cruel Streak: Bullies, Ignorant People


MBTI Personality Type: Protagonist ENFJ-A
MBTI Personality Type Description: "Protagonists (ENFJs) feel called to serve a greater purpose in life. Thoughtful and idealistic, these personality types strive to have a positive impact on other people and the world around them. They rarely shy away from an opportunity to do the right thing, even when doing so is far from easy. Protagonists are born leaders, which explains why these personalities can be found among many notable politicians, coaches, and teachers. Their passion and charisma allow them to inspire others not just in their careers but in every arena of their lives, including their relationships. Few things bring Protagonists a deeper sense of joy and fulfillment than guiding friends and loved ones to grow into their best selves."
Temperament: Phlegmatic
Temperament Description: "People with phlegmatic personality are unassuming, agreeable, and intuitive. They possess the ability of “web thinking”, i.e., to see the relationship between many bits of data they collect. They have an incredible skill to gather facts, classify them into different categories, and then see the relationship between seemingly contradicting elements. They have an incredible skill to gather facts, classify them into different categories, and then see the relationship between seemingly contradicting elements."
Enneagram: The Reformer
Alignment: Neutral Good
Defining Moments: First Teaching Job Right Outside of Schooling; The Birth of his first child, Sutton
Tropes: Loving Family Man


Favourite Colors: Blue, Green, Red
Favourite Animals: Cats
Favourite Magical Creatures: Griffin, Phoenix
Favourite Place: Old Architecture, such as Tours of old Castles in England as well as New Zealand. His favourite is probably the London Tower tour.
Favourite Flavors: Savory, Salty
Favourite Foods: Breakfast Foods
Favourite Drinks: Green Tea, Oat Milk Coffee, Smoothies.
Favourite Music: Classical
Favourite Sports: Football, Lacrosse.
Favourite Subjects: History of Magic, Muggle Studies, Ancient Runes
Favourite Numbers: 8, 40, 6
Favourite Quotations: "The Movies remind us of life"


First Impressions: Happy Go Lucky Professor, A Bit Nerdy
Stranger Impressions: A Little "Too Happy"
Familiar Impressions: Loving Husband and Father, A little Strict
Compliments: Understanding, Happy, Knowledgeable, Nerdy
Insults: Overworking, "Lame," "Boring."


Mood: Overall in a good mood most of the time. Get's passionate about the things he loves.
Attitude: Laid Back but also strict when need be.
Expressiveness: He tries his best to show what he is thinking unless it is damaging to those around him.
When Happy: Smiles widely, Laughs, Talks Non-Stop.
When Sad: Will talk to his wife, will often hide how serious his sadness is unless he is around Amanda.
When Angry: His face often grows red. He acts more disappointed than angry.


Languages: English
Accent: British
Voice: Confident, Joyous
Laughter: Loud, Joyous
Tag Line: "Love you Forever and Always, My Crumpet" (To his Wife Amanda; An Inside Joke)
Signature Quote: "The Movies Teach Us About Real Life; What we Shouldn't Forget"


Main Goal: Having a large, beautiful family and succeeding in his career; eventually obtaining a History of Magic Professor position.
Minor Goals/Ambitions: Making a difference in a student's life; seeing his children succeed with his helping hand.
Career: Professor (Various Positions)
Wishlist: To Make His Mark on History
Biggest Failure: At times pushing his opinions on his children too forcefully.
Regrets: Sometimes he regrets moving to New Zealand, but would never change it in the world. He just misses his family back home.
Worries: Warren worries he works too much sometimes or even spends too much time participating in his hobbies. Even though he spends a lot of time with his family, he will always worry deep down that it is not enough time.
Best Dream: Having a large, beautiful family and succeeding in his career.
Best Memories: His Wedding to Amanda as well as the engagement process. He also has very fond memories of every 'amazing' movie that he has ever seen.
Worst Memories: Seeing the student's disappointed face when he left his first teaching position.


Religion: Agnostic
Motivation: Knowledge
Political Party: Liberal
Etiquette: Proper when needed. Laid Back Most of the Time (Not Formal yet still professional when needed)
Traditions: Every year Warren visits his parents house for a whole week. The family has a family reunion which just keeps growing every year.

*All Quotes taken Pirates of the Caribbean Film Series
*Personality Test @NERIS Analytics Limited 2020
*Temperament Taken from Psychologia.co @2020


Name: Amanda Spencer
Maiden Name: Amanda Addison
Blood Status: Half Blood
Profession: Ministry Worker
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
History: Amanda comes from a large family. She had nine siblings in total! Amanda is the second youngest sibling in her big family and still tries to stay in contact with her family on a weekly basis. Amanda has a twin (Dylan) and talks to her brother on a daily basis. Amanda is close to her parents and most of her other siblings. She tries to stay in touch with them whenever she can. Although they may have different ideals than Amanda and her husband, she believes family is important when raising their children. She often reaches out to some of the family members she is not close with, even if they do not return the effort.
Personality: Amanda is both serious and silly when the situation calls for. She was raised to understand the benefit of appearance and not showing inappropriate emotions. Due to this, Amanda is a master at bringing her serious side out for work at the Ministry and being absolutely silly at home. She loves to play with her children and enjoy time with Warren.
Played By: Amanda Seyfried


Name: Sutton Spencer
Blood Status: Half Blood
Profession: Student
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Personality: Sutton lives in her own little fantasy of books. She loves to read about adventures and fighting villains! She always has a book on her just in case the moment gets "boring." Sutton always feels like the real world is just not exciting enough. Her family is "plain" as she calls them. Sutton loves animals, writing, reading, and hiking. She loves to be outside even if it is just reading a book on her front yard. Sutton is a very social person when she wants to be and often likes to be around people with similar interests. Sutton has been told she is too loud. She likes to talk loud, laugh loud, and just enjoy. If life isn't like a story book, whats the point.
Played By: Freya Mavor


Name: Zephryn Spencer
Blood Status: Half Blood
Profession: Student
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Personality: Zephryn is the younger of the Spencer twins by ten minutes. This however has not made her less outgoing or willing to be in her sister's shadow. Zee, as she likes to be called, is very hyper and excitable. She loves to participate in sports, especially ones where you can yell from the crowd. Her favourite right now is rugby. Zee is less inclined to spend time in the library with her sisters than she is to be outside with her brother. However, Zee and Sutton are the closest of sisters. Zee always feels like she can talk to Sutton when her and Kita are not getting along.
Played By: Dakota Blue Richards


Name: Kita Spencer
Blood Status: Half Blood
Profession: Student
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Personality: Kita is the oldest of the Spencer twins by ten minutes. She is very strong-willed and "know-it-all." Kita loves to spend time in the library with Sutton, but often shushes her when she becomes to into her adventure books. Kita loves to read just about anything she can get her hands on, but mostly nonfiction books.
Played By: Dakota Blue Richards


Name: Eston Spencer
Blood Status: Half Blood
Profession: Student
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Personality: Eston loves to be the center of attention whether that be in sports, education, or a simple conversation. He can be bossy at times, but his sisters often "put him in his place" as the youngest of the four. Eston often jumps from hobby to hobby not yet finding his right fit. He loves to engage in music of any time as a 'closet' hobby. Eston loved to play every instrument and loves to sing.
Played By: Sterling Knight


Name: Diana Spencer
Maiden Name: Diana Wilkenson
Blood Status: Half Blood
Profession: Retired
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Personality: Diana is rather stern. She enjoys order and organization. She is very loving and nurturing to her children, however she has very high standards as to their successes.
Played By: Meryl Streep


Name: Avery Spencer
Blood Status: Muggle Born
Profession: College Professor
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Played By:
Pierce Brosnan


Name: Justin Spencer
Blood Status: Half Blood
Profession: Ministry Worker
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Personality: Justin loves to laugh. He is rarely serious and enjoys laughing off any terrible situation. He often gets in trouble at family events for his 'jokes' but he also is known for lightening up any situation.
Played By: Ryan Gosling


Name: Joseph Spencer
Blood Status: Half Blood
Profession: Healer
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Personality: Joseph is a very timid individual. He became a healer to help people, although he is not sure the high stress of the job is always right for him. He has a small family of his own, including two children and a loving husband.
Played By: Owen Wilson


Name: Matthew Spencer
Blood Status: Half Blood
Profession: Lawyer in Muggle Law Firm
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Personality: Matthew is very calculated. He enjoys what he does as long as he wins. He puts all his effort into his work. Although Matthew believes he often works for the good of the world, sometimes he gets lost in the victory over the moral outcomes.
Played By: Jude Law


Name: Becca Aftendale
Blood Status: Half Blood
Profession: Auror
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Personality: Becca is much like her mother in the fact she is very nurturing, but stern. Becca takes things very seriously when they are important, rarely making jokes if someone could get hurt. She also has a nurturing side in which she often 'mothered' her siblings older or younger. Becca is an auror who really has a busy schedule; job, family, and even hobbies.
Played By: Ashley Tisdale


Name: Lyla Royle
Blood Status: Half Blood
Profession: Professor (Hogwarts England)
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Personality: Lyla is very adventurous and loves to try new things. She can often be found making rather lame jokes or spending time outside. She is a professor loves it with every fiber of her being. She loves her students and often tries a little too hard to be the 'cool' professor.
Played By: Hilary Duff




Warren lives in a lovely five bedroom home with his wife and four children. He enjoys the library the most, however he is often found in the theater room watching movies with his family or even outside playing sports to stay active
Floor Plan:




Full Photo Album Link

*All Quotes Taken Pirates of the Caribbean Film Series
*All House related images from Excellent Floor Plans @2020

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