Week off & general slowness

Aine Thompson

Most Interesting (Head) Girl In The World
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Curly 13" Rigid Pine Wand, Meteorite Dust Core
18 (21/9/2043)
Hey all, firstly sorry for totally dropping the ball on threads (esp. adult threads) this past semester, I started off strong and then real life hit me like a freight train. My anxiety has been off the charts and work has been pretty awful which has just about killed my muse for a majority of my characters :( I am hoping to get back to semi-normal next semester!

But I am also going away for a few days from tomorrow! I will be off to Melbourne to see my best friend for a much needed break and even more needed company. (Did you know living alone when you have anxiety amongst other things is bad???) I will be lurking as usual and keeping an eye on Quidditch though and will be here for the international schools game.

If I have dropped the ball on a plot or you want to organize something or just generally chat hit me up on discord or send me a PM (I will be too nervous to start conversations because I have bad social anxiety but I will ramble and like hearing about plots and character ideas even if I am not involved!) Thanks for being patient with me :wub:
Have a great time off!

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