Closed Welcome Party

Kyon Lockwood

Twin- Sporty- Confident
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Straight 15 1/2 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Doxy Wing Core
8/19/2046 (16)
As the sorting ceremony finished, Kyon moved away from the Gryffindor table and over to the Puff seating, dropping down next to Marley. He leaned back against the table, crossing his legs and giving her an impish grin. "Hufflepuff, why am I not surprised," He winked playfully at his cousin. "I'm surprised your dummy didn't end up here with you," He commented, looking over to the Gryffindor table where Amodeus was looking wide eyed at everything with a silly grin. He chuckled and shook his head, turning his attention back to Marley. "So, how do you like the castle so far?"
Marley was absolutely thrilled about being in Hogwarts and she was pleased as to where she was sorted into. She honestly didn't know much about each of the houses, so she didn't really mind where she was sorted into. As long as she made friends at school, it was all that really mattered to her. Marley was glad when the food had arrived, she chatted with a few people around her before she whipped her head around and noticed that her cousin had come to join her. She laughed a little at Kyon's comment. "Is that a good or bad thing?" Marley asked with a small laugh. Marley hoped it wasn't a bad thing that Kyon wasn't surprised as to where she was sorted into.

Marley looked towards the Gryffindor in search of her friend as Kyon mentioned him. She was sad that she hadn't been sorted into the same house as Amodeus but she was also glad to have Dominic with her. She whacked her cousin jokingly. "Hey, don't call him a dummy" Marley says, even though she knew her cousin didn't really mean it, she was still protective over her friend. "I just hope he's doing okay" Marley says, she was pretty sure that the boy would do okay alone, but she was always worried about her friends. Marley's eyes went wide at her cousin's question. "The castle is so pretty and cool! The outside looked huge! I cannot wait to explore the castle."
Kyon smiled at the question. "Good, I'd say. Hufflepuffs are kind and hardworking. Sounds like your bag," He offered her a playful wink. "And they're legendary for having the coziest common room. Definitely your kind of place." He reassured her. He laughed lightly as she basically told him to lay off Amodeus. "Come on, Marl, Amodeus is all heart and no brain," He countered, finding the nicest way he could of calling the boy stupid. He chuckled as she gushed over the castle. "Well be sure to let me know if you want me to show you around," He offered easily. "I know all the best spots."
Marley listened carefully as her cousin spoke about the house that she had been sorted into. "I like the sound of all that. It sounds nice" Marley said with a small nod and smile. She guessed that she was happy to be sorted into Hufflepuff and she couldn't wait to see the Hufflepuff common room. She pouted a little as Kyon spoke about her friend. "He too does have a brain. He's just always in his own world" Marley said, as she continued to defend Amodeus. She was protective of her best friend. Marley's face lit up. "Yes! That would be cool if you could show me around! Are there any secret places that no one else knows about?"
Kyon rolled his eyes playfully. "His brain is glitter and sunbeams," He countered, nudging her. At her last question, he just laughed. "Now, now, I can't tell you all my secrets," He teased her. "Some things you just have to find on your own!" He explained, reaching out with the intent to ruffle her hair.
"His brain is fine. He's just happy all the time and likes to blow bubbles. Nothing bad about it" Marley argued back a little, defending her friend. She pouted a little. "Awh, why not?" Marley said sadly. "But figuring it out is just too much work" Marley complained a little. But she guessed it made sense for her to find out on her own. She didn't swat his hand away this time as he made his way to touch her head though.
Kyon chuckled, but let it drop. He wasn't going to argue with her about how ditzy her bestie was. He just gave her a smile. "Oh come on, if I tell you all the secrets, you won't get to have adventures of your own," He replied with a playful wink. "Life has to be lived, kid, it's not fun if you just get handed all the answers."

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