Weston Stirling

Weston Stirling

where do we go from here, my friend?
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Knotted 10" Rigid Alder Wand with Mermaid Scale Core
The Basics
Hey man sing me a song
When we were everyone

Full Name: Weston Quinn Stirling
Gender: Male
Birthday: 20 March 2041
Age: 20
Hometown: Auckland, New Zealand
Occupation: Retail associate
Education: Hogwarts New Zealand (2052-2059)

Magical Information
No cell phones just twenty thousand lights
Swayin' on a Saturday night alright

Blood Status: Half Blood
Wand: Knotted 10" Rigid Alder Wand with Mermaid Scale Core
Boggart: A giant centipede
Amortentia: Petrichor, cedar wood, cinnamon, coffee, and a hint of gasoline
Mirror of Erised: Him as a famous musician living in a big city
Dementor: -
Patronus: Weston is unable to produce a corporeal patronus
Patronus Memory: Receiving his Hogwarts letter

Can't stop singin' along
Can you join in, come on

Hair: Brown and wavy, Weston's hair is perpetually untidy. He keeps it fairly short and runs a comb through it whenever he remembers, but it usually ends up messy by the end of the day.
Eyes: He has brown eyes.
Height: At 5'7'', Weston is on the shorter side. He doesn't mind too much though he sometimes wishes he was taller.
Style: Weston dresses very casually and doesn't really give much thought to his appearance, instead valuing comfort. He prefers muggle clothes and thinks that robes look kind of silly (and are also a tripping hazard). In the summer, Weston usually wears t-shirts and athletic shorts. Once cooler weather rolls around, he lives in flannels and hoodies, the softer the fabric the better. Though they're not exactly comfortable, he often wears jeans but definitely prefers joggers if he can get away with it.
Other Distinguishing Features: -
Playby: Daniel Diemer
General Description:
Weston is shorter than average, and his tendency to slouch doesn't exactly help. He has a stocky build and broad shoulders. There's almost always a smile on his face and a twinkle of wonder in his eyes. When walking around, his head is always swiveling back and forth as he tries to take in the world around him. Weston's never been the neatest person, and his clothing is perpetually wrinkled, a jacket collar partially folded in or a shirt half untucked. At home and in the muggle world, he almost always has headphones around his neck or earbuds dangling out of his hoodie pocket.

Whatever was or what's meant to be
Our melodies are memories

General Description:
Weston is a true extrovert, getting all his energy from being around other people. He loves meeting people, talking to them, even just watching them. Every stranger is just a future friend, and he wants to make as many friends as possible. He has no qualms about approaching random people and enthusiastically introducing himself. He loves nothing more than spending an afternoon wandering through crowded city streets and plazas, taking the world in and feeling as if he is part of something bigger than himself.

Paradoxically, Weston's immense desire to socialize hasn't left him with the best social skills. He's terrible at recognizing boundaries and operates from a very self-centered point of view. If he spots someone he wants to talk to, he will talk to them, whether or not they even want to be bothered. Weston expects to be liked, and if someone doesn't enjoy his company, he assumes something is wrong with them, not him. Sometimes he won't even notice subtle cues that someone dislikes him. He can also be thoughtless, forgetting details about other people's lives while expecting them to keep track of the intricacies of his own.

Weston grew up very sheltered. The biggest dangers have always lurked in the faded pages of his comic books and the ghost stories his dad told. As a result, they feel far removed from his own idyllic life. He believes people are naturally good and trustworthy and will take them at their word. How can a world where music and stories and magic exist contain any evil? He is thus very susceptible to manipulation and lies. Because he is an open book and usually tells the truth — even when a white lie might be the more polite option — he expects the same of others.

Getting sorted into Ravenclaw initially came as a surprise to Weston and his parents since he's never been the best student. When it comes to his studies, he can be very lazy and takes procrastinating to the extreme. If he's not interested in a task, he has a time concentrating on it and motivating himself to actually complete it. Maths was always his worst subject since he hated the rigidity of the discipline and all the rules and formulas he had to memorize. He has always preferred the more people-focused subjects of history and literature.

It is his love of the creative arts that is Weston's most Ravenclaw trait. The son of two historians, he has an immense love for stories, the wilder, the better. He has a fierce imagination and loves contemplating "what if" scenarios. He also adores music and the way a simple melody can evoke emotion and bring people together. Weston has taken guitar lessons from a young age, and it is the one subject he can devote hours to without getting tired or bored. Nothing makes his dedication and determination shine more than a particularly tough song that requires his full attention to master.

Weston has a natural curiosity about the world around him. He grew up listening to tales of his parents' adventures in foreign countries, and he knows there's more out there than just Auckland or even New Zealand. He wants to see all the biggest cities in the world, both muggle and magical. Weston has a healthy sense of ambition, fueled by grand dreams of playing music around the world, and he has no doubts he'll get there.

Strengths: earnest, imaginative, dedicated, friendly, trustworthy
Weaknesses: self-centered, naïve, careless, gullible, disorganized
Likes: playing the guitar, comic books, folk music, board games, rainy afternoons, people watching, snickerdoodles, the color yellow, ghost stories, taking public transportation
Dislikes: anything with more than four legs, studying, dirt, sports, maths, dull pencils, waking up early, old guitar strings, hot weather, olives, heavy metal music
  • He once accidentally shoplifted a deck of cards. He felt so bad that the next day, he slipped an envelope with the money he owed under the store's door before running away. He has never returned.
  • He slept with a nightlight until he left for Hogwarts.
  • He's afraid his parents will suddenly decide to withdraw him from Hogwarts to homeschool him again.
  • Make a bunch of friends at Hogwarts
  • Become a professional musician and maybe join a band
  • Beat his dad at wizard's chess
  • Busk at Washington Square Park in NYC
  • See his favorite band perform live
Where do we go from here my friend?
Is this the way our story ends?

Immediately after graduating Hogwarts New Zealand, Evie decided she'd take some time to travel. She'd spent her life in New Zealand and wanted to see the world. Her trip would take her across West Europe, down to Morocco and through West Africa. She had self-studied French and Gobbledegook and was eager to test her skills and maybe pick up some new languages. It was in a bar in Nice that she met Tom, a muggle who was on his gap year before university. The two instantly bonded over being the only two Kiwis in the room and started a fling that lasted a couple of weeks as they made their way through Southern France and Spain before heading their separate ways.

Evie completely forgot about Tom until six years later when they ended up at the same history conference. While they had been apart, Tom had studied history, intent on going into academia, while Evie learned more languages and began work as a translator and interpreter. Now that they were both in the same city, they rekindled their friendship, which soon turned into a romance. A few years later, they got married, and a few years after that, once Tom had earned his doctorate, they had Weston.

Life was difficult the first few years as they tried to build up their careers while taking care of Weston. They lived in a tiny apartment in Auckland as it was all they could afford and it was close to Tom's work. Because they lived in a muggle community, Evie wasn't able to perform magic, but she didn't really mind. She was more interested in her language work, and by now, she was mostly translating human languages. Evie's mother, Lisa, lived nearby, and she would often help babysit Weston before he was old enough for daycare. As a result, Weston has fond memories of spending time with his grandmother, who would bake him cookies and take him to the park and if he was good enough, create pretty sparks to dance in the air. That last activity almost always led to a power outage.

Weston had always wanted a sibling, but Evie and Tom decided early on that they couldn't really afford another child. Taking care of one magical child was hard enough, and that was with the help of Lisa. Whenever Weston experienced a strong rush of emotion, nearby objects emitted high-pitched noises. Often these bursts of magic would cause the nearest electronic device to malfunction. They couldn't imagine all of the uncontrollable magic a second child would bring. Besides, Weston was enough for them. They delighted in showering him with love and attention.

Evie and Tom first tried enrolling Weston in daycare when he was four. That attempt lasted three days before the center mysteriously lost power and two ceiling lights exploded when someone made Weston cry. To avoid suspicion, they decided to keep Weston at home until primary, in the hopes he'd be able to control his magic better when he was older. A year later, he enrolled in primary. He lasted several months before the teacher's computer caught on fire, forcing the school to evacuate. There was no lasting damage, and no one suspected Weston, but Evie and Tom decided that it might be better to just have Lisa homeschool him. At least that would also allow him to learn a bit about magic before he entered Hogwarts.

Weston split his days between Lisa's house on the outskirts of Auckland and his city apartment. He would spend time with Lisa while his parents were at work and then Evie would whisk him back to the apartment. Because Lisa lived in a magical community, Weston was able to interact with other kids there and watch his grandmother perform spells. There was also more room to run around and more curious magical knicknacks to play with. At his apartment complex, there were very few kids, and none of them were magical. But he still loved running around the city, dragging his parents behind him as he explored. As far as he was concerned, every stranger was a potential friend, and it was exciting to be surrounded by so many people, by so much energy.

It was on one of his weekend walks around the city that he spotted his first busker. Weston was immediately transfixed, both by the music and the way the crowd moved, rippling and nodding and smiling as the notes washed over them. After dumping all of his pocket change into the busker's hat — earning him a smile and a wink that positively made him giddy — he asked his parents for guitar lessons. Evie and Tom were skeptical. Weston was fairly young and private lessons were expensive, but they knew it would be good for him.

Weston turned out to be naturally talented at the guitar. Even more importantly, he was actually willing to practice, which had surprised both Evie and Tom. He had never been the greatest student, often completing his work at the last minute and after some prompting by Lisa, but he was determined to make the guitar work. His interest in music more generally sharpened, and he enjoyed digging through old records on the weekends (he had read somewhere that vinyl sounded better).

Though Weston had a very happy childhood — thanks in no small part to having three loving adults constantly spoil him — he did wish he could go to a regular school. He wanted to play with other kids his age. Some days he got bored doing his lessons at home though he tried to fill up his days with activities. Aside from his music, he liked flipping through comic books and playing board games, especially magical ones. Even just wandering the city and people watching was exciting to him.

When his Hogwarts letter came, Weston screamed. And then the lights went out. It didn't matter though. As his parents sighed and went to call the building's maintenance person, they couldn't help but smile at the sight of Weston hunched over his letter, flashlight in hand, as he read and reread the words. His time had finally come.

  • Evie Stirling née McKenna - Mother
    • 49 years old | Translator | Halfblood
  • Thomas Stirling - Father
    • 50 years old | Historian | Muggle
  • Lisa McKenna née Garland - Grandmother
    • 75 years old | Retired | Halfblood
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Hogwarts Years

Weston was practically bouncing up and down in excitement. He was finally here! Hogwarts! He'd grown up hearing stories from his mum, but that didn't stop him from staring in open awe at the castle. It was even more impressive than he imagined. Weston drank in his surroundings as he followed his soon-to-be classmates into the Great Hall. Head tilted back and gaze firmly fixed on the soaring ceilings and archways, he nearly ran into someone several times. But he still refused to look down.

There were so many people in the Great Hall, and Weston's heartbeat picked up. He couldn't wait to meet everyone and make a bunch of friends. Homeschooling had been so lonely, and he was ready to make up for lost time. He barely listened as the headmistress started to speak; he already knew what to expect thanks to his mum's stories. Instead, Weston stared at the hat which sat motionless. It was much bigger than he expected, and the thought that it would soon decide his fate made him shiver.

Suddenly the hat began to sing, and Weston grinned. He already knew the basic traits of each house, but he still hung onto the hat's every word. Ravenclaw. That's where his mum had been, and that's where he wanted to be as well. Truthfully, he knew he probably didn't study as much as a true Ravenclaw would, but if he joined the house, he'd make it work. He would. The hat soon concluded its song, and Weston began the long, agonizing wait to be sorted.

"Stirling, Weston."

Weston took a deep breath and walked quickly to the stool before sitting down. He tried to look up at the hat as it was placed on his head, but he went a bit cross-eyed so he decided to instead focus on the house banners hanging on the walls. His mum had mentioned that the hat could hear his thoughts, so he decided to try to talk to it. Hi, hat. I'm Weston, and I want to be a Ravenclaw.

"Are you sure? You'd make a good Gryffindor or a good hufflepuff? Just remember, Ravenclaw's don't just study they value creativity too....okay then.....Ravenclaw,"

Favorite Subject

Least Favorite Subject

Brotherhood of Magic (Y37-Y43)

Conglomerated Arts Club (Y38-Y43)

  • Y39 - Was attacked by the eel​
  • Y39 - Won the "Most likely to get eaten by the eel" Accio! superlative​
  • Y43 - Made prefect​
Best Memories
  • Throwing a party for his year group with Isaiah (Y39)​
  • Seeing the eel with Indira (Y39)​
  • Receiving the prefect badge (Y43)​
Worst Memories
  • Getting into a fight with Eoin (Y39)​
  • Being ignored for a whole year by Isaiah (Y40)​
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First Year


I Hear It Calling | Isaiah Thompson
While exploring Obsidian Harbour, Weston stops to listen to a busker and bumps into another incoming first year.

Train to the Unknown | Noah Mendes, Branson Archer
It's finally time to board the train to Hogwarts, and Weston wastes no time in trying to make some friends.

Y37 Sorting Ceremony | Katherine Alicastell, Sorting Hat, First Years
There's only ever been one house that Weston has wanted, and thankfully for him, he gets it.

Ravenclaw House Meeting Y37/S1 | Kahurangi Josephs, Ravenclaws
After years of hearing stories about the Ravenclaw common room from his mum, Weston finally gets to see it in person.

First Night Blues | Eoin Armati, Branson Archer, Julien Beaumont
Weston meets some of his new roommates and makes a less-than-stellar first impression.

The Beginning | Jordan Harris
Rumors of a room filled with magical instruments draw Weston to the Conglomerated Arts Room, and he discovers he's not the only music-obsessed first year.

Everything Looks Better Up Here | Indira Khatri
Weston starts his quest to explore the entire castle in the North Tower, where he meets another first year.

First Year Tour | Alice Holland, Connor Holland, Freya Song, Yukiko Edogawa, Elara Chatelain, Salem Lee, Valencia Addington
An older student tries to warn the first years about the castle's hidden dangers but quickly gets silenced.

Y37 Club Fair | Hogwarts Students
Weston has always wanted siblings, so he decides to join the Brotherhood of Magic to finally get some. Sort of.

Y37 Brotherhood Welcome Meeting | Brotherhood Members
Weston catches up with a couple of his friends in the new super cool, super exclusive clubhouse he now has access to (aka the Brotherhood room).

Send This Letter | Bobbi Bacuzzi
Another first-year has harassed all the owls into sheltering in the ceiling rafters, which poses a problem when Weston needs to send a letter.

Protecting Halloween | Valencia Addington
Someone decided that enchanting cupcakes to act like spiders for the Halloween Feast was a good idea. Weston strongly disagrees.

CAC Y37 S1 - Christmas Cards and Yule Ball Invitations | CAC Members
After forming tons of friendships that may or may not be unrequited in his first semester at Hogwarts, Weston decides to make his friends cards.

Power Couple...? | Jenna Irons
Weston meets up with his blind date for the Yule Ball, but things quickly go downhill when he accidentally insults her.

Sweet Music Playing in the Dark | Jordan Harris
As Weston finishes up another music practice session with his friend, the pair start to toss around the idea of starting a band.

And I Will Change My Ways | Julien Beaumont
After a lackluster quiz grade, Weston heads to the library to search for a smart person who might be able to help him.



Total House Points

Second Year


Strumming On | Isaiah Thompson
Weston tosses rhymes back and forth with a friend as they serenade an empty courtyard.

Trying To Do It Right | Eoin Armati
At the urging of his parents, Weston asks one of his classmates to tutor him in History of Magic.

Ten Thousand Pictures | Valencia Addington
It's drizzling outside, which means it's perfect weather to curl up next to a window with a stack of comics and cookies.

Ode to Happier Times | Maggi Watties
After the long winter break, Weston heads for his favorite room in the castle and discovers it occupied.

I Can Tell That We Are Gonna Be Friends | Micha Kovac
A pen pal program connects Weston with another second-year student at Ilvermorny.

Y38 Club Fair | Hogwarts Students
Weston is eager to officially join the Conglomerated Arts Club and decides to give the club leader some "helpful" suggestions.

More Flexible Than My Wand | Nia Delisha Khan
After coming across another girl standing on her head, Weston decides to give the stunt a try himself.

Bugging Bro's | Isaiah Thompson, Jordan Harris
There's only one flaw in Weston's grand vision for a band, and it's that one of his friends doesn't want to participate.

Moving Right Along | Elisabeth Easterling
After making a terrible impression on his blind date last year, Weston resolves to do better at this year's Yule Ball.

Skidding Slippery Shilly Shally | Baron Corelli, Indira Khatri
Weston's on his way to do some summertime eel scouting when he gets distracted by an indoor snow storm.

Relaxing Red | Brooke Townsend
On the way to class, Weston receives a red rose and an invitation to hang out from his best friend.

Weston Yellow Road Flows | Eugene Nestor
Some disappointing (but unsurprising) news, along with a yellow rose, makes its way to Weston.

Y38 S2 | Brotherhood Lake Party | Brotherhood Members
The Brotherhood celebrates the end of the year with a lake party, but Weston is afraid of a certain creature lurking below.

Pining | Jordan Harris
Weston gives some very useful and definitely helpful love advice to his lovesick best friend.



Total House Points

Third Year


Little Zoo | Kaia Stark
Weston is on his way to the Conglomerated Arts room but gets sidetracked by a little zoo of animals.

Back to the Basics | Eoin Armati
A tutoring session takes a sharp turn for the worse when Weston brings up his theories about the giant eel's diet.

One of Those Days | Valencia Addington
The chess pieces in Weston's magical set are bored of playing against each other, so he seeks out a new opponent.

Third Years Hang Out! | Third Years
Weston teams up with one of his best friends to throw a party celebrating the start of third year.

It's Only Science if You Write It Down | Indira Khatri, The Golden Eel
After more than two years of speculating about the man-eating eel, Weston finally comes face to face with the beast.

Change Your Tune | Salem Lee
In search of a new music practice room, Weston decides to test the abandoned lavatory's acoustics.

New Year, New Practices | Jordan Harris
The end of the break means the start of band practices, and Weston's bandmate has a surprise to kick things off.

Y39 Brotherhood Welcome Meeting | Brotherhood Members
Weston catches up with some of his friends at the first Brotherhood of Magic meeting of the year.

Ten Million Fireflies | Akihiro Chen
The Great Hall looks a little different for this year's Yule Ball, and Weston is concerned those floating lights might be real fireflies.

WPC/CAC - Project Garden Kingdom | WPC Members, CAC Members
The Conglomerated Arts Club and Wild Patch Club come together to build a garden castle.

Sunny Days, Cold Feet | Isaiah Thompson, Cyndi Kingsley
Weston thinks he's ready to enter the Forbidden Forest and meet a centaur. (Spoiler: He's not).

Excuse Me, Do You Have a Moment To Talk About the Eel? | Indira Khatri, Eoin Armati, Lysander Summers
An attempt to interview other eel eye-witnesses quickly devolves into an argument with a non-believer.

Mysteries From the Beginning of Time | Sutton Spencer
Once again, Weston finds himself stuck outside of the Ravenclaw tower, unable to answer the riddle.

Y39 S2 | Brotherhood and Heta Omega Bonfire Party | Brotherhood Members, Heta Omega Members
The two largest Hogwarts clubs throw a bonfire party to celebrate the end of the school year.

Slow It Down, Look Around | Jordan Harris
Feeling neglected, one of Weston's best friends seeks him out in search of some attention.

Y39 Yearbook is Out! | Accio! Staff, Hogwarts Students
Weston fishes for additional proof of the man-eating eel after winning a superlative referencing the creature.


Total House Points

Fourth Year


Some Independence | Louis Vernier
As Weston trudges up towards the common room after the Welcome Feast, he notices someone break away from the crowd and decides to investigate.

Much Busier Breakfast | Valeria Iglesias
There's an unfamiliar face at the Ravenclaw table, and Weston discovers Hogwarts has a new transfer student.

Made to Love Magic | Valencia Addington
Weston teaches one of his muggleborn friends how to open a chocolate frog and introduces her to the world of chocolate frog cards.

Numb | Jordan Harris
A nasty breakup sends Weston's best friend spiraling, and he discovers that he is partially to blame.

Take Notes | Indira Khatri
It's the second week of classes, and Weston is already starting to wonder if he's cut out for History of Magic.

Y40 Welcome Meeting - Get To Know Your Brother | Brotherhood Members
The Brotherhood of Magic members play a game of spin the bottle to get to know each other.

Get Out While You Still Can | Delilah Thorne, Valeria Iglesias
After discovering a spider in his dorm, Weston does the natural thing and decides to move into the common room.

Pretend | Jordan Harris
Between the abundance of spiders and an ex sighting, it doesn't take long for Weston and his best friend to decide to ditch the Halloween Feast.

Somewhere Only We Know | Jordan Harris
While the rest of the school celebrates in the Great Hall, Weston hangs out in the arts room with his best friend.

Sleepovers | Jordan Harris, Ares Kuya-Tine
The breaks can get lonely, so Weston is thrilled to be invited to a sleepover at his best friends' house over the summer.

Fourth Years Hang Out! | Fourth Years
After receiving an invitation to a party from a (former) friend who hasn't talked to him all year, Weston wonders if he's been forgiven.

An Astonishing Yellow Rose | Valeria Iglesias
A yellow rose from one friend makes its way to Weston via another friend on Valentine's Day.

Not a Love Song But | Nicole Fisk
Weston's piano practice session is interrupted by the delivery of a red rose from his best friend.

Anyone in There? | Soren Gates
There's some mysterious music coming from an old bathroom, and Weston and a younger student decide to investigate.

Please Give Me a Second Grace | Isaiah Thompson
After nearly a year of being on the receiving end of the silent treatment, Weston and his best friend finally make amends.

And... Done! | Isadora Novak
Weston is shocked to receive a pink rose. Making matters worse is the fact that he's not completely sure which of his friends sent it.

All Fun | Kaia Stark
Weston is in high spirits during the Valentine's Day Dance, and he quickly sets out to find one of his friends.

Not-So Secret Admirer | Jordan Harris, Ares Kuya-Tine
A secret admirer plan between two of Weston's friends goes awry when Weston is accused of being the admirer.


Total House Points

Fifth Year


Every Turn Brings Us Closer to Home | Indira Khatri, Anisha Khatri
While at an academic conference in Singapore, Weston runs into one of his Hogwarts friends and makes a surprising discovery.

A Little Chess | Branson Archer
One of Weston's roommate has a new chess set, and Weston offers to help him break it in with a game.

A New Addition | Jordan Harris, Maggi Watties
After years of practicing together, Weston and his friend discuss expanding their band by holding auditions.

The Adventures of Learning Something New | Valencia Addington
During one of his eel-watching excursions by the lake, Weston runs into a friend looking for a distraction.

Ruminating Thoughts | Valeria Iglesias
Still confused by the pink rose one of his friends sent him last year, Weston sets out to talk to her about it.

The Secrets of the Golden Eel | Lucie Vernier, Eoin Armati
Weston attends an eel research event held by one of his classmates and discovers his former friend and eel-naysayer is also there.

What Is Out There | Eoin Armati
Even though they aren't friends anymore, Weston tries to warn his roommate against swimming in the lake.

New Developments | Indira Khatri
While eel watching with one of his best friends, Weston asks questions about her secret sister who he met over the break.

CAC Meeting Y41/S1- Beach Days | Conglomerated Arts Club Members
The Conglomerated Arts room has been transformed into a beach, and Weston build a sand castle with one of his friends.

Y41 Semester 2 Arts Club Meeting: The Gallery | Conglomerated Arts Club Members
Despite not having much talent for the visual arts, Weston still paints a piece for the Conglomerated Arts Club showcase.

Study Sessions | Valencia Adington, Indira Khatri
OWLs are a couple weeks away, and Weston is in full-blown panic mode as joins his friends for a study session.

Study Group Y41/S2 | Kahurangi Josephs, Ravenclaws
Weston decides to take advantage of the Ravenclaw study period by asking a couple older students about OWLs.

Brotherhood End of Year Party | Brotherhood Members
The Brotherhood's last party of the year is an exciting one as Weston's bestest friend is named the next president.



Total House Points

Sixth Year


Familiar Connections | Indira Khatri
After discovering that his best friend has another secret relative, Weston asks her to draw out a family tree.

Reach for the Shelf | Eoin Armati
Weston comes across his roommate struggling to reach a book on a shelf, but for some reason he refuses to use magic to retrieve it.

The Magical Ways of Convincing | Valencia Addington
Baffled by his friend's aversion to magic, Weston comes up with a list of reasons why magic is the best thing ever.

We Make Our Ghosts Speak | Ethan Alexander
Weston hatches a brilliant plan with one of his housemates to try and contact the ghosts of the man-eating eels' victims.

Yo-got This | Jordan Harris
After a band practice, Weston joins his bestest friend for a yoga session, where he learns about his friend's overloaded schedule.

No One Knows the Truth | Aine Thompson
Weston tracks down a man-eating eel witness to compare notes about their near-death experiences.

Someone New | Louis Alcott
Despite entering the Student Lounge determined to get a head-start on homework, Weston quickly becomes distracted.

Brotherhood of Magic: Y42 Party and Sign Ups | Brotherhood Members
At the first Brotherhood of Magic meeting of the year, the president reveals an exciting slate of new events.

A Browse for Owls | Mervyn Strangewayes, Ivelisse Burleigh
A large owl attacks Weston and two other shop patrons after one of them refuses to stop insulting the bird.

Studying? Not So Much | Isaiah Thompson
Determined not to procrastinate on his studies, Weston drags a reluctant friend to the library for a study session.

Y42 End of Year Feast | Hogwarts Staff, Hogwarts Students



Total House Points

Seventh Year


Nowhere to Hide | Valencia Addington

The Darker Side | Gabrielle Moncrieffe

Prefects Meeting Y43 S1 | Jordan Harris

After the Meeting | Jordan Harris

All the Trouble | Isaiah Thompson

This Great Unknown Was Meant To Be Found | Indira Khatri

Nothing to See Here | Ethan Alexander

Bonding Over Creatures | Crystal Holmgaard

An Friendly Date? | Crystal Holmgaard

Better in Blue | Gabrielle Sylvie Durand

Saving the Best for Last | Isaiah Thompson

Lord of the Rose | Silas Broomhead

A Simple Yellow | Raafe Khatri

Speed Dating 6-7 - Weston's Table | Elara Chatelain, Louis Vernier



Total House Points
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Auckland, NZ (2059-present)

Retail associate (2059-present)

Guitar teacher (2059-present)


Best Memories


Worst Memories


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